Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1055 Arceus’ Taboo! Defeat Mewtwo!

Kirby punched out, and all the power of [One Hundred Thousand Horsepower] was applied to Boscodora.

In just an instant, Boscodora was hammered to the ground.

"Boscodora has lost the ability to fight!"

After seeing this scene, Meng Fanxing was startled and said quickly.

[Wait, what’s going on? Why did the battle end so suddenly? 】

[Isn’t it a match-fixing game? 】

【How can it be? How could King Mo Tian have such little strength? 】

[I just came back from going to the toilet. Is the battle over? What did I miss? 】

[Isn’t it? real or fake? 】

The viewers in the live broadcast room all posted comments questioning each other. Even Wang Hechuan looked puzzled and turned to look at Mo Qiancheng.

But at this time, Mo Qiancheng's face was dark, and his eyes were looking at Chaomeng with a hint of irritation.

"Here you go, here's your gym badge."

After Mo Qiancheng took back Boss Cordora's Poké Ball, he came to Chaomeng.

After handing the fairy badge to Chaomeng, Mo Qiancheng whispered to Chaomeng.

"Wait, don't leave in a hurry, come with me to the back."

Although Chaomeng was a little strange, he nodded after taking the badge.

The shape of the fairy-type badge is a pink badge made in the shape of Ji Qianyi's starting Pokémon, Togepi.

"Okay, let's continue with the challenge."

After Mo Qiancheng finished speaking to Chaomeng, he turned around and entered the room.

Chaomeng didn't hesitate and followed Mo Qiancheng in.

[Why did the two of them enter the room together? Are you going to do some py transaction? 】

[By the way, the end of this last battle was too inexplicable. 】

[Isn’t it an informal decision? But isn’t it really surprising that a Pokémon has been chosen as the first gym badge recipient? 】

Everyone was talking about it, and even Wang Hechuan was a little curious.

Mo Qiancheng has never hidden anything from him, but what happened this time?

Mo Qiancheng saw his obvious hint and didn't even explain it.

"What happened to your Pokémon?"

After Mo Qiancheng brought Chaomeng into the room, he asked directly and honestly.


Chaomeng glanced at Mo Qiancheng strangely.

Chaomeng's IQ is still very high, and it only took a moment to understand what Mo Qiancheng meant.

"You should ask Lu Ze about this specifically. I promised him not to tell anyone about this matter."

However, after reacting, Chaomeng did not tell Mo Qiancheng the truth.

Just like what he just said, Lu Ze warned him not to tell him about this matter, so he naturally wouldn't tell about it.

I, Chaomeng, still keep my promise.

"Ask Ozawa?"

Mo Qiancheng glanced at Chaomeng strangely.

If he read it correctly, some of Chaomeng's Pokémon are not owned by Lu Ze.

For example, the three-headed dragon.

You must know that Lu Ze's three evil dragons are still just one dragon.

There's no way the copy of Mewtwo can evolve faster than the original.

If that were the case, Mewtwo would be enough to rule the world by himself.

"Yes, I promised him that if he wants to tell you, he will tell you naturally. If he doesn't tell you, you won't get any information from me."

Chaomeng nodded, and then took out the mobile phone Lu Ze bought for him and checked the time.

"I will continue to challenge the gym, so I won't tell you more."

After Chaomeng finished speaking to Mo Qiancheng, he turned around and left.

Mo Qiancheng looked at Chaomeng's back thoughtfully.

If Lu Ze was also involved in this matter, then Lu Wu should know.

If Lu Wu knew about it, Lu Xingguo would naturally know about it too.

In this case, his father will definitely know.

If his father knew about it, Zhuge Ziyu would know about it.

If Zhuge Ziyu knew about it, the higher-ups would basically know about it.

If you think about it this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with you.

"Forget it, let's ask Ozawa."

After Mo Qiancheng thought for a while, he shook his head helplessly and made a video call to Lu Ze.

