Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1016 Ninja is defeated and Ash is confused!

"Charizard, Freeze Punch!"


The fire-breathing dragon moved forward quickly, and the [Freeze Fist] hit the Koga Ninja directly in the abdomen, knocking the Koga Ninja away.

"Koga Ninja has lost his ability to fight!"

Citron's voice fell, and Xiaozhi smiled helplessly.

"I still lost."

Ash smiled bitterly. Although the Koga Ninja Frog has not evolved, the Charizard has also not evolved.

In this case, Koga Ninja has attribute restraint when facing Charizard.

But even so, it still can't defeat the fire-breathing dragon.

"Well done, Charizard."

After Lu Ze touched the wings of the fire-breathing dragon, he also praised the fire-breathing dragon.


"Hey, Xiaozhi!"

Just as the battle between the two ended, an excited voice came from the side.


After seeing the person coming, Xiaozhi also became excited.

"Long time no see Shota!"

Shota ran over excitedly and said hello to everyone.

"Let's go, take a rest first, and let Koga Ninja recover instantly."

Ash smiled happily and pulled Shota into the Pokémon Center.

This is already the last Pokémon Center away from Yingxue City.

If nothing else happens, we will be able to reach Yingxue City tomorrow.


"I've already been to Yingxue City."

Shota said to Lu Ze and Xiaozhi with a smile.

"Look, I've earned eight gym badges."

"That's awesome, Shota!"

Looking at the eight gym badges Shota took out, Xiaozhi immediately became excited.

"I still only have seven, and Shota has surpassed me."

"What about brother Ozawa?"

Shota looked at Lu Ze expectantly and asked.

Lu Ze naturally did not disappoint Xiang Tai: "I will follow Xiaozhi, of course there will be seven."

Although Xiaozhi arrived at Yingxue City that time, Lu Ze did not challenge the Success Gym.

As we all know, gym leaders in the Pokémon world generally have a side job.

Although Dove's main job is to be the gym leader.

But when Lu Ze went there that day, Defu took his family out with him.

So in the end, Lu Ze was not able to successfully challenge the gym.

Otherwise, he would be one step ahead of Ash now and have eight badges.

"Haha, great!"

Shota cheered, and then explained: "When I saw that Xiaozhi had more badges than me, I was a little reluctant, so I worked hard to catch up with you."

Lu Ze was happy, this was his confession back then!

Judging from Shota's sincere tone, even Ash couldn't do it.

"Well, what are the attributes of the gym in Yingxue City?"

Serena saw this and quickly spoke.

Xiaozhi is me! !

"A gym with ice attributes."

"In this case, water type is more beneficial to ice type." Citron said to Xiaozhi excitedly.

"That's it, then leave it to the Koga Ninja!"

"After all, I can equal Miss Karuna." After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Serena nodded in agreement.

Shota was surprised: "Hey, have you already fought against the champion?"

"Yes, my opponent is Super Gardevoir."

Yurika nodded, and Lu Ze also looked at Serena with interest.

Unexpectedly, Se Mei is still a husband-protecting monster.

Can't you see that Xiaozhi is a bit weaker in terms of momentum?

Lu Ze enjoyed watching the show, and Xiaozhi became excited as Shouta talked.

"Shouta, would you like to see my Koga Ninja!"


Shota also became excited and nodded in agreement with Xiaozhi.

"Then the rules of the battle are still three versus three."


Xiaozhi was a little strange, but Shota quickly explained: "That's it, the battles with Xiaozhi before have always been three on three, so I also want to see how much improvement I have made now compared to before!"

"no problem!"

After Xiaozhi agreed, and after the Koga Ninja recovered, everyone returned to the battle arena behind the Pokémon Center.

At this time, there were not many people on the battlefield, so the battle between the two began quickly.

The first is the battle between Shouta's twin scabbards and Ash Neonwave Dragon.

Xiaozhi also learned Lu Ze's fighting style at this time.

Relying on the positioning of Sonic Dragon's sound waves, he successfully found the location of the double scabbards in the smoke generated by the collision of skills, and then defeated the double scabbards.

Next up is Shota's newly captured Pokémon, Gunarm.

A lobster Pokémon that is the same as Crayfish, but focuses more on special attack capabilities.


Lu Ze was also stunned after watching Shota directly command the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp to use the [Crab Claw Hammer].

Although, shouldn't the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp with the [Super Launcher] feature use the wave skill?

