Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1014 Lobster breakthrough, fire-breathing dragon’s trick!

The moment the battle started, the Iron Claw Lobster rushed out.

Wrapped by the water on his body, [Water Jet] is activated.

In an instant, Iron Claw Lobster arrived in front of Super Charizard X.

Ai Lan and Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon, who were watching the battle next to them, instantly became serious in their eyes.

If it were his own fire-breathing dragon, would he be able to react?


The pincers and dragon claws collided.

A smile appeared on Super Charizard X's face.

We have been friends for so many years, how can I not understand you?

But Ironclaw Lobster thinks so too.

We have been friends for so many years, how can I not understand you?

While Super Charizard X blocked his sudden attack, Iron Claw Lobster used [Crush] on Super Charizard X.

The black energy teeth closed, knocking Super Charizard X back two steps.

Super Charizard

The Charizard rubbed its feet on the ground, stopped its retreat, and then looked at the Iron Claw Lobster seriously.

The iron-clawed lobster hit the target with one strike, but it still gave him a headache.

The attributes of Super Charizard X Dragon type plus Fire type are really disgusting.

Not to mention the weakness of the water element, all abilities of the body have been improved.

The [Bite] that was just blessed by the [Adaptability] trait was not painful or itchy when it hit Super Charizard X's body.

It's actually a bit difficult to do.

After taking a look at the slightly excited Koga Ninja next to him, Iron Claw Lobster finally decided to give him a try with Koga Ninja's fighting style for the time being.

If you can't hold it any longer, come up with your own fighting style.

Although both of them are of water type and evil type.

Although they all rely on speed and physical attack ability.

But the difference is.

The speed of the crayfish is straight forward.

What he is good at is short bursts.

The Koga Ninja is different. He is better at fighting, relying on his speed and flexibility to continuously attack the opponent until he completely defeats the opponent.

This is very useful against opponents who are weaker than you and opponents who are about the same strength as you.

But facing an opponent like Ai Lan's Super Charizard X who is stronger than Koga Ninja in all aspects, he can only be beaten in all directions.

The iron-clawed lobster is different.

His short burst of characteristics can catch the opponent off guard.

Even if the opponent is stronger than him, there is a high probability that more or less flaws will be revealed in this situation.

This is how he defeats the strong with the weak.

It’s your weak spot that I’m hitting!

Especially the kind of guy whose attributes are restrained by him.

Super Charizard X moved, its blood-red wings waved, and Super Charizard X's speed increased dramatically.

At the same time, Super Charizard X's hand also flashed with thunder.

[Thunder Fist].

Iron-clawed lobsters are waiting. Although Super Charizard X is very fast, it is not slow either.

The Iron Claw Lobster found the opportunity and sideways dodged Super Charizard X's [Thunder Fist]. At the same time, the [Crab Claw Hammer] suddenly hit Super Charizard X.


[Crab Claw Hammer] and [Dragon Tail] collided together. The next second, Super Charizard X suddenly turned around and smashed down with [Thunder Fist].

However, after the Iron Claw Lobster's attack was blocked by [Dragon Tail], it immediately retreated.

[Thunder Fist] missed. Super Charizard X wanted to continue attacking, but was directly blinded by [Bubble Light].

Koga Ninja looked on with bright eyes. This was exactly his fighting style!

However, Iron Claw Lobster has improved a bit on his fighting style.

Just like when he fought Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon just now.

If you use [Foam Light] to smear your face like Iron Claw Lobster, you can not only prevent yourself from being hit by [Thunder Fist] for the second time, but you can also give yourself some time to adjust your condition.

The Koga Ninja was excited, but the Iron Claw Lobster was having a hard time.

Although this kind of fighting style that is not his own can be used, it is still very awkward.

According to his character, after his attack was blocked by the Charizard's [Dragon Tail], he should have a head-on confrontation with the Charizard.

But because he wanted to demonstrate to Koga Ninja, he directly chose to withdraw.

This resulted in the air in his chest that couldn't come out and was stuck in his chest.


The Iron-clawed Lobster let out a long breath, adjusted his condition, and then rushed towards Super Charizard X again.

