Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1078 Chapter 1143 South China Sea, let’s go!

Chapter 1078 Chapter : South China Sea, let’s go!

"Going to Chaoshan?"

Sui Yan looked at the information on the ticket and looked at Lu Ze with a blank look on his face and asked.

"Yeah, I can't eat anything bland."

Lu Ze smiled, otherwise it would be very good to go to Guangzhou.

But let’s go to Chaoshan.

"There are hand-made beef balls hot pot, beef tendon balls, and raw pickled meatballs."

When talking about raw pickling, Lu Ze couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Who can understand what it is like to watch a video of eating raw pickled food in the middle of the night?

It smells so good!

"Okay, it's up to you."

After Sui Yan was stunned for a moment, he nodded indifferently.

They had already agreed before that this journey would be under Lu Ze's command.

So whatever Lu Ze said, they would just leave.

There was no one else on this trip, just Lu Ze, Sui Yan, Tang Yunqin and Sui Yan's girlfriend Wu Mengxin.

Tang Yunqin asked for leave from the gym, and Suiyan's father came to temporarily replace the gym leader.

As for Lu Ze, it was even simpler. Lu Xingguo and Dad Lu were alone for two days.

After two days, if Lu Ze and the others have not come back, then Fugui and Lu Zhengjie will take turns coming back one day at a time.

As for Uncle Tzuyu’s opinion?

What can he say?

Lu Ze wanted to laugh when he thought of Zhuge Ziyu's helpless look after hearing the news from Lu Ze.

But it is estimated that after this time, Zhuge Ziyu will promote the popularization of Taoist gyms faster.

Otherwise, it would be really too much for Lu Ze to ask for leave every now and then in the past three days and let someone else take over as the gym leader...

I do not know how to describe!

The main reason is that there are only eight of them in the gym now, which attracts too much attention.

After the popularization of gymnasiums, there should not be so much attention on them.

At that time, it doesn’t matter whether you ask for leave or not, and it doesn’t matter whether you find someone or not.

Zhuge Ziyu was tired, but Lu Ze and the others had already boarded the plane to Chaoshan.

Lu Ze's window this time was still by the window.

You can still vaguely see Pokémon like Pidgeot and Messenger Bird below.

But after the plane flew higher, there were a lot less Pokémon.

Lu Ze was not idle either. Every time he saw a Pokémon, he would use the system to check the Pokémon's information.

But unfortunately, this time until after landing, there was no Pokémon disguised as Mew.

But yes, the dream now is definitely not the same as last time.

Meng Meng has become familiar with Lu Ze.

Even if he is not familiar with Lu Ze, he will come directly after sensing Victini.

"Let's go eat beef hotpot first."

Just after getting off the plane, Lu Ze touched his belly and said to Sui Yan and the others.

"it is good."

After Sui Yan and the other three nodded, they followed Lu Ze on to an ox cart that was similar to an ancient carriage, but was pulled by Kenterola.

"Uncle, where is the best beef hotpot restaurant?"

Before even getting on the bus, Sui Yan showed his social side and asked directly to the uncle sitting on Kentero.

"That must be the most famous Kentero beef restaurant here!"

The uncle's eyes were filled with pride, and he pointed to the car with his thumb: "Get in the car, I'll take you there!"


Sui Yan agreed and got into the car with Lu Ze and the others excitedly.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan sat on one side, and Tang Yunqin and Wu Mengxin sat on the other side.

The space inside the carriage is quite large, and there is a small table between the four people.

The four of them were very excited, chatting all the way, and soon arrived at the entrance of the Kentero Beef Shop that the uncle just mentioned.

"Here we go, Chenghui ten yuan."

After Lu Ze paid, he happily walked into the store.

Now is not the peak travel season.

However, due to the meteor shower falling in the South China Sea, there have been obviously a lot more people here recently.

It's probably lunch time now. Around five or six in the afternoon, there are quite a few people in the store.

"Hello, is there still room? I need a large private room."

"Yes, please come this way."

After the receptionist smiled at Lu Ze and the others, she took them to a large box upstairs.

"Do you want a big pot or a small pot?"

"Little pot, let's serve twenty of your store's signature pots first."

After Lu Ze thought for a moment, he saw that there were only twenty electric heating devices on the table, and then he said to the waiter.