If nothing else works, let’s use a special attack skill!

Sonic Dragon is not a skill with strong defense.

Iron-clawed lobster didn't even mention it, so it came up with [Water Wave] first.

Although Lu Ze was a little confused, he didn't say anything.

Maybe it's a tactic.

Sonic Dragon was very fast and dodged this attack.

But in the end, Sonic Dragon was hit by the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp's [Dragon Wave].

With double the restrained damage, he directly killed the Sonic Dragon, which didn't have enough physical strength.

Ash's second Pokémon choice was Wrestler.

But unfortunately, after being hit by a double-restrained [Freeze Beam], he lost his combat ability.

In the end, Koga Ninja appeared on the stage, facing the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp, and killed the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp with a direct slash (Iai Slash), which had very little physical strength left.

I have to say that Koga Ninja’s last gesture of sheathing the sword really looked cool to me.

At this time, Xiaozhi also felt that Shota had indeed become stronger, and he felt slightly nervous.

He is indeed a guy who has earned eight badges!

After the fall of Cannonball, Shota's last Pokémon unsurprisingly chose the Lizard King.

However, after the Lizard King came on stage, Xiaozhi's battle fluctuations were still parallel to the battle fluctuations of Koga Ninja, and there was no longer the feeling of fighting Karuna that day.

"What's happening here?"

Serena was a little puzzled, but Lu Ze saw Xiaozhi's nervous look and had some confidence.

"Lizard King, Leaf Blade!"

After the Lizard King came on stage, Shota also became serious.

He wants to defeat Xiaozhi!

Just this time!

"Let you see our power, Koga Ninja uses Yan Hui!"

Both sides commanded their Pokémon to attack at the same time.

Two Pokémon also collided on the field.

However, with similar strength, they did not decide the winner in this collision.

One [Leaf Blade] and the other [Swallow Return], the two Pokémon were constantly fighting on the field.

Although the Koga Ninja had the upper hand, it was not so easy to defeat the Lizard King.

"Back off, Seed Machine Gun!"    "Flying Water Shuriken!"

After the Lizard King distanced himself, the two sides collided using long-range skills.

At the moment when the skills collided, the Lizard King stepped forward again and used the [Leaf Blade] to hit the Koga Ninja Frog.

Koga Ninja reacted quickly and used [Shadow Clone] after dodging this attack.

Seven or eight Koga Ninja Frogs appeared in the sky, but the Lizard King was not afraid at all. He rushed up and killed all the Koga Ninja Frogs' shadows.

The two sides once again started close combat, which is what Koga Ninja is good at.

However, the moment the Koga Ninja approached, Shota once again commanded the Lizard King to distance himself.

【Flying Leaf Storm】!

The sudden [Flying Leaf Storm] hits Koga Ninja.

Not only Xiaozhi was shocked, but also Lu Ze frowned and glanced at Xiaozhi.

What is Xiaozhi doing?

Is this basic adaptability gone?

The [Leaf Blade], which had just closed the distance and suddenly came closer, would have been hit if the Koga Ninja hadn't reacted.

It was the same this time, closing the distance and then suddenly pulling away.

Can you suffer the same loss twice?

This is not the Xiaozhi I know.

Koga Ninja was swept up into the sky by [Flying Leaf Storm], and then fell hard to the ground.

"Not bad, Shota!"

Xiaozhi praised Shota, but his heart became cold again.

"Sure enough, if you didn't fight, you wouldn't know. Shota has become a lot stronger now!"

"It must have gone through very serious special training and hard work, otherwise it would be impossible to become so strong in a short period of time!"

Xiaozhi somewhat admired Shota's efforts, but what he didn't know was that everything Shota did was to catch up with Xiaozhi.

Even the fighting methods were learned from Xiaozhi.

"You can deal with it any way, just choose the right way!"

Shota was also very excited, this is what he realized from Xiaozhi's battle!

After the two looked at each other, they started fighting again!

"Koga Ninja, Yan Hui!"

When Xiaozhi's voice fell, the Koga Ninja also followed Xiaozhi's instructions and began to look for opportunities around the Lizard King at a very fast speed.


Lu Ze suddenly spoke when he saw this scene.

Citron was shocked: "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Zhi's condition is not right."

Lu Ze glanced at Xiaozhi, who was frowning and looking at the Koga Ninja and Lizard King on the field.

