Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1077 All Badges and All Illustrated Books

Chapter 1077 All Badges and All Illustrated Books

As soon as he entered the community, Lu Ze was spotted by his neighbor's old man sitting at the door, drinking tea.

The old man smiled and said hello to Lu Ze, and Lu Ze also laughed.

"Aren't you homesick?"

Lu Ze said, waved to the old man, and then returned to his home.

There was no one at home now, and the one who opened the door for Lu Ze was Empress Tianleng.

After Tian Lengmei saw Lu Ze, she threw herself into Lu Ze's arms.

"Haha, okay, okay, come down quickly."


Tian Lengmei shook her head and buried her head in Lu Ze's neck.

Lu Ze had no choice but to carry Tian Lenghou into the house.

"Are you the only one at home?"


Faced with Lu Ze's inquiry, Sweet Queen Leng pointed to the backyard.

"Let's go, together?"

Lu Ze stood up, but the sweet and cold queen was still hanging on Lu Ze's body and was unwilling to get down.

Seeing the way Tian Tian Leng looked at him with squinted eyes, Lu Ze had no choice but to smile and shake his head, and walked towards the back with Tian Tian Leng in his arms.

After Tian Tian Leng saw that Lu Ze did not reject her, the smile on her face became even sweeter.

But unfortunately, the sweet and cold queen was caught by Miss Quer with a vine as soon as she entered the backyard.

The sweet and cold queen pouted, but she did not dare to challenge Miss Kuo'er's prestige. She could only stand behind Miss Kuo'er, pouting, and looking at Miss Kuo'er dissatisfied.

"Roaring Tiger, where is your girlfriend?"

Looking at the blazing roaring tiger approaching, Lu Ze also asked with a smile.

I heard this from Mama Lu when I called her before.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger has found a girlfriend, and maybe he can get an elf egg from the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

You know, Grandpa's Fiery Roaring Tiger's qualifications are also very good.

Mother Lu said that people have already come to reserve the Elven Eggs of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

After all, his girlfriend is also a Fiery Roaring Tiger.

In this case, the elf eggs of the two of them must be the fire-spotted cat.

However, when the Blazing Roaring Tiger heard what Lu Ze said, his happy face suddenly became depressed.


"Little Tiger said he was dumped Hupa."

As soon as the Blazing Roaring Tiger finished speaking, Hupa smiled and translated what the Blazing Roaring Tiger had just said.

Hearing what Hu Pa said and looking at the aggrieved expression of the Blazing Roaring Tiger, Lu Ze couldn't help but become happy.

"It's okay. Just break up. The next one will be better."

After Lu Ze patted the Blazing Roaring Tiger's shoulder, he leaned close to the Blazing Roaring Tiger's ear and said, "When you have time, go and take a look at my nursery. There are also a few tiger cubs in there."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the Fiery Roaring Tiger's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded quickly and firmly.

Soon, Lucario, Nian Meilulong and others came over.

Lu Ze said hello to them, played around for a while, and gave the stuff that Kirby brought to the dressed bear to the dressed bear. Grandma Liu Xiangjun also came back.

"Oze is back, what do you want to eat tonight?" After Liu Xiangjun saw Lu Ze, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"I want to eat the fish-flavored tomato dragon you made, would you like one?" Lu Ze stepped forward, obediently took the backpack from grandma's hand, and said to her.


After Liu Xiangjun agreed with a smile, he began to prepare the ingredients.

After Liu Xiangjun came back, Lu Ze's grandfather, father and mother also came back soon.

Mother Lu's elf shop now has someone employed, so he comes back from get off work with Father Lu every day.

"Why are you back today?"

After Lu Xingguo came back, he was also surprised to see Lu Ze: "What time does your gym get off work?"

"I get off work at six o'clock."

Lu Ze grinned, showing his big white teeth: "It's half an hour before you get off work."


After Lu Xingguo nodded, Dad Lu looked at Lu Ze and laughed: "What are you doing when you come back this time?"

Knowing a son is like a father, Lu Ze must have something to talk to them about when he suddenly came back this time.

As soon as Father Lu said these words, Lu Xingguo, who was sitting on the sofa, and Mother Lu, who was holding Victini and Hupa, also turned to look at them at the same time.

