Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1056: The person who brought the mythical beast to challenge the gym!

Chapter 1121: People who challenge the gym with mythical beasts!

"You kid can do it!"

Looking at Sui Yan's profile picture in the video conference, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel happy.

"Hehe, it all depends on the support of my peers."

Sui Yan touched his nose with a smile and said to everyone.

Seeing Sui Yan like this, Lu Ze was also happy. He laughed and said, "Sir, believe it or not, if I take it seriously, even Chaomeng won't be able to pass my challenge!"

It’s really outrageous, they have already given away several badges.

But what about Suiyan?

Apart from giving Mewtwo a badge, he never gave anyone else a badge.

"There is no way, their strength is not up to standard."

Sui Yan waved his hand. It wasn't that he didn't give badges to others, but that the people who came to challenge him were very weak.

Not to mention the first team of Pokémon, even his second team of Pokémon couldn't beat it.

How can he give a badge like this?

Sui Yan spread his hands helplessly: "To be fair, I actually like a few people and want to give them badges."

"So, why didn't you give it?" After hearing what Sui Yan said, Zhuge Ziyu also asked with some curiosity.

"The strength is too weak, and they didn't challenge for a second time. If they challenge for a second time, I will definitely give them the badge."

"Of course, as long as they improve compared to the first challenge."

"Well, you are the gym leader, you can make your own decision." After Zhuge Ziyu finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a smile.

"I heard that someone recently wanted to bring a mythical beast to challenge your gym. What do you think?"

Zhuge Ziyu smiled happily, but except for Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin, the other five gym leaders had dark faces.

"Ozawa, lend me Hupa!"

Mo Qiancheng masked his displeasure and said directly to Lu Ze.

He also saw that post. At first, he was surprised that someone actually chose to use a mythical beast to challenge the eight gyms.

Doesn't he know that three of the eight gym leaders have mythical beasts?

But the news that came later made him understand.

That guy really doesn't know.

The person who posted the post is his friend. According to his friend, he stayed in one place for nearly three years before he was recognized by the mythical beast and became his Pokémon.

In the past three years, his contact with the outside world has been basically zero.

So he didn't know that three of the eight gym leaders owned divine beasts.

He didn't even know who the eight gym leaders were.

All he knew was that after successfully challenging eight gym leaders, he would get a pass to the World Youth Championship.

And that's his goal.

He's going to shock the world at the World Youth Championship.

I am a divine beast user with a divine beast!

But it's a pity that his three years have been too disconnected from the times.

The most popular thing recently is the eight gyms.

After seeing the eight gyms, he decided to challenge the gyms, so he did not search for the previous events.

So he didn't know that Lu Ze and the others had the mythical beast.

His friend was considered a bad friend. He didn't tell him the news because he wanted to see him embarrassed.

The "sacred beast envoy" was already on his way to challenge them.

"Hupa doesn't want to be lent to you!"

After Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, before Lu Ze said anything, Hu Pa stuck out his tongue to Mo Qiancheng from behind Lu Ze and said.

"Haha, no, when he comes to challenge you, just use all your strength to defeat his divine beast." Lu Ze touched Hupa's head and said to Mo Qiancheng with a smile.

"To put it nicely, how can a divine beast be so easy to defeat? Do you think everyone is the same as you?"

Mo Qiancheng rolled his eyes.

Killing gods, this was something I couldn't even think of before.

But ever since Lu Ze made this move, everyone has made it their goal to defeat the mythical beasts with ordinary Pokémon.

It can be said that Lu Ze made a bad start, or it can be said that Lu Ze evoked thoughts that have been hidden in everyone's hearts for a long time.

"Mythical beasts are divided into levels, right?"

Lu Ze was a little helpless: "The mythical beasts I defeated were all relatively ordinary beasts, not mythical beasts like Chaomeng and the others."

"Look, even Mewtwo, I can't defeat him now."

"What do you mean?"

After Lu Ze heard this, Chaomeng's face turned dark.

"You mean, I, Chaomeng, am the weakest among those powerful beasts?"

