Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1088: Suppress Gong Xinying!

Chapter 1088: Suppress Gong Xinying!

After the two were ready, the battle began quickly.

After Tang Yunqin came to the small reef and stood up, a referee riding a tropical dragon came over the larger reef in the middle.

"Please both parties send their own Pokémon to battle!"

As the referee finished speaking, Tang Yunqin and Gong Xinying also threw their elf balls at the same time.

Two Pokémon appeared on the field at the same time.

The Pokémon sent by Tang Yunqin was the King-level Thousand Faces Dodger.

The Pokémon sent by Gong Xinying was a Diga sea lion.

Because this was a friendly match, there were no spectators.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan were also directly taken to the sky above the reef by their respective fire-breathing dragons.

But the difference is that there is only one person on Lu Ze's side, and on Sui Yan's fire-breathing dragon, besides Sui Yan, there is also Wu Mengxin.

Lu Ze's Charizard glanced at Sui Yan's Charizard with pity.

How pitiful, having to take two people with me.

The battle on the field started quickly. After the two Pokémon were sent out, the little red flag in the referee's hand fell down.

The battle officially started, and because of the distance, there was no trash talk between the two.

But yes, after all, both of them are girls, and they are girls with king-level strength. Naturally, they will not talk trash before the game.

Damaging the image.

"Which one of them do you think can win?"

"I don't know the whole game, but I feel that Thousand Faces Avoidance has a greater advantage."

After Lu Ze watched the Thousand Faces Evasion move in the field, he said to Sui Yan next to him.

Sui Yan touched his chin: "But this is not a late game. Tang Yunqin can change Pokémon. He learned his tactics from you, so he should be very dirty."

Lu Ze, who was watching the battle, was stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at Sui Yan in disbelief.

"What does it mean that fighting after learning from me is dirty?"

"Is not it?"

Sui Yan smiled narrowly at Lu Ze, and Wu Mengxin behind him couldn't help laughing.

Sui Yan complained in front of her more than once that Lu Ze's tactics were dirty.

It wasn't just Sui Yan's complaints, she had also watched a lot of Lu Ze's battle videos.

Includes real-life battles and battles in the Pokémon games.

I have to say, it is indeed quite dirty.

After Lu Ze rolled his eyes at Sui Yan, he stopped talking to Sui Yan.

It’s unclear who will win in the end of the game, but just from the battle between these two Pokémon, Lu Ze feels that Thousand Faces Avoider has the upper hand.

Both Pokémon are of king-level strength.

Moreover, he had already read the information on the two Pokémon. Gong Xinying's Dig Sea Lion had the [Thick Fat] trait and was basically useless in this battle.

Thousand-faced avoidance is the characteristic of [Sniper].

Although this game is just a friendly match, the Pokémon on both sides also carry props.

The props carried by Diya Sea Lion are regular road [leftovers].

The Thousand Faces Evasion carries a [Focus Mirror] that can increase the chance of a critical hit, which means the critical attack level is increased by one level.

In addition, [Gathering Qi] increases the critical hit rate by two levels.

Coupled with the upgrade of the exclusive skill [Sniper] by one level, Thousand Faces Evasion's vital hit directly reaches level four.

According to the reference in the game, from the sixth generation onwards, a hit level of +3 means a % chance of hitting a critical point.

However, this is the real world. Increasing the level of critical hits only increases the probability of hitting vital points, and there is no 100% chance of it.

However, in the real world, Pokémon can directly target the opponent's vital points and hit them.

Similarly, Pokémon will basically prevent the opponent from hitting its own vital points, thus causing a 100% critical hit effect.

(The critical hit effect has a probability of being triggered as long as the attack hits. Hitting a critical point will trigger 100% critical hit damage. Increasing the critical hit level increases the chance of a critical hit.)

Coupled with the damage increased by the [Sniper] characteristic, even if the defensive power of the Diya Sea Lion is not weak, even if the Diya Sea Lion carries [Leftovers] that can restore physical strength, it cannot stop Thousand Faces Avoidance. Several critical hits from the battle.

Although the Diya Sea Lion is resistant to water, it is not as strong as the ice type.

With the bonus of this system, Thousand Faces Evasion still has advantages.

It's like the Thousand Faced Evasion in the field is constantly attacking the Diya Sea Lion.

After using [Qi Gathering], Thousand Faces Avoidance already had an advantage.

At this time, the Diya Sea Lion was obviously a little exhausted after being hit by Thousand Faces Avoidance's [sniper attacks] several times.

Thousand Faces Evasion's [Sniper] is very fast to use. Even if the Diya Sea Lion quickly dives into the water, it will be difficult to dodge it.

Just seconds after showing up!

This is the tactic of avoiding war with a thousand faces.

The King-level Pokémon that was also beaten was unable to resist.

Seeing this, Gong Xinying took the Diya Sea Lion back into the Poké Ball without hesitation.

If this continues, Diya Sea Lion will be beaten to pieces.

"Go ahead, Superbad!"

Gong Xinying's second Pokémon was a Super Bad Star with high defense. Lu Ze, who was good at "dirty" tactics, instantly understood what Gong Xinying wanted to do.

Poison-type Pokémon are sure to hit when using [Poison], while Thousand Faces Avoider is a Pokémon with a fragile body.

After being hit by [Venom], maybe one or two [Venom] bursts, plus one [Venom Impact] can take Thousand Faces away.