"What's wrong, Uncle Mo, is the battle over?" Lu Ze asked Mo Qiancheng curiously while lying on the rocking chair after receiving Mo Qiancheng's call.

"Did you watch the battle between me and Mewtwo just now?"

"I saw it, but why did you end it so sloppily?" Lu Ze nodded, and then asked curiously.

"Is that Kirbymon with the pattern on its body a copy of your Kirbymon?"

Hearing Lu Ze's question, Mo Qiancheng did not hesitate and asked Lu Ze directly.


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

What did Mo Qiancheng discover?

However, the Pattern Kirbymon is so similar to his own Kirbymon, both in terms of image and ability.

Mo Qiancheng was also very familiar with his Kirby, and even asked him for a little Kirby's elf egg because he liked his Kirby.

In this case, Chaomeng used Pattern Kirby to fight, and it was indeed easy for Mo Qiancheng to find out the clues.

Especially when the target of his battle is still Mo Qiancheng.


Lu Ze hesitated for a moment, but he quickly organized his words.

"It is true that they are copied Pokémon, but now there are only the ones in Chaomeng's hands."

"What do you mean?"

Mo Qiancheng was shocked when he heard that Pattern Kirby was indeed a cloned Pokémon.

But after hearing what Lu Ze said next, Mo Qiancheng felt a little strange.

What do you mean there is only one batch?

"Before, Chaomeng and I went to a secret realm. These are the Pokémon in the secret realm. They were copied when I entered the secret realm."

Lu Ze told the story he had prepared in advance.

"But later, because the secret realm was about to collapse, Mewtwo captured all these patterned Pokémon and took them away."

"You mean, because of the power of the secret realm, there were cloned Pokémon, and now the secret realm has collapsed?"


Hearing Lu Ze's confirmed words, Mo Qiancheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's not right, but you don't have any of Mewtwo's patterned Pokémon." Mo Qiancheng just breathed a sigh of relief, but he quickly reacted.

"Those Pokémon you are talking about, those Pokémon already existed in that secret realm before I entered it."

Lu Ze also made a puzzled expression appropriately: "It may be that the Pokémon of the person who entered before was copied. Who knows?"

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because copying Pokémon is so shocking, we don't know what to say."

Lu Ze spread his hands and said, "To be fair, if you hadn't discovered it, Chaomeng and I would have kept this secret for the rest of our lives."

"Okay, can you tell your dad and grandpa about this?" Mo Qiancheng nodded, and then asked Lu Ze.

"Look, but I think it's better if you try not to tell them. Once such a taboo thing is opened, it will be out of control."

"Yes." Mo Qiancheng nodded clearly: "Okay, so be it, I will continue to guard my gym."

"No, that's Aunt Ji's gym, you're just an acting gym leader."

Lu Ze smiled, but what he got in return was Mo Qiancheng's last eye roll before hanging up the phone.

"Oh, you damn guy!"

After Mo Qiancheng hung up the phone, he couldn't help but feel relaxed.

"I'll ask Zhuge Ziyu to build a gym for me later."

After Mo Qiancheng complained, he continued to watch the battle.

Meng Fanxing is still very good. Although his strength is not as good as Lu Ze and others, at his current age, his current strength is also very good.

Don’t waste your careful teaching in vain.

Coupled with his good talent, it seems that he will be able to get a good ranking in the World Youth Championship in two years' time.

After Mo Qiancheng's side calmed down, Lu Ze on the other side was not calm anymore.

As soon as Mo Qiancheng hung up the phone, his grandfather called.

"What is the relationship between Mewtwo's patterned Kirbymon and your Kirbymon?"

Just as Lu Ze connected the phone, Zhuge Ziyu's voice came over.

"Um, Uncle Ziyu, why did you take my grandpa's cell phone?"

"Don't worry about this for now, let's talk about the relationship between Pattern Kirby and Kirby?" Zhuge Ziyu's anxious voice came over.

Those who had just watched the live broadcast, including Zhuge Ziyu, Lu Wu, Lu Xingguo and Mo Anguo, also had a rough guess in their minds.

