Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1086 Surfing begins, I want to cheat!

Chapter 1086 Surfing begins, I want to cheat!

"A lot of people."

Early the next morning, Lu Ze, Sui Yan, Tang Yunqin, and Wu Mengxin took their Pokémon to the venue where the surfing competition was held.

The surfing competition was held in a different location from where they dived yesterday.

The place where they dived yesterday was on the north side of the island, and now the place where they surf is on the east side of the island.

"There's no map or anything."

Sui Yan looked around and saw nothing similar to a map.

Looking at the player seats on the stage, there are already many people standing there.

The total number of participants is one hundred, not a lot, but not a lot.

While Sui Yan was looking around, Lu Ze also looked at the commentary booth over there.

But unfortunately, the prizes for those competitions haven't been laid out yet, and he doesn't know if the fourth place reward is an icicle slate.

"The game starts in half an hour. Let's go to the players' bench and wait."

Compared to Lu Ze and Sui Yan, Tang Yunqin was a little excited.

Sui Yan has decided not to challenge Gong Xinying, and there is no point in Wu Mengxin challenging Gong Xinying. She is too weak, and there is no possibility of winning if she challenges Gong Xinying.

It’s okay not to play this kind of friendly match.

As for Lu Ze?

His goal has always been fourth place.

If it weren't for the fact that the prize for fourth place might be an icicle slate, he really wouldn't necessarily participate in this competition.

The speed of crayfish...

to be honest? Not really fast.

However, the king-level strength of the Iron Claw Lobster is there. Although the speed is not fast, there should be no problem in getting the fourth place, right?

Lu Ze wasn't sure either. If he hadn't already chosen the Pokémon when he signed up, he would have wanted Mana Fei to play.

Apart from anything else, Manafei still has the initiative on the sea as the prince of the sea.

Although the speed is not very fast, you are not afraid of the ability to control the waves to help you move.

But even if Manafei could play, Lu Ze would not let him play.

Manafei is a mythical beast that does not often appear in the world's vision. People in the mainland may not be familiar with Manafei.

But people at the beach must be very familiar with Mana Fei.

As the prince of the sea, Mana Fei is more in line with people's image than Lugia, the god of ocean currents, and Kyogre, the god of the ocean.

In many places, people may not worship Lugia or Kyogre before going to sea, but Mana Fei will definitely worship them.

Although the image they worship is only 80% similar to Mana Fei.

After all, even many people on the beach have never seen Mana Fei's true appearance.

After all, Manafei is a mythical beast that does not often appear in human sight.

Especially in recent years, the last time he woke up from his deep sleep was the time he was "conquered" by Lu Ze.

In order to play with Victini who also woke up from her deep sleep.

Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Tang Yunqin came to the players' bench and found a seat to sit down, and then began to observe.

Except for a few of them, the other players sitting on the player bench are obviously the kind who grew up by the sea.

The body is covered with the kind of bronze skin formed after being exposed to the sun.

The weather here is very good, so they basically wear beach shorts and a floral shirt.

Of course, the same goes for Lu Ze and Sui Yan.

The same cannot be said for Tang Yunqin and Wu Mengxin. They prefer beautiful little skirts.

However, the two of them were wearing one-piece swimsuits underneath their skirts, in preparation for the surfing competition they were waiting for.

"Dear guests, dear tourists, good morning!"

As time went by, and as the contestants arrived one by one, the host on the hosting stage also became excited. He took the microphone and made an opening statement to everyone.

At the same time, pictures began to appear on the big screen behind the host.

A bird's-eye view of the island appeared on the screen, and at the same time, the audience and players also looked up at the helicopter in the sky and the photographer in the helicopter holding a camera.

"On the helicopter is another of our hosts. He will give you real-time commentary after the game starts!"

The host said as the time came for the start of the game.

After one hundred players arrived at the starting point according to the guidance of the staff, each player released their own Pokémon.

Next, the staff will check according to the registration list to see if the Pokémon of each contestant is the same Pokémon when they registered.

Lu Ze also took the opportunity to look at the Pokémon of other contestants to see if there were any Pokémon that were a greater threat to him.

