Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1015 Completely Armored Ninja Frog!

"Koga Ninja, shadow clone!"

"Gardevoir, shadow ball!"

Lu Ze sat on the grass aside and watched the battle between Koga Ninja and Gardevoir in front of him.

We were almost arriving at Yingxue City when a Karuna suddenly jumped down from the sky.

Because after hearing Wu Shihua’s prophecy, she came to find Xiaozhi.

I want to see what's different about Ash's Koga Ninja.

And so the battle began.

Karuna's Gardevoir versus Ash's Koga Ninja.

Kaluna's Gardevoir is very powerful, and is a master-level Pokémon like the Crossbat.

Facing the Koga Ninja who had no bond to evolve, he almost beat him with pressure.

The continuous release of [Shadow Balls] shattered the clones of Koga Ninja one by one, even the main body was not spared.

The Koga Ninja landed, and Xiaozhi once again commanded the Koga Ninja to attack.

Continuous [Flying Water Shuriken] were released, but they were easily dodged by Gardevoir.

"The gap in strength is still somewhat obvious."

Lu Ze held his chin and watched the battle on the field.

"How's it going, Ash's battle wavelength?"

"Not yet, no change."

Citron took a look at the data detected by Little Stroyd and shook his head.

During this time, Citron made a small Stroyd based on the research between Xiaozhi and the special evolution of the Koga Ninja Frog.

Combined with the bracelet on Xiaozhi's wrist, it can detect the battle fluctuations between Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja.

When the battle fluctuations between Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja are consistent, Koga Ninja will evolve again.

But now it seems that the battle fluctuations between Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja have not reached a consistent state.

Just like the battle with Ai Lan two days ago.

That's right, after traveling for a few days, Xiaozhi and Ailan met again at the Pokémon Center.

The two also fought again because of the data collection by Stroyd.

After Ailan's Charizard super evolved into Super Charizard X, Koga Ninja also quickly

The bond evolved.

But unfortunately, the evolution happened too late, and it was a winnable battle.

In the end, the battle was interrupted because Xiaozhi was exhausted.

Xiaozhi has also been training with Koga Ninja these two days.

Looking at it now, Xiaozhi is indeed a super newbie.

If it were him, he would probably have been drained of physical strength as soon as Koga Ninja evolved.

Lu Ze raised his head and continued to look at the field. Xiaozhi's battle had changed at this time.

At least it is no longer just [Iai Slash] and [Yan Hui].

Just like now.

After Koga Ninja's [Flying Water Shuriken] was easily dodged by Gardevoir, the [Power of the Moon] released by Gardevoir also hit Koga Ninja's body.

Koga Ninja was knocked away, but Xiaozhi had already paid attention to it.

Looking at the Koga Ninja, a smile appeared on Xiaozhi's face.

"Koga Ninja, flying water shuriken!"

Karuna is a little confused. It's clear that Koga Ninja's [Flying Water Shuriken] is useless against Gardevoir, why do you need to use it again?

However, facing Koga Ninja's [Flying Water Shuriken], Gardevoir quickly dodged it.

"Good boy!"

Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene on the court.

Isn't this the method I often use?

[Flying Shuriken] hit the ground and produced white smoke.

The Koga Ninja took advantage of the white smoke and rushed directly towards Gardevoir.

From Gardevoir's perspective, the white smoke suddenly opened a hole.

Koga Ninja rushed over.

Gardevoir, who was originally relaxed and content, was shocked for a moment, and then was knocked away by the Koga Ninja.

"With a surprise blow, it finally stopped forcing Yan Hui!"

Lu Ze couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw Xiaozhi commanding the Koga Ninja to use [Surprise Strike] instead of [Swallow Return].

You have been like this for a long time!

If you had done this earlier, Carlos, you would have won the championship!

As for going to Alola to bully children?

"That's awesome Koga Ninja!"

Koga Ninja successfully counterattacked, and Xiaozhi became excited.

Along with Xiaozhi's excitement, Citron also noticed Xiao Stroyd's data monitoring.

The battle fluctuations between Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja began to fluctuate violently at the same time.

When the fluctuations become more severe, the battle fluctuations between Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja will become consistent.

In that case, Koga Ninja can enter that state.

This was the conclusion Citron came to when Ash and Koga Ninja faced Ailan's Charizard last time.

"We will be stronger, come on!"