"Well, I want to see if any of you can help me temporarily act as the gym leader for a few days."

Lu Ze didn't hide it and said directly: "In two days, I want to go to the South China Sea to see the meteor shower."

"Temporarily acting as gym leader?"

Lu Xingguo was a little surprised: "Can we?"

"Of course, grandpa, you are a king-level trainer." Lu Ze said seriously.

"No, I mean, does the official side agree with this?"

"What's wrong with this? Officials are ready to keep the gym open."

Lu Ze spread his hands and said, "Actually, if none of you are willing, I can also ask for leave."

"It doesn't matter if the gym simply closes for three or four days."

"No, let your grandma or your dad go."

Lu Xingguo shook his head: "After all, you only have eight gyms in the country now."

Mother Lu also nodded in agreement.

In fact, if we are serious, she can go.

After all, although her strength is not very strong, she was able to pass the upper level examination through her own hard work.

But after marrying Dad Lu, she was at home caring for her husband and raising children, and neglected the cultivation of her own Pokémon.

But Mama Lu is able to command other Pokémon in the family.

Whether it’s Grandma Liu Xiangjun’s Pokémon or Lu Xingguo and Dad Lu’s Pokémon.

She can command and move.

But her mind didn't seem to be on this, and she wasn't interested in it.

"I can't, I have classes."

After hearing Lu Xingguo's words, Liu Xiangjun's voice also came from the kitchen.

"Then it's just you two."

Lu Ze smiled, while Lu Xingguo and Dad Lu looked at each other.

Neither of them really wanted to show off.

But the Gym Leader seems to be quite interesting.

After all, they are not the kind of old-fashioned people who don't accept new things.

On the contrary, their ability to accept new things is quite good.

Just like Lu Xingguo, he played Pokémon Battle for a while when it first came out.

Even now he remains in the top 500.

The same goes for Father Lu, but Father Lu's ranking is not as high as Lu Xingguo's.

Compared to Lu Xingguo who threatened Mo Anguo with force from time to time, Dad Lu basically gave up Pokémon battle after becoming a researcher.

"How many days are you going to go?"

"Four or five days, maybe a week?"

Lu Ze was not sure either: "Look, if that doesn't work, you can still let Fu Gui or Lu Zhengjie serve as the gym leader. The two of them are strong enough."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Dad Lu also looked at Lu Xingguo.

Knowing a son is like a father, Lu Xingguo also understood what Dad Lu meant.

"Okay, then let's spend two days alone to try out what's different about the gym leader. After all, we still have research tasks."

Lu Xingguo nodded and agreed: "If you haven't come back after four days, then leave it to Lu Zhengjie or Fugui." "Okay."

Lu Ze nodded, sat on the sofa, and started chatting with Dad Lu and Lu Xingguo.

Let’s talk about our own affairs during this period and the things we haven’t finished talking about in Xiaozhi’s world before.

Soon, the meal was ready.

After Lu Ze had a meal at home, he stayed at home tonight.

Anyway, he always has a room at home.

As for Kirbymon and the others.

They seemed to be used to not living with Lu Ze, but living in the nursery.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, after the Lu Ze family got up, they had breakfast together and then went to their respective places of work.

Lu Xingguo and Father Lu went to the research institute, and Mother Lu went to her own training house.

Lu Ze went to school with his grandma Liu Xiangjun.

Of course, Lu Ze returned to his gym next to the school.

After all, the gym will still be open for business today.

"Didn't I watch your live broadcast to challenge the gym some time ago? How many challenges have you challenged now?" Liu Xiangjun asked Lu Ze curiously while walking on the road.

"There are three challenges. There is no time for the remaining four." Lu Ze shook his head helplessly and said.

Among the three gyms he challenged, one was Suiyan's, one was a dragon-attribute gym, and one was a grass-attribute gym.

Next, according to the votes of the viewers in the live broadcast room, he should challenge the ground attribute gym.

But I haven't had time lately.

"I have challenged three gyms."

Liu Xiangjun was slightly surprised, but Lu Ze was a little strange.

"My strength is not weak either. It seems that there is nothing surprising about challenging three gyms, right?"

Seeing Lu Ze scratching his head naively, Liu Xiangjun also laughed.

"It's not because of this surprise, it's because I also want to challenge the gym."