Super Charizard X had just wiped off the foam on his face when he saw the figure of the Iron Claw Lobster.

【Hot Wind】!

The attack without hesitation also successfully blocked the iron claw lobster's offensive.

The iron-clawed lobster retreated quickly. Although it successfully avoided the range of [Hot Wind], it...

The breath of the iron-clawed lobster that has just grown out has become more intense.

I am not as flexible as Koga Ninja!

No more fun!

After the Iron Claw Lobster gestured to the Koga Ninja Frog, he was ready to return to his own style.

But just when he signaled to Koga Ninja, Super Charizard X had already rushed over.

The thunder roars, and the iron-clawed lobster is not afraid.

The two pliers are crossed together, head-on!

[Cross Scissors] and [Thunder Punch] collided, and neither Pokémon had an advantage.

The other hand of Super Charizard X also flashed with thunder and lightning, and he smashed it at the Iron Claw Lobster.

After following Kirby for so long, I haven't learned the ability to use lightning and fire in one hand.

But the fire-breathing dragon still has the ability to use both hands [Thunder Fist].

But everyone has learned from Kirby, but you are not the only one who has learned this from Charizard!

Iron Claw Lobster took half a step back, and then suddenly sprinted into the arms of Super Charizard X.

[Close combat]!

Although both hands were used just now, I still have my body!

The huge fighting energy bombarded Super Charizard X, knocking Super Charizard X back several steps.

After Charizard evolved into Super Charizard X, although it lost many weaknesses.

But similarly, the fighting system has also changed from resistance to normal damage.

This also makes Super Charizard X a bit difficult to accept.

But then the crayfish will start to go downhill.

If the state of the iron-clawed lobster could be described with an allusion.

Then it can only be done in one go.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted!

It is now beginning to decline.

As long as Super Charizard X continues to attack, Iron Claw Lobster will soon enter its third stage.

Super Charizard X was not in a hurry. [Dragon Breath] and [Dragon Wave] began to launch long-range attacks on the Iron Claw Lobster.

Super Charizard X is not in a hurry, and neither is the Iron Claw Lobster.

When Charizard was practicing in Charizard Valley, Iron Claw Lobster was not idle either.

After he came to Xiaozhi's world, although there were fewer battles, there was one more thing during training.


After the mind calms down, there will naturally be no need to go all out in one go, then weaken again, or be exhausted three times.    Hmm, although it’s not completely done yet.

But it can be considered quite effective.

After easily dodging the fire-breathing dragon's attack, the iron-clawed lobster also continuously launched counterattacks against the fire-breathing dragon.

Although Super Charizard X no longer has the weakness of the water element, the water element's skill hits still deal normal damage.

[Salt Water], [Evil Wave].

The two sides launched attacks on each other like mobile forts.



A violent explosion sounded.

[Dragon Wave] collided with [Evil Wave], and the explosion caused thick black smoke to fall.


Super Charizard X and Iron Claw Lobster's eyes flashed at the same time.

The next second, with Lu Ze's speechless eyes, two Pokémon rushed into the smoke at the same time.

It is indeed the Pokémon I brought out.

Lu Ze crossed his arms and turned on the waveguide.

The next second, he saw two Pokémon colliding together in the black smoke.

[Thunder Fist] and [Crab Claw Hammer] collide again.

Lu Ze could feel the confused emotions coming from their waveguides.

However, the reaction speed of the two Pokémon was very fast. It only took a moment for them to react, collided with each other again, and started fighting.

"Wait, isn't that right?"

Suddenly, Lu Ze seemed to have discovered something, and looked with some surprise at the red figure in the gradually dissipating black mist.

I don’t know when, the iron-clawed lobster became as powerful as the fire-breathing dragon.

It has also reached the final stage of breaking through to master level strength.

Lu Ze touched his chin thoughtfully.

It was clear that before the battle began, and even during the initial confrontation, the Iron Claw Lobster had the upper hand.

So, when?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but the battle between Super Charizard X and Iron Claw Lobster on the field was still going on.