Ash became completely excited, and the battle fluctuations between Ash and Koga Ninja on Little Stroyd's screen became consistent.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Citron, Serena and Kaluna, a waterspout soared into the sky!

Bind Ninja Frog!


"Miss Karuna, this is it, please see our power!"

Xiaozhi said, and waved his hand: "Secret attack on the key points!"

Two black knives appeared in the hands of Koga Ninja, and wrapped in the waterspout, he quickly rushed towards Gardevoir.

"I've never seen such a Koga ninja frog before!"

Karuna was also excited: "Gardevoir, shadow ball!"

The [Shadow Ball] was released and directly pressed on the two black knives in the hands of the Koga Ninja.

But even so, Gardevoir was still hit by the powerful impact of Koga Ninja and was knocked backwards for a distance.

"Shadow ball!"

Karuna glanced at the evolved Koga Ninja Frog, and once again directed Gardevoir to attack.

However, Ash's attack power was very powerful. [Flying Water Shuriken] directly broke [Shadow Ball] away, and then rushed towards Gardevoir again.

"Get away!"

Koga Ninja is very fast, but Gardevoir is not slow either.

While dodging and moving, Koga Ninja couldn't catch up with Gardevoir for a while.

However, Koga Ninja quickly adapted to Gardevoir's speed.

When Gardevoir was dodging again, the black knife in his hand directly hit Gardevoir.

Gardevoir was knocked out, and Koga Ninja took advantage of the victory to pursue him!

"Iai Slash!"

The Koga Ninja's hand was replaced by a white knife and he was very fast.

After Karuna was startled, she also held the super evolution key stone on the necklace around her neck.

"Gardevoir, super evolution!"

The colorful light flashed, Gardevoir directly completed the super evolution, and then stretched out his hands to directly block Koga Ninja's [Iai Slash]!

"Finally super evolved!"

Xiaozhi also became excited after seeing Gardevoir's super evolution.

"The stronger the opponent, the stronger we are!"

"Come on, Koga Ninja, flying water shuriken!"

"Shadow ball!"


[Flying Shuriken] and [Shadow Ball] collide in the air and explode.

And Xiaozhi also commanded the Koga Ninja to rush through the black smoke.

"A surprising blow!"

"Reflective wall!"

Although Koga Ninja is very fast, Karuna was also on guard against Xiaozhi after what happened just now.

Even though Koga Ninja is very fast, Gardevoir still has time to react.

[Reflective Wall] was released, and after blocking the attack of Koga Ninja, Gardevoir released [Shadow Ball].

Koga Ninja quickly retreated and avoided the attack.

But Xiaozhi became even more excited.


Citron looked at Little Stroyd's screen with some surprise.

This is something that didn't happen last time!

"Faster, shadow clone and then make a surprise attack!"

"Reflective wall resists!" Super Gardevoir's mental power exploded, and the range of the [reflective wall] suddenly increased, blocking the [surprise attack] of three Koga Ninja Frogs.

"Shadow ball!"

Super Gardevoir once again condensed the [Shadow Ball] and smashed it towards Koga Ninja.

"Yan Hui!"

Ash yelled and commanded the Koga Ninja to cut off the [Shadow Ball], and then the Koga Ninja continued to rush towards Super Gardevoir.

"Become stronger and stronger!"

Xiaozhi roared angrily, and the Koga Ninja jumped into the air and broke the waterspout around his body.

The water flow turned into a pair of water wings like butterfly wings behind the Koga Ninja Frog.

As the energy condensed, the water-flowing wings behind Koga Ninja transformed into a water shuriken again!


Lu Ze stood up suddenly and looked at the Koga Ninja in this state.

This is the form of a wise frog!

I always felt that something was wrong with Koga Ninja, but I couldn't remember what was wrong.

Now I finally understand!

The Koga Ninja in that form is not a complete body!

Now is the time!

"Koga Ninja, flying water shuriken!"

Seeing the Koga Ninja in this form, Xiaozhi became completely excited, and he danced and commanded the Koga Ninja to launch an attack.

The Koga Ninja, who had not yet landed in the air, directly drew out the water shuriken behind him and threw it towards Super Gardevoir.

"Shadow ball!"

Super Gardevoir releases [Shadow Ball] to try to block it.

[Shadow Ball] and [Flying Shuriken] collided in the air and were in a stalemate for a moment.

"let's go!"

In just a moment, [Flying Water Shuriken] broke through [Shadow Ball] amidst Xiaozhi's roar, and hit Super Gardevoir.