"You also want to challenge the gym?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment and looked at his grandma in disbelief.

"Yeah, don't you think those gym badges are pretty and shiny?"


"Okay, too."

Lu Ze really didn't expect that Liu Xiangjun wanted to challenge the gym because of this.

"Actually, if I could go to the world you mentioned, I would also like to collect all the gym badges from that world."

Liu Xiangjun said, then smiled: "But forget my words, I will leave this matter to you when the time comes."

Liu Xiangjun patted Lu Ze's shoulder. She had also seen the badge Lu Ze had obtained in Xiaozhi's world before.

There are a few badges that really fit her aesthetic.

In addition, the Eight Avenue Gym badges from Shangjing that I saw on the official website were pretty good, so I started thinking about collecting badges.

"Okay, leave it to me. Whenever I go to that world again, I will challenge various gyms and collect badges."

After Liu Xiangjun finished speaking, Lu Ze also patted his chest to reassure himself.

It has always been Lu Ze's idea to challenge the gym in Xiaozhi's world.

Although it's not ideal, for a collector, isn't it what every Pokémon player should do to collect all the badges?

His two hobbies now.

One is the collection of badges, and the other is the collection of Pokémon.

But now it seems that these two hobbies are a bit difficult to realize.

The first is the real world.

After collecting Pokémon, you can't just put them in the computer, right?

They must be raised.

Although there is a breeder now, there are many special Pokémon that cannot be collected.

For example, the huge roaring whale king.

For example, the hunter fish and cherry blossom fish that live in the deep sea.

Such as fossil Pokémon.

Fossil Pokémon resurrection machines are now not only available in the United States, but also in the Dragon Kingdom.

But there are still a few fossil Pokémon that have not been resurrected.

I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t found the fossil corresponding to the Pokémon or what.

However, Lu Ze didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Hua was not very interested in other Pokémon other than the Mysticosaurus.

He always felt that the fossil pterosaur was not as domineering as the fire-breathing dragon.

In addition to the deep sea Pokémon that are not suitable for raising and the fossil Pokémon that have not yet appeared, there is another obstacle that prevents him from collecting illustrated books.

Divine beast!

This is not a game. You can catch mythical beasts at fixed points, but if you can't catch them, you can still save them.

Not to mention anything else, Lu Ze currently only has two divine beasts, Deoxys and Latios.

Of course, if you count the relationship between being included in the Poké Ball, then Mana Fei also counts as one.

As for the others, they are all Lu Ze's friends.

Including Latias, Hoopa, Mewtwo and the others.

The mythical beast is not like in the game, as long as you successfully capture it, it is yours.

The mythical beast also needs to recognize you.

Just like Deoxys.

There are also some mythical beasts, such as Chaomeng, which are unwilling to be subdued by humans. Lu Ze has no choice.

Therefore, if you want to collect all illustrated books in the real world, it is basically impossible.

It made Lu Ze want to develop a phantom with fiery red leaves, green leaves, and pitch black in this world.

The Pokédex is hard to come by, but badges are easy to come by.

Taking advantage of the fact that the gyms in this world are not fully open, I went to Xiaozhi World to collect all the badges.

In this case, all the badges can be considered collected.

As for the gyms in this world that are fully open in the future, it will be a bit difficult to collect badges.

The first thing is that Dragon Kingdom is too big.

Another thing is that after the gyms in this world are fully opened, his strength will definitely be raised to another level.

At that point, it would seem a bit bullying if I continued to collect badges and challenge gyms.

Although he doesn't have that many ideas himself.

Lu Ze shook his head slightly. Let's take it one step at a time.

I think there won't be much time to collect badges in Xiaozhi's world this year.

After all, the next World King Challenge is still very important to her.

It would be bad if you accidentally lose track of time while going to Xiaozhi World.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Liu Xiangjun said, waved to Lu Ze, turned around and entered the school.

After Lu Ze watched his grandma enter the school, he also turned and walked towards his gym.

Although I said I would go to the South China Sea to watch the meteor shower in two days and have some fun by the way.

But I still have to go to work these two days.

The gym still needs to be guarded.

After Lu Ze arrived at the entrance of the gym, he saw the challengers at the entrance.

At this time, Wei Qingyun and the others were already ready at the door, waiting for Lu Ze to open the door.

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