Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1085 Manafei’s Prank

Chapter 1085 Manafei’s Prank

"Can I?"

Hupa simultaneously translated Porygon Type 2's words, and his cautious tone made Lu Ze feel a little heartbroken.

"Of course, if you don't mind, just follow me from now on."

Lu Ze exerted a little force to let Porygon 2 feel his embrace: "I have many children like you there, and you can play with them when the time comes."

"Yes, yes, there is a big nursery at Ozawa's place. There are many Pokémon in it. We had a lot of fun playing there."

Hupa nodded excitedly and said to Porygon Type 2.

And Hupa's words also made the light in the eyes of Porygon Type 2, which was already longing for him, shine brighter.

Seeing this, Lu Ze also began to tell Porygon Type 2 interesting stories about the lives of the Pokémon in his nursery.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that Porygon 2's eyes were getting brighter and brighter as he listened to Lu Ze's words. At the same time, Mana Fei's eyes on the side also flickered, and she looked at Lu Ze with gentle eyes.

I knew that Victini was right, he was indeed a gentle person.

But unfortunately, he couldn't leave the ocean for too long.

But every once in a while, it would be nice to go and play in his nursery for a while.

After all, I heard from Lu Ze that there are many Pokémon there.

But even if there weren't that many Pokémon there, Manaphy would still choose to go.

After all, his good friend Victini is also there.

I just don’t know what the dream is like.

After all, Meng Meng's sleeping time has always been longer than his sleeping time.

"Then, can you go back with me?"

After Lu Ze talked for a while and saw that Porygon 2's mood gradually eased, he asked Porygon 2.

Lu Ze's words made Porygon 2's body freeze for an instant, and then he didn't know what he thought of, but his body began to tremble slightly.

When Lu Ze saw this, he quickly hugged Porygon 2's body.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you have me as your friend, you will make more good friends in the future."

Following Lu Ze's words, Porygon 2's body slowly calmed down.

After a moment, he raised his head from Lu Ze's arms, looked at Lu Ze with expectant eyes, and nodded his head vigorously.

"Let's go."

After seeing Porygon 2 and I nodded in agreement, Lu Ze also laughed happily and said to Porygon 2.

Compared to Porygon 2, diving activities seem to be less important.

And I have just been diving for a while.

"Iron-clawed lobster, you tell them, I'll go back first."

However, Lu Ze did not disturb other people's interest in diving. He just asked the Crayfish to tell others and Pokémon that he was going back first, so that they would not have to look for him when they went back.

After seeing the lobster nodded and returned to the water, Lu Ze turned to Mana Fei, who was lifted up by the waves and asked.

"Then do you want to play with them for a while, or go back with me?"


"He said Victini is where Hoopa is."

"Lictini, as a fire beast, is naturally waiting for us on the beach." Lu Ze smiled and gently touched your Manafei's head.

As his first divine beast, Lu Ze's feelings for Manafei are quite special.

Of course, this refers to the first Pokémon collected into the Poké Ball by him.

His real first Pokémon should be Deoxys.


After Manafei smiled excitedly, she expressed her thoughts with actions.

After Lu Ze slightly helped Manafei on his shoulder, he turned to look at Hupa.

Hupa naturally understood what Lu Ze meant.

"Hupa, laolao~"

As Hupa stretched out his hand, the golden ring on his wrist grew larger and appeared in front of Lu Ze and the others.


After Hupa made a gentlemanly gesture to invite Lu Ze and the others in, Lu Ze walked into the golden ring with a smile.

The golden ring opens right behind Victini.

After seeing the back of Victini piling sand on the beach, Manafei quickly turned her head and made a silencing gesture to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze smiled and nodded slightly, without any intention of ruining Manafei's plan.

Manafei walked tiptoe behind Victini.

At this time, Victini was still piling sand with peace of mind, not noticing Manafei's arrival at all.


As Manafei roared behind Victini, Lu Ze could clearly see that the hair on Victini's body exploded instantly.

The next second, a "V" shaped flame hit Manafei behind him.

It can be clearly seen that after Victini made this subconscious attack, he still had his eyes closed.

Lu Ze was shocked when he saw this scene.

He was about to ask Deoxys to protect Mana Fei.

However, Manafei directly used [Water Cannon] and [Water Water Ring] to block Victini's attack.

The collision of flames and water flow produced water vapor that covered the two little guys, and Manafei's laughter also came from the water vapor.

As soon as Victini heard the familiar voice, he knew who had just been scaring him from behind.


Victini suddenly became angry and yelled, and then Lu Ze clearly saw that the water vapor was deformed.

After a while, when the water vapor dissipated, it was only then that we could see the situation inside.

Victini was pressing on Manafei, pressing Manafei on the beach, viciously killing Manafei.

However, Manafei did not look so scared. Instead, she was laughing so hard that she was out of breath.

Lu Ze had no intention of stopping the two of them, and quietly held Porygon 2 while watching the show.

Porygon Type 2 looked at the two of them, with a look of longing clearly in his eyes.

However, perhaps because of unfamiliar reasons, he did not act rashly.

After waiting for a while, the two little guys ended their fight.

Victini was also surprised by Manafei's arrival. He took Manafei's little hand and came to the sand castle he had just built.

Seeing Victini triumphantly introducing his castle to Manafei, Lu Ze couldn't help but laugh.

But after just watching for a while, Lu Ze stopped paying attention to the two of them.

He held Porygon-2 in his arms and began to introduce his, Sui Yan's, Tang Yunqin's and their Pokémon to each other.

And with the gentle attitude of each Pokémon, Porygon Type 2's eyes began to brighten, and he smiled happily.

"Is this?" After a while, Sui Yan and the others came back.

Tang Yunqin asked curiously when she saw the Porygon 2 in Lu Ze's arms.