Super Gardevoir tried to resist, but the violent power of [Flying Water Shuriken] directly knocked Super Gardevoir upside down and flew far away.

"Come on, Koga Ninja!"

"A surprising blow!"

The frequency of Xiaozhi's battle fluctuations at this time has reached its peak, and even Lu Ze noticed something was wrong with Xiaozhi.

Too excited?

Lu Ze turned to look at Xiaozhi, but Xiaozhi suddenly lost his sight and collapsed on the ground.


Lu Ze held his forehead, Xiaozhi was out of energy again.

As Xiaozhi fell, the water on Koga Ninja's body also turned into blue light and dissipated, falling to the ground.


Serena was startled and ran over quickly.

At the same time, Karuna ran towards Xiaozhi with some worry.

But after just two steps, Super Gardevoir was controlled by the Rocket trio using a machine.

"what's the situation?"

Karuno was stunned for a moment, but Musashi became excited after hearing this.

"Since you are sincere!"

As soon as Musashi opened his mouth, he saw the black fire-breathing dragon looking at them eagerly.

Musashi was shocked, and shut up immediately after bad memories came to his mind!


Karuno shouted, but Musashi became excited again.

"It's useless, it's useless. This is a power not inferior to that of Super Gardevoir. Even Super Gardevoir in its heyday couldn't break free!"

As soon as Musashi finished speaking, Super Gardevoir broke away.

The proud look on the faces of the Rocket trio froze, and the next second they were knocked away by the [Shadow Ball].

"What a disgusting feeling!"


It is more reliable to say whether the invention of the Rocket trio should be mentioned or not.

Even if Super Gardevoir breaks free, the current situation is not very good.

"Come back Gardevoir."

After watching Gardevoir exit the super evolved state with worried eyes, Karuna took Gardevoir back into the Poké Ball.

"How's it going Ash?"

At the same time, Xiaozhi also woke up.

"Where's the Koga Ninja?"

The first thing Xiaozhi did when he woke up was to find the Koga Ninja.

Pi Shen fell out of favor due to casting issues!


"Are you okay, Koga Ninja?"


Koga Ninja shook his head, and Karuna also came in front of everyone at this time.

The long legs that caught his eye made Lu Ze stunned.

As expected of a big star!

"Are you okay, Xiaozhi?"


When Xiaozhi saw Karuna coming over, he hurriedly prepared to stand up, but he couldn't help but collapse when he was halfway up.

"Don't be brave."

After Lu Ze and Charizard held Xiaozhi from both sides, Xiaozhi looked at the Koga Ninja in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I lost consciousness again."

"However, I seemed to have caught something just now."

Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja were talking, and Lu Ze also turned to look at Karuna.

"Excuse me, can I challenge you?"

"Challenge me?"

Karuna was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, a six-on-six battle with everyone!"

Seeing Lu Ze's serious look, Karunai laughed: "Of course you can, but it will have to wait until you win the championship of the Carlos Conference!"

"Sorry, I may not have that much time."

Lu Ze shook his head. He had been in Xiaozhi's world for too long.

After the Carlos Conference ends, the King of Heaven Challenge in this world will begin in about half a month.

This was something he couldn't miss.

Therefore, after the Kalos Conference, Lu Ze will definitely look for Dialga and Porgia.

Or rather Hupa’s!

He is going back to his own world.

After Carlos won the championship, there was little time to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and the final Karuna on the road to championship.

Yes, there is a path to championship in Ash's world.

Only after passing the experience of the road to championship can you start to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings.

Although this level of difficulty is very easy for Lu Ze, it takes too long.

"I am not from this world, and I want to return to my world."

"That's it."

Kalunai was also a little curious after hearing Lu Ze say that he was not from this world.

"Yes, but not now."

After Kalunai smiled at Lu Ze, she pointed at the helicopter that was about to land in the sky.

"But I can wait for you in Yingxue City, and I will accept your challenge then!"

"it is good!"

Lu Ze nodded and agreed, and Kalunai also got on the plane.

"Can you tell me what kind of strength you have in your world?"

After Kalunai got on the plane, she suddenly asked Lu Ze as if she had thought of something.

"In my world..."

"Tell me this after the battle between us is over."

Before Lu Ze could finish speaking, Kalunai interrupted Lu Ze.

"Then, let's meet in Yingxue City!"

"See you in Yingxue City!"

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