After a brief collision, the two soon separated again.

Charizard naturally felt the changes in the iron-clawed lobster, and couldn't help but become excited.

【Dragon's Dive】!

Both Charizard and Lu Ze noticed the changes in the Iron Claw Lobster, but the Iron Claw Lobster did not notice it.

At this moment, all his mind was on the battle with Super Charizard X.

Koga Ninja?

I can’t take care of it for the moment!

Lu Ze?

Never mind!

He just has an idea in his mind right now!

Mad, kill that guy across from you!

It’s not like I’ve never killed him before!

Why is he riding on your head now?

Super Charizard X became excited, and the Iron Claw Lobster also exploded.

Facing Super Charizard

There are no very powerful skills in the two skills of the evil system and water system.

But the [Crab Claw Hammer] is enough!

He was confident that his signature skill was used when facing Super Charizard X's [Dragon Dive].

Even if you can't gain the upper hand, you won't fall too far behind!


The two Pokémon collided together, and the waves caused by the collision suddenly erupted with the two of them at the center.

The spread of the air wave made Lu Ze and Xiao Zhi couldn't help but use their arms to block it, so that they could watch the collision between the two of them without missing a single scene.

The Claw Lobster's [Crab Claw Hammer] and Super Charizard X's [Dragon Dive] were in a stalemate, and neither side could do anything to the other.

Super Charizard X's eyes were full of surprise, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Although I don’t know why you still retain such a strong will to fight.

But my practice in the Charizard Valley is not fake!

Super Charizard X roared, dragon energy burst out again, and his pupils instantly turned blood red.


Lu Ze was shocked when he saw this scene and stood up directly to look at Super Charizard X in the field.

【Abdominal drum】…

Plus [Reverse Scale]!

Lu Ze was horrified. If he read correctly, the fire-breathing dragon used these two skills almost at the same time.


In the middle of the field, Super Charizard

Although Iron Claw Lobster became vigilant when Super Charizard X exploded, he really didn't expect Charizard's attack to be so explosive this time.

Wouldn't it explode?

[Abdominal Drum] directly drained the current Super Charizard X's physical strength, in exchange for the ultimate physical attack.

Plus [Reverse Scale], a dragon-type physics-based ultimate move.

At this point, let alone Pokémon such as Crayfish, which can be considered crispy-skinned.

Even if Kirbymon comes up, I guess it won't be easy to block it, right?


After the iron-clawed lobster was shot out, it fell heavily to the ground and lost its fighting ability in an instant.

In other words, when the fire-breathing dragon's attack hits, it loses its combat ability.

Now, not only Lu Ze, but also Xiaozhi and Ai Lan saw something was wrong.


Is it cheating?

At the same time, the elf ball on Lu Ze's waist quickly opened.

Crossbat, Electric Shock Monster, Onion Ranger, Lucario, Iron Warrior, Metagross and Blue Flame Blade Demon appeared at the same time, quietly looking at Super Charizard X on the field.

What happened just now really shocked them.

Except for the Crossbat and Kirbymon who just appeared, none of them could stop Super Charizard X's attack just now.

And even the Cross Bat can only be said to be trying its best not to let Super Charizard X get close and prevent him from using this kind of attack.

If someone accidentally gets hit by Super Charizard X's attack, Crossbat himself can't guarantee what will happen to her.

Only Kirbymon's face didn't have the smile it used to have.

But he can only ensure that he can block the attack of Super Charizard X by using [Abdominal Drum] when he is mentally prepared.

"Too fierce!"

After a while, a voice finally rang out in the quiet field.

Ai Lan's voice sounded, making Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon seem to come to life, and he came directly to the side of the fire-breathing dragon that had degenerated into a fire-breathing dragon.

"how did you do it?"

"He said he learned this from the Great Elder in the Charizard Valley."

Lucario translated Charizard's words.

"That's why their great elder secured his position as great elder. Then he saw that Charizard had the skill of abdominal bulging, so he taught it to him."

Lucario glanced at Charizard: "However, after this attack, he will probably not be able to fight for two or three days."

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