There were a few megalodon sharks, two snorkeling ferrets and a jewel starfish that was relatively fast.

There are some other Pokémon that are faster than Crayfish.

But fortunately, among the contestants, except for a few of them, none of the others' Pokémon have reached the king level.

The king-level iron-clawed lobster should be able to barely keep up with them, right?

But it doesn't matter now, Lu Ze has decided to cheat.

This surfing contest does not prohibit Pokémon from attacking other Pokémon.

In this case, the strength of the iron-clawed lobster comes into play.

Item battle, it’s still the kind with unlimited items.

This is my strength!

As time passed, the staff quickly determined the information about the contestants and Pokémon.

"Then, the game is ready to begin!"

The commentator on the stage also shouted excitedly after seeing the staff raising a small flag for confirmation.

As each Pokémon was put on the rope that led the trainer to surf, each trainer also picked up the surfboard, grabbed the rope, and was ready to start.

"Then, the Zhongsha Islands surfing competition is about to begin!"

As the commentator spoke, the referee raised the starting gun.

The powerful crocodile next to the referee covered his ears, and the next second the starting gun made a loud noise.

The moment the starting gun sounded, a hundred Pokémon reacted instantly and rushed out like arrows.

The iron-clawed lobster is naturally no exception, directly using the [Water Jet] skill.

Lu Ze also panicked, but luckily, he finally managed to stand on the surfboard and was rushed out by the iron-clawed lobster.

There were at least twenty or thirty people out of a hundred people who couldn't keep up because the Pokémon rushed too fast.

They didn't succeed in jumping on the wave and started surfing, so they naturally fell into the water.

This will definitely waste some time.

However, Lu Ze didn't pay too much attention to their thoughts. Although the iron-clawed lobster rushed out very quickly, there were still a dozen more in front of it.

Although you can attack other Pokémon, you must also be careful not to attack humans.

If he attacks a human being, his qualifications will be immediately cancelled.

They may even be punished by law.

So be careful even if you want to attack other Pokémon.

Lu Ze turned on the waveguide and took a look.

The first one to rush was undoubtedly Tang Yunqin.

After all, her Minas is not slow, and it is a King-level Pokémon. Its basic speed is much faster than other Pokémon.

Behind Tang Yunqin was a Megalodon. The speed of the senior-level Megalodon was not much slower than that of Menas.

Next are the Snorkeling Weasel, Gem Starfish and Wu Mengxin’s Emperor Nabo.

Behind them are Pokémon such as Gyarados, Diga, and Sea Lion.

Just as Lu Ze was thinking about how to overtake at a corner, a molar colored fish suddenly rushed out from beside them and overtook them at a very fast speed.

Lu Ze was shocked, but he was not in a hurry to come back.

The track distance in this race is still very long, so there is plenty of time to overtake.

But after all, the iron-clawed lobster lacked stamina, and within a short time, it was overtaken one after another.

"If anyone tries to overtake us, we'll take action immediately!" Seeing the somewhat depressed look of the Iron Claw Lobster, Lu Ze spoke to the Iron Claw Lobster without hesitation.

My determination to cheat is still not enough.

Look at the Victory Pokémon Victini next to you.

Looking at Canghai, Manafei is also beside her.

Why don't I know how to borrow the power of the two of them?

Victini applies a special energy to the crayfish, and the crayfish will definitely run faster.

Manafei can just control the sea water and push the iron claw lobster to advance the ranking of the iron claw lobster.

"Alas, that means I am too righteous."

Lu Ze sighed slightly, and then noticed Chenglong who was preparing to overtake the iron-clawed lobster.

"Iron-clawed lobster, wave of evil!"

Raid commanded the Iron Claw Lobster to launch an attack without hesitation.

The iron-clawed lobster released [Evil Wave] and hit the sea water in front of Chenglong. The instantaneous explosion of water directly caused Chenglong's speed to drop sharply. The iron-clawed lobster also speeded up without hesitation and moved away. Riding the dragon.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's the first time I'm attacked by other Pokémon on the track."