Faced with Tang Yunqin's inquiry, Polygon 2 subconsciously shrank its neck and retracted into Lu Ze's arms.

"I just met this little guy in the sea, and now he is my Pokémon."

Lu Ze smiled and touched Porygon 2's head. After comforting him, he explained to Tang Yunqin and the others.

When Porygon Type 2 heard what Lu Ze said, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Especially when he heard Lu Ze say that he was his Pokémon now, Porygon Type 2 was even more moved.

Porygon Type 2 raised his head and looked at Lu Ze excitedly with his big eyes.

If he were a female human now, he would definitely kiss Lu Ze on the face without hesitation.

"Porygon Type 2 is a very rare Pokémon."

Sui Yan also came forward, looked at Porygon Type 2 in Lu Ze's arms with some curiosity and said.

It seems that with Lu Ze's words just now as the confidence, Porygon Type 2 lost the fear just now and showed it happily in front of Sui Yan and the others.

Everyone started playing on the beach with the Pokémon. Soon, the sun set and it was night.

Lu Ze and the others took their Pokémon and went directly to the other beach. There were a lot of delicious food on the other beach.

In other words, there are many stalls selling snacks on the curb on the beach.

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan found a table and sat down, they asked the store to serve some barbecue.

At the same time, Kirby also walked around various food stalls with other Pokémon, and when he saw what he wanted to eat, he bought it directly.

Kirby has money himself, and a lot of it, so he can afford to treat other Pokémon to snacks.

After all, together they might not be able to eat as much as themselves.

"I feel like there's nothing interesting here in Zhongsha Islands."

Sui Yan said to Lu Ze while eating the mutton skewers in his hand.

"That's true. Can't we go to XSQD?" Tang Yunqin also nodded and said.

There are not many islands that can be settled here in the Zhongsha Islands.

But the island they landed on was the largest island within the Zhongsha Islands that they could land on.

Of course, there are only some people on this island, and there are some shops and the like. Like other islands, it is more like a place formed by a group of reefs than an island. There is no human habitation at all.

"Okay, but if you want to go to XSQD, you have to wait until the surfing competition ends tomorrow."

"Surfing competition, why are you obsessed with this? Do you want to challenge the king who is ranked 82nd in the world?" Sui Yan asked Lu Ze strangely.

"Of course not."

Lu Ze was delighted: "Instead of winning first place, I actually want to win fourth place."


Looking at the three confused faces in front of him, he also smiled and explained.

"You didn't look at the prizes. I looked at the prizes. Didn't you find that the fourth place prize is somewhat similar to the slate I have been collecting?"


Sui Yan shook his head: "I seem to have never noticed it, but why are you collecting slates?"

"Of course it's useful."

Lu Ze glanced at Sui Yan helplessly. What else could he do by collecting slates?

"But I haven't seen the real thing, so I'm not sure if that is the stone slab I'm looking for."

"Okay? It doesn't matter. It will be fun to participate in the surfing competition tomorrow."

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Sui Yan shook his head indifferently and said to Lu Ze.

"But who are you going to use for the competition?"

Sui Yan looked at a few people and asked, "Look at the rules of the competition. It seems that the Pokémon is required to swim in front, and then the trainer stands on the surfboard and is pulled away by the Pokémon."

"Compared to us, you should consider this issue more." When Sui Yan asked, Lu Ze instantly became happy.

Although there is no official ban on Pokémon with other attributes except water Pokémon, there are indeed not many Pokémon like Suiyan that can swim fast.


Sui Yan looked proud: "To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that flying Pokémon cannot be used and the rules dictate that Pokémon can only swim in water, then I would definitely let Vulcan Moth come on."

"Even if you let the Vulcan Goose come up, he won't be very fast."

Lu Ze smiled, but the Vulcan Moth on the other side suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Ze.

Sui Yan also laughed when he saw the Vulcan Moth's reaction. After gently patting the Vulcan Moth next to him, he spoke to Lu Ze.

"The Vulcan Moth is no longer slow, at least in my team."

Lu Ze smiled dumbly. What Sui Yan said did make sense.

Look at Suiyan's Pokémon, not many of them are fast.

But it's because of this that Sui Yan needs a wind fairy.

Whether Wind Fairy uses [Tailwind] or [Trick Space], it will be a big improvement for the Pokémon in Suiyan's team.

"You're still talking about me, don't you only have a water-type Pokémon called Crayfish?"

"I, Kirby, can swim too, right!"

Lu Ze said confidently: "And Kirby's swimming speed is not slow, okay."

Sui Yan was happy: "Then why don't you let Kirbymon participate?"

"Of course it's because Kirby's speed is not too slow, but it's not too fast either!" Lu Ze still said confidently.

"Okay, you win."

Sui Yan rolled his eyes. He really had nothing to say about Lu Ze's shamelessness.

Tang Yunqin and Wu Mengxin were eating barbecue and watching the two bickering.

Seeing the two people bickering, the two looked at each other and snickered.

Compared to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, they are easy to say.

Wu Mengxin's only water Pokémon is Emperor Nabo, so naturally only Emperor Nabo can play.

Although Tang Yunqin has a lot of water-type Pokémon, there are not many fast ones.

Tang Yunqin was thinking about whether to let the faster Qianmian Yiyu play.

But you still have to consider yourself, after all, the Pokémon has to pull you along.

In this case, the Pokémon's strength attribute must also be considered.

I can try it out tomorrow before the game starts to see whether Menas or Thousand Faces Escape will play.

Both Lu Ze and Sui Yan have challenged people on the world king ranking list.

But it's not on the world king list, but it can still represent something.

After all, the person Lu Ze challenged had defeated the king on the list.

She is the only one who is not sure about the extent of her own strength.

Just took this opportunity.

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