The waiter nodded, not surprised.

Four people ordered twenty pots, presumably with Pokémon.

But do all four of them have so many Pokémon?


The waiter began to announce the arrival of the pot, and Lu Ze and the others also released the cross-shaped bat, Kirbymon and the others.

"Let's see what we can eat?"

Lu Ze and the others have already ordered some signature beef and beef meatballs, plus some ingredients.

The next step is to see what the Pokémon eat.

Basically, Pokémon are all omnivores, so there is nothing unacceptable about these.

Kirby was the first to step forward, took the tablet from Lu Ze's hand, and started ordering.

On Suiyan's side, Charizard and Eluredo ordered dishes together.

There were relatively few humanoid Pokémon on Tang Yunqin's side.

However, there are still Thousand Faced Evasion and Ice-Treading Dolls.

Although Hupa and Victini had already ordered, they still joined in when Kirbymon was ordering.

When Kirby is around, meat is definitely a must for this meal.

Unexpectedly, the waiter just now shouted on the intercom as if he was facing an enemy.

"There's a Kirbymon. Pay attention, there's a Kirbymon! Outbound purchasing staff are always ready!"

Within a short time, Lu Ze and the others had finished ordering.

Soon, as small pots were brought up one by one, plates of beef were also served quickly.

The four of Lu Ze each had a pot, and the remaining sixteen pots were divided among their Pokémon.

For example, Kirby has one person and one pot.

After all, the cooked food is not enough for him to eat by himself.

Charizard, Shock Monster, and Lucario's small pots were used to cook the other Pokémon in Lu Ze's team.

Hupa, Victini, Mini Dragon and Soraya ate with Lu Ze.

Latios and Latias did not follow.

Latias didn't come because she was obsessed with a new drama recently and watched it at a fixed time every day.

And after Latios saw that Latias didn't come, he stopped coming.

It's called a period of rest. I was too tired as a gym trainer some time ago.

Neither of them came, and Lu Ze didn't pay too much attention. He turned around and asked Chaomeng and Dark Chaomeng again.

Dark Mewtwo really wanted to come, but Chunmeng didn't allow him to come.

Because Dark Mewtwo wants to train and compete in the World King Challenge as his Pokémon.

From Lu Ze, he learned that mythical beasts can be allowed to appear in the World King Challenge, but it needs to be discussed by both parties.

And with Chaomeng's arrogant temperament, if the other party proposes to fight the mythical beasts, can he refuse? Of course he won't refuse!

However, if the mythical beasts fight, will he play by himself?

That would definitely not work. After all, he was participating in the World King Challenge this time as a trainer, not as a divine Pokémon.

Then he thought of Dark Lugia.

But Dark Lugia would obviously not appear on such an occasion.

After all, Dark Lugia also said that he doesn't like fighting very much.

But the next second he thought of Dark Lugia, Mewtwo thought of Dark Mewtwo.

It's obviously okay to use Dark Mewtwo as your own Pokémon.

After all, no one else but himself can command Dark Mewtwo.

Of course, except Lu Ze.

Lu Ze can even command himself, let alone Dark Chaomeng.

So under the gaze of Chaomeng's eyes, Dark Chaomeng "happily" said that he would not go.

So Lu Ze could only helplessly spread his hands to the dark Chaomeng and left.

"Why don't you two come out for something to eat?"

"I'm not really interested in your human food."

The waiter went out after serving all the dishes, and Lu Ze also asked Giratina and Darkrai at this time.

There is no way, after all, Giratina and Darkrai belong to divine beasts.

Normally it's fine, but at times like this it's better to try not to show them in front of other people.

If it causes a sensation by then, it will be more troublesome.

After Lu Ze asked, Giratina's voice came from Lu Ze's shadow.


Darkrai was startled and looked at Giratina next to him.

"You're not interested, but I am! Stop talking, I'm going out to eat."

After Darkrai finished speaking, he glanced at Giratina and then went out.

On the other side, Cang Xiang, Dianxi and Reshiram also came out and began to be fed by Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin.

"Come and try it, it's really delicious."

After Lu Ze Jiaqi threw a cooked meatball into his mouth, he chewed it and said to Giratina.

"Yeah, come on out, it's really delicious. Look how happy they are eating."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Darkrai also helped Lu Ze persuade Giratina.