After the Koga Ninja circled around the Lizard King for several times, he found an opportunity to attack the Lizard King.

But the attack of the Koga Ninja was not only dodged by the Lizard King, but was even thrown away by the Lizard King.

"Not in good condition?"

Citron was puzzled, he saw nothing wrong with Xiaozhi's appearance.

"He's confused."

Lu Ze turned on the waveguide and indeed felt the confusion from Xiaozhi's waveguide.

This proves that what I felt just now was correct.

But why is Xiaozhi confused?

Lu Ze was puzzled, but at this time Xiaozhi seemed to be excited again, commanding the Koga Ninja to step forward.

Does that mean you want to force bond evolution?

Lu Ze frowned, and the fire-breathing dragon and iron-clawed lobster on the side also frowned.

Although the two of them are not as sharp as Lu Ze.

But one was Koga Ninja's sparring partner, and the other was Koga Ninja's teacher. They could clearly feel that something was wrong with Koga Ninja.

And what's wrong seems to be Xiaozhi's emotional impact?

Charizard and Iron Claw looked at Lu Ze, but Lu Ze just looked at the field with a frown.

The Koga Ninja was very fast and rushed forward.

However, Xiaozhi's heart fell into a cold state for a moment.

Koga Ninja…

No evolution!

"and many more!"

Citron, who was wondering why Xiaozhi's status was wrong, suddenly found the test screen of Xiaozhi.

Ash's battle ripples are separating from Koga Ninja's battle ripples!

Xiaozhi, who realized that the Koga Ninja Frog had not evolved successfully, was also confused at this time.

"Speaking of which, how can one successfully transform?"


Just when Xiaozhi was confused, Koga Ninja also sensed that something was wrong with Xiaozhi.

And in this moment of effort, Shota caught Koga Ninja's flaw, and once again commanded the Lizard King to use [Flying Leaf Storm].

Koga Ninja was swept up into the air by [Flying Leaf Storm], and before he even hit the ground, the Lizard King chased him and killed him with [Leaf Blade].

Lu Ze shook his head slightly. Just after he called Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi had already woken up.

But it was too late.

Koga Ninja has lost his ability to fight.

Xiaozhi was shocked and looked at the fallen Koga Ninja, stunned on the spot.

It wasn't until he saw the Lizard King falling that he realized what was happening and hurriedly stepped forward to check on the Koga Ninja Frog.

"Koga Ninja, are you okay?"


Koga Ninja woke up, and Xiaozhi also showed a helpless smile.

"It failed."

Compared to Xiaozhi, Shota on the side was still a little unable to react.

"I defeated the Koga Ninja!"

As if unsure, Shota looked at the field again.

After seeing the Lizard King standing and the Koga Ninja falling down, Shota instantly became excited.

"We defeated Ash!"

Shota's loud shout instantly made the Lizard King lose his coolness. He turned to Shota and screamed strangely.

But the happiness in the eyes of the Lizard King cannot be hidden!

No one knows how hard he and Shota worked to defeat Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja!

at last!

Today they did it!

"Come back, Koga Ninja."

After Xiaozhi took the Koga Ninja back to the Poké Ball, Shota also came to Xiaozhi.

"Have I become stronger?"

Seeing that Shota was a little unsure, Xiaozhi also stood up, looked at Shota, and spoke seriously.

"Well, it's become stronger!"

Xiaozhi's praise made Shota excited, and his eyes looking at Xiaozhi were full of happiness.

"But why is there no change in today's battle?" Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at Citron with some curiosity.

"I don't know, but your battle ripples are not integrated at all." Citron shook his head and said.

"Xiao Zhi, you should put down that thing on your wrist."


Everyone turned to look at Lu Ze at the same time, a little confused.

"You can make the Koga Ninja change because of your emotions. When the will to fight is reached, the Koga Ninja can change."

Lu Ze looked serious: "Think about the battle with Kalunai, and then think about today's battle."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Xiaozhi instantly understood the difference between the two battles.

"What I wanted in the last fight was to win!"

"But this time it's how to make the Koga Ninja change."

After Xiaozhi laughed to himself, he untied the detection device from his hand and handed it to Citron.

"If that's the case, then don't worry about it!"

Xiaozhi cheered up again: "Even if the Koga Ninja doesn't change, I won't lose the next battle!"

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he turned to look at Shota: "The next time we fight, it won't be like this!"

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