Super Bad Star's super defense can ensure that it can block the attack of Thousand Faces Avoidance before taking away Thousand Faces Avoidance.

As for Tang Yunqin, who was deeply influenced by Lu Ze, she also reacted the moment the super bad star appeared.

Tang Yunqin's lips curved into a slight smile.

Lu Ze still told him about the way to deal with the [Poison] tactics.

There are many ways to deal with the [Poison] tactic.

For example, use [Provocation] first to prevent the opponent from using the [Poison] skill.

Another example is using [Mysterious Guardian] to block the effect of [Poison].

These are all ways to deal with the situation when the opponent's [Poison] is sure to hit.

If the opponent does not have the poison attribute, [Poison] is not a sure hit. You can basically avoid the [Poison] used by the opponent through reaction.

After all, [Venomous Poison] will hit directly by erupting [Venomous Poison] from the opponent's body, thus putting the opponent into a [Venomous Poison] state.

And if you don't have the poison attribute, you can only throw a ball of highly toxic substances to make the opponent fall into a [poisonous] state.

That would be easier to handle.

Thousand Faces Avoidance can learn [Provocation]. Tang Yunqin's Thousand Faces Evasion will naturally use the [Provocation] skill.

But [Provocation] can only last for a period of time, but during this period, Thousand Faces Avoidance will most likely not be able to directly defeat the opponent's good or bad stars.

Not only the defense of Good and Bad Star is too strong, but also the stupid skill of [Self-Regeneration].

In this case, there is only one other method to use.

Make the opponent's [Poison] skill non-guaranteed.

"A Thousand Faces of Refuge, Soaked in Water!"

The moment the Good or Bad Star landed, Tang Yunqin commanded Qianmian Yuyu to use the [Water Immersion] skill.

The [Water Immersion] skill can change the opponent's attribute combination into a single water attribute.

Without the good and bad stars with the poison attribute, naturally, the sure-hit [poison] cannot be used.

Qian Mian Biaoyu quickly stepped forward, and after a large amount of water broke onto Hao Bao Xing's body, Gong Xinying's face couldn't help but darken.

As expected of fourth place in the individual competition of the World Youth Championship, did you just understand my intention in an instant?

Great response!

Gong Xinying nodded approvingly of Tang Yunqin's response.

Just as Tang Yunqin thought, [provocation] has a time limit.

At the moment when [Provocation] ends, Good and Bad Star can directly use the [Poison] skill to put Thousand Faces Avoider into [Poison] state.

This situation is almost inevitable.

However, Tang Yunqin asked Qianmian Yuyong to use [Water Soaking] to change the attributes of the good and bad stars. This was indeed something she did not expect.

"Come back, Good and Bad Star."

Without any hesitation, Gong Xinying directly took the good and bad star back into the elf ball.

Since this tactic doesn't work, the only option is confrontation.

"Go ahead, Gem Starfish!"

Gong Xinying took her Pokémon back into the Poké Ball again and replaced it with the next Pokémon. The spectators also started talking about it.

"No way, that challenger just used one Pokémon to force King Gong Xinying to change two Pokémon in a row?"

"This, should I say that he is worthy of being an officially selected gym leader? He is indeed very strong."

"King Gong Xinying won't lose the game, right? He is the 82nd ranked king on the world king list."

"If it really develops according to this structure, maybe it will happen."

"King Gong Xinying just didn't understand the opponent's tactics. I believe she will win!"

"He is the 82nd-ranked veteran king on the world king list. How could he lose to a newcomer who is not ranked on the world king list?"

"King Gong Xinying, come on!"

After Gem Starfish appeared on the stage, the onlookers also cheered for Gong Xinying.

Lu Ze didn't pay attention to the behavior of the audience. After all, he was still a little far away from the audience.

"Tang Yunqin's response just now was really good."

Lu Ze nodded appreciatively. If he really had to play in his place, he might not have such a good response.

There is a high probability that you may choose to use [Provocation] to prevent the opponent from using the [Poison] skill.

Well, better than Suiyan.

After Gemstone Starfish appeared on the scene, Tang Yunqin commanded Thousand Faces Avoidance to launch an attack without hesitation.

Compared with the previous Pokémon, Thousand-faced Evasion also has a powerful skill that can cause restraint damage to Gem Starfish.

"Evil wave!"

With the addition of the prop [Focusing Mirror] and the skill [Gas Gathering], the critical hit level is +3. Even if the [Sniper] skill is not used, it can theoretically cause % critical damage as long as it hits.

But reality is not a game. Gong Xinying sent out the fastest Gem Starfish in her team, although it would not be so easy for Thousand Faces Evasion's attack to hit.

Gemstone Starfish quickly dived into the water, and after dodging the attack of Thousand Faces Avoidance, he suddenly emerged from the water and used [Psychic Power] to control Thousand Faces Avoidance.

After [Mental Power] caused damage, Gemstone Starfish slammed Thousand Faces Avoider onto the reef with great force, causing secondary damage.

Because of the [Analysis] characteristic, Gem Starfish can gain a 30% damage bonus on its backhand attack after using Thousand Faces Evasion's skills.

Coupled with the bonus of this system and the bonus of the carrying item [Orb of Life], this attack almost killed Qianmian Evasion instantly.

But yes, after all, Gem Starfish has reached the second stage of King-level strength, and its strength is stronger than Thousand Faces Avoidance.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Tang Yunqin's face disappeared, but she once again commanded Qianmian Yiyu to launch an attack.