"Then let me try it?"

Giratina said as he came out of Lu Ze's shadow.

When Giratina came out, Cang Xiang and Reshiram couldn't help but snicker.

But I have to say that the beef hotpot is really good. Especially the hand-beaten beef balls.

After Giratina came out, he also followed Lu Ze's example and used [Psychic Power] to fish out a beef ball from the pot, then dipped it in the Shacha sauce.

Putting it into his mouth, Giratina couldn't help but nodded.

"It's really good."

"Let's try this snowflake beef, just scald it and it's ready." Lu Ze said, picking up a chopstick of snowflake beef and putting it into the pot.

The boiling pot calmed down, but within five or six seconds it started boiling again.

After boiling for another five or six seconds, the snowflake beef will be blanched in almost ten seconds.

The fat and lean beef is covered with satay sauce and is put into your mouth. It simply melts in your mouth.

The feeling of eating meat was so good that even Giratina couldn't help but nodded.

The hot pot is very powerful and the pot is not small, but I don’t know if it’s because it’s too delicious or because they have too many Pokémon.

In a short time, all the beef and beef balls on the table were cleared.


After Sui Yan licked his lips, he looked at Lu Ze and asked.

"Come on."

Lu Ze smiled. Now they are not the kind of people who are short of money. Naturally, they can eat as much as they want.

Isn’t it just for this beef hotpot that you come to Chaoshan?

After letting several mythical beasts hide first, Lu Ze called the waiter and continued to order.

This time it was double the first order.

After all, I had just started eating and it was already gone.

There was no surprised expression on the waiter's face.

After all, I, Kirby, am here, so I can eat as much as I should.

As Lu Ze finished ordering, there were plates of tender beef, snowflakes, half ribs and half meat, crispy and tight with spoon handles.

Crispy fried toe. Fatty beef, hanging dragon, beef balls.

There are also beef offal and barley strips.

No vegetables, all meat.

Even the two girls Wu Mengxin and Tang Yunqin didn't order vegetables.

It’s not time for vegetables to come on stage yet, let’s eat meat first.

After cooking another plate of meat, Lu Ze handed it to the two-headed tyrannosaurus next to him.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus wants to eat both heads, even though they have one belly.

But this also makes Kirby envious. It would be great if he had two heads to eat together.

Shaking his head, he reached out and poured a plate of tender beef into the pot again. After rinsing it for a while, he started eating.

The way Kirby eats makes Lu Ze and the others have a big appetite, and they are full in a short time.

Compared to Pokémon, their human stomachs are still too small.

Lu Ze, Sui Yan, Tang Yunqin and Wu Mengxin had all eaten.

Not to mention Kirbymon, even the Electric Monster, Menas and the Fire-breathing Camel continued to eat.

After Lu Ze and the others took a short rest, they started cooking for their Pokémon again.

The four little guys, Hupa, Victini, Mini Dragon and Zoroa, have almost eaten.

Lu Ze now mainly feeds other Pokémon.

For example, Metagross, Crimson Blade, and Iron Warrior are Pokémon that are not easy to handle.

Although they have superpowers as assistance, and with the superpowers, even the sand tea sauce will not drip off, they are still very happy with Lu Ze's help.

"I am full!"

After Kirby patted his belly with satisfaction, Lu Ze finally relaxed.

Although, if one meal costs tens of thousands, it is no wonder that ordinary families cannot afford to raise Kirby beasts.

This is Kirbymon's combat power after eating a full energy cube in advance.

If there are no satiated energy cubes, Kirbymon can eat up all the inventory in this store.

After paying the bill, Lu Ze took them to a hotel that he had chosen before.

There are three rooms in total.

One for Lu Ze, one for Tang Yunqin, and one for Sui Yan and Wu Mengxin.

After Tang Yunqin entered the room first, Lu Ze also blinked at Sui Yan.

"Young man, please exercise moderation."

Sui Yan chuckled and glanced at Wu Mengxin. When he saw Wu Mengxin opening the door without paying attention, he raised his eyebrows at Lu Ze.

"You have to work hard too."

"Why try hard? I don't have a girlfriend."

Lu Ze smiled, and when he saw Wu Mengxin turning around to look over, he waved his hand and returned to his room.

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