After seeing the iron-clawed lobster launching an attack, the host became completely excited: "However, the iron-clawed lobster did not attack Chenglong, but attacked the sea area in front of Chenglong, forcing Chenglong to slow down! "

Chenglong's trainer was very unhappy at this scene and immediately commanded Chenglong to attack.

The [Freezing Beam] hit the Iron Claw Lobster, but I couldn't even touch the Iron Claw Lobster's butt due to the lack of distance.

Chenglong's trainer was furious and incompetent, and immediately commanded Chenglong to chase after him.

At the same time, he also directed Chenglong to turn his head and use [Freeze Beam] on the sea behind him to freeze a path and block the Pokémon behind.

Lu Ze naturally noticed this scene, and with a thought in his heart, he also directed the Iron Claw Lobster to take action.

Let the crayfish activate the weather [Hail], and then [Blizzard] freeze all the sea surface it just passed.

Then the [Rock Blockade] fell on the ice, and the huge rocks piled up into a pile, reaching a high height.

At the very least, the Pokémon that had just been able to jump directly over the frozen dragon road now had to either go around it, go under the water, or hit the rocks directly.

However, no matter which method is used, it will take a certain amount of time.

For the time being, it seemed that Lu Ze no longer had to worry about his opponents surpassing him.

The next step is to see how to deal with the Pokémon in front.

The Pokémon in the front is a Teeth-Geared Fish.

Like the Crayfish, he was unable to follow up after bursting with speed.

Lu Ze roughly estimated the burst speed of the Iron Claw Lobster using [Water Jet].

"Can we almost catch up?"

Lu Ze was a little unsure, but decided to let the Iron Claw Lobster give it a try.

We are about to pass through the area where the reef is located. At that time, we must not only target other people's Pokémon, but also pay attention to the impact of the reef and undercurrent on surfing.

Finally, Lu Ze made up his mind, and the iron-clawed lobster exploded in speed under Lu Ze's command and rushed towards the molar colored fish in front.

"The iron-clawed lobster player is working hard again. Can he catch up with the molar colored fish in front this time?"

A picture of the clawed lobster instantly accelerating appeared on the big screen. At the same time, the position map of each player also appeared on the big screen.

The leader was still Tang Yunqin's Menas.

As Milotica moves forward, it continues to leave obstacles for the Pokémon that come later.

Things like [Freeze Beam] that freezes a path on the sea are just small moves.

Menas can also use [Tornado] to leave a seaspout behind him.

Compared with Lu Ze's troublesome series of actions just now, this seaspout is simpler and easier to use.

Not to mention that it is difficult to destroy, after all, it is a skill used by the King-level powerful Pokémon.

It is basically impossible to pass a seaspout like this underwater, so you can only choose to go around it.

Coupled with the [Surfing] that came from the front from time to time, and the [Black Mist] and [White Mist] that suddenly appeared on the sea, the trainer behind Tang Yunqin was also agitated.

However, the distance between the two of them was too far, and his attack still couldn't hit Menas.

At the same time, Lu Ze on the other side was also led by the iron-clawed lobster to catch up with the molar colored skin fish in front.

A [rock avalanche] fell in front of the [Molar Colored Skin Fish]. The moment the Molar Colored Skin Fish slowed down, the Iron Claw Lobster rushed over.

However, the trainer of the Molar Teeth Fish reacted quickly and directly commanded his Molar Teeth Fish to catch up and use [Wave Rush].

[Wave Rush] was very fast, but the Iron Claw Lobster naturally reacted and turned around to block the attack of the Molar Colored Skin Fish. It also directly used [Dragon Dance] to strengthen itself.

The main thing is to strengthen the speed. If you can increase the speed a little bit, it is a little bit.

The [Crab Claw Hammer] hit the Molar Colored Skin Fish, sending the Molar Color Skin Fish flying backwards, and then the Iron-clawed Lobster took Lu Ze to surf again.

The crayfish seems to have found its own way of surfing.

Bullying the weak is enough!

As long as he rushes forward and punches him, basically few of the Pokémon present can stop him.

And relying on this new trick, Iron Claw Lobster quickly rushed to the top ten positions.

But at this time, they also officially entered the reef area!

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