But now that they can't find Chaomeng, they can only ask Lu Ze.

After all, if the Pattern Kirby is really a replica of Kirby, then Lu Ze, Kirby's trainer, must also know about it.

"Um, do you have any ideas?"

Lu Ze had a headache. It seemed that this live broadcast made many people guess the possibility of the matter.

If he had known better, he wouldn't have allowed Mewtwo to take his patterned Pokémon out to show off.

But there is no way, even Chaomeng wouldn't be willing to do it.


Lu Xingguo's voice came, and his vicissitudes of voice was full of determination.

"Well, okay, yes, it's what you think." After Lu Ze was silent for a while, he finally decided to tell the truth.

Mo Qiancheng had already guessed it, how could they, such cunning people, not guess it?

"Really a cloned Pokémon?"

Zhuge Ziyu's voice came again, and his voice trembled slightly with surprise.

"Yes, but it cannot be copied."

"Cannot be copied?"

The four big guys on the other side of the phone all repeated something strangely.

"What cannot be copied."

"This is the power of the secret realm, but the secret realm has now collapsed."

Lu Ze spread his hands and told them the story he just told Mo Qiancheng again.

"That's it."

Several people were a little disappointed, but Lu Xingguo's voice rang out the next second.

"By the way, can we study this matter of copying Pokémon?"

Lu Ze's eyes couldn't help but jump when he heard his grandfather say such words on the phone.

Sure enough, it was just as he thought.

As a science geek, my grandfather didn't care about anything else. He only cared about his own interests and scientific research results.

Unfortunately, the current copying Pokémon seems to have both.

"Don't try to study this power."

In the end, Mo Anguo shook his head and directly gave Lu Xingguo a death order.

"Well, that's just saying."

Lu Xingguo spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

Lu Ze listened to this scene and felt that it was necessary to patch them up.

"Grandpa, if you can avoid studying this method, it's better not to study it as much as possible."


Lu Xingguo was a little curious, but in fact he really didn't plan to study it anymore.

"Because of Arceus."

Lu Ze looked solemn: "The secret realm that can copy Pokémon collapsed because of Arceus."


The four people on the other end of the phone were stunned for a moment: "How come there is something about Arceus here?"

"Because Arceus won't let things like copying Pokémon happen, Hoopa~"

Just when Lu Ze was still thinking about how to explain, Hu Pa suddenly appeared next to Lu Ze.

While holding the apple and chewing on it, he spoke to the four people on the other end of the phone.

"That big guy is fierce, but he will really destroy the world."

After Hupa finished speaking, he winked at Lu Ze and turned around and left.

There was nothing fun here. He wanted to go back and play hide-and-seek with Victini and the others.

"Destroy the world!"

Not afraid that just two words made the four of them's hair stand on end.

"So the secret realm where Pokémon can be copied was destroyed because of Arceus?"

Lu Ze nodded: "That should be it."

"After all, the balance of the Pokémon world has been destroyed."

"That's it."

Lu Xingguo and the other four seemed a little frightened.

After all, they clearly knew what kind of strength Arceus was.

Creator God!

Who can question the strength of the Creator God?

Especially when the Creator God appeared many times in history.

Just like the great god Pangu, if he appeared in real life, no one would violate his taboos.

And obviously, copying Pokémon is a taboo for Arceus.

If this taboo is violated, Arceus can really destroy the entire world!

As an extremely powerful creation god, they did not doubt that Arceus had this ability.

"By the way, apart from you, only Mo Qiancheng and Chaomeng know about this matter now."

Lu Ze said and couldn't help but smile.

What happens next is none of your business.

You don’t have to think so much yourself.

"Mewtwo is definitely going to show up, and he's bringing his patterned Pokémon with him. You need to think carefully about how to explain it in this case."

Lu Ze smiled happily: "Either you find a suitable reason, or you convince Chaomeng and let Chaomeng show up without them."

The four of them were silent.

Defeat Mewtwo?

How to win?

(End of this chapter)

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