Chaomeng silently came behind Lu Ze and asked Lu Ze.

"No way! I'm just making a metaphor!"

"Next time, I'll use a different target."

Chaomeng's brows softened slightly, and when he was about to turn around and go back, he asked Lu Ze's screen again, or Zhuge Ziyu in Lu Ze's screen.

"When can the badge contest start?"

"Well, as for this, at least we have to wait until there are more people who have obtained eight badges."

Zhuge Ziyu was also a little helpless, and then gestured towards Chaomeng to Sui Yan under his head.


However, Chaomeng did not go to find Sui Yan as Zhuge Ziyu expected. He just nodded and turned back.

Now he is training Dark Mewtwo.

However, what was being trained was not Dark Mewtwo's own abilities, but Dark Mewtwo's ability as a trainer.

We, the Mewtwo clan, cannot be treated as mere Pokémon!

And you, Dark Mewtwo!

As a gym trainer, his winning rate is actually not as good as that of Fu Gui?

What a shame for our people!

Dark Chaomeng looked at Chaomeng who had returned without tears.

No, brother, I really don’t want to be a trainer.

I said that I just went up to play for a while on a whim that day. Do you believe it?

Obviously, Chaomeng didn't believe it.

"Forget it, the soldiers will block it, and the water will drown it." Lu Ze shook his head slightly: "It depends on who is lucky enough to be the first to face the divine beast."

"You can't stand and talk without pain in your back." Mo Qiancheng rolled his eyes.

He had already decided to let Meng Fanxing take the place of gym leader from now on.

Without looking at his previous loss to Mewtwo, his gym's official website was flushed.

Some people are even questioning his identity as the world's number one steel king.

This kind of doubt made him very upset.

Why, you can also question my strength?

But with so many people saying it, he really had nothing to do.

Fortunately, there is a world where the World King Ranking Tournament is about to start again.

When the time comes, he will naturally be able to prove himself in the World King Ranking Tournament.

But the most important thing now is that he can't lose anymore.

It's okay to lose to Chaomeng. Although it was because he let himself go, Chaomeng was also very strong.

After the battle, someone had already figured out that Mewtwo was ranked number one in the Pokémon battle rankings for several issues in a row.

Therefore, they can accept that Chaomeng can defeat Mo Qiancheng.

Although I am a little unhappy that Pokémon has obtained the first badge of the Dragon Kingdom and the first "person" of the Dragon Kingdom to obtain eight gym badges.

But they no longer question Chaomeng's ability.

"Okay, let's put it this way. Remember to fulfill your responsibilities as gym leaders." Zhuge Ziyu smiled and hung up the video conference.

"Then, let's do our best, everyone."

After Lu Ze smiled, he also exited the video conference. Then Tang Yunqin did the same, saying goodbye to the seniors and then exited the video conference.

Only Sui Yan, after imitating Lu Ze's example, hung up the video conference shamelessly.

"I have decided that I will disguise myself as an ordinary person and go to challenge his Qingtian Gym." Mo Qiancheng said expressionlessly when he saw Sui Yan's mean look.

"I support you." The dragon gym leader said and then hung up the video conference.

"come on."

The remaining three gym leaders also expressed their support for Mo Qiancheng.

"I'm going to the supermarket, are you with me?"

After Lu Ze hung up the phone, he said to the Pokémon behind him.

After this period of bad performance, Lu Ze no longer needs to go to the gym to sit in charge.

Now Fugui can be in the gym.

He also has a lot of time to himself, and can spend time with his Pokémon.

"Hupa is going!"


This kind of thing always involves the two of them, Hupa and Victini.

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, the two of them refused to respond.

"Okay, then you two go get dressed."

After Lu Ze nodded, the single-headed dragon and the duck came to Lu Ze.

"You two are going too, right?"



After the two little guys nodded at the same time, Lu Ze also nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go together, remember to be obedient."

The two little guys nodded again, and then excitedly approached Lu Ze's feet.

"Who else wants to come along?"


"Huayedi also wants to come with us."

Lu Ze looked at the mosaic flying over, stretched out his hand to let the mosaic land in his hands, and then asked the blue flower mosaic.

This Huayedi is one of the five colors of Huayedi brought back by Lu Ze. During this period, he got along best with Lu Ze.


Huayidi nodded excitedly and affirmed again.

"Okay, let's go together then."

Lu Ze said, after looking at the other Pokémon, no one chose to follow him to the supermarket, and then he was ready to set off.

"How about we drive?"

Lu Ze turned to look at Hupa and Victini who had finished changing their clothes and asked.

During this time, he also successfully obtained a driver's license through Zhuge Ziyu's relationship.

Of course, he obtained his driver's license through formal channels, but the test time was shortened a lot.

If I had to say it, it's one of the gym leader's privileges.

Green channels will be opened in all aspects.

"Hopa can do it."

Hupa nodded excitedly: "This is the first time for Hupa to ride in a car driven by Ozawa."

"Then let's set off, but who will be in the passenger seat?"

After several Pokémon looked at each other, they all looked at Kodak.

"Okay, you are the most dishonest, you can sit in the passenger seat." Lu Ze was happy, picked up the duck and said.


Kodak tried to struggle, but it had no effect.

In the end, he was carried into the passenger seat and put on his seat belt as if resigned to his fate.

The one-headed dragon, Huayedi, Victini disguised as an electric flying squirrel, and Hupa disguised as a small wood spirit came to the back seat together.

Cars in the Pokémon world do not limit the number of Pokémon that can ride on them.

Theoretically, as long as you can fit in something you can drive, even several Kirbys can sit in the car.

Smaller Pokémon such as Dragonite and Flora are even more unattended, as long as they can sit down.

"It's done, let's set off."

After Lu Ze smiled happily, he took his Pokémon and set off.

He is also an experienced driver, so there were no twists and turns in the startup process.

Soon Lu Ze was on the road with his Pokémon.

Driving and listening to songs, the comfortable look made Hupa and the others happy.

If Kodak wasn't restrained by his seat belt, he would be jumping up and down in the back seat right now.


Kodakya suddenly pointed out the window, and Lu Ze subconsciously turned his head to look.

A girl with blond hair was running quickly on the road with her suitcase, followed by a naive little crocodile who was also trying to follow the girl in front of her.

"Koda Koda!"

Kodak opened the window, smiled at the crocodile and said something unknown.

Anyway, Lu Ze only saw that even though the little crocodile was running and trying hard to chase the girl in front of him, he still turned his head and bared his teeth at the duck.

Well, Lu Ze knew without even thinking that the Kodak Duck must have mocked the Little Crocodile or something.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

Well, after hearing Kodakya's ugly smile, Lu Ze became even more sure.

After taking the time to reach out and pat the duck on the head, Lu Ze sped up and left here.

Don't wait, you really pissed off the little sawgator. If the little sawgator rushes in without hesitation, it will be bad if he bites his tires.

His car was just picked up.

In other words, Zhuge Ziyu just gave it to him.

New car!

He didn't want to be bitten by another Pokémon suddenly.

Fortunately, the little Sawtooth didn't pay too much attention to what was going on on his side, and was still trying hard to catch up with the girl in front of him.

"Looking at them, they must be catching the bus, right Hupa?"

Hupa also approached Lu Ze's face from the back seat and asked Lu Ze.

"Well, it looks like you're almost late."

Lu Ze smiled, and after increasing his speed, he soon arrived at the shopping mall where the supermarket was located.

After driving into the underground parking lot, he saw two mosquito-repellent incense gentlemen waving at him vigorously.

"Wash the car, it seems okay?"

After Lu Ze hesitated for a moment, he drove the car to the car wash.

A water arrow turtle was working hard to wash the car, while the Lotte Kappa next to him was jumping around and directing Lu Ze to park the car.

"Brother, come and wash your car. There is a Pokémon battle event in the mall today. As long as you can enter the top ten, you will get a chance to wash your car for free."

After Lu Ze stopped the car, a young man also came to Lu Ze and said happily to Lu Ze.

"Oh? Just the top ten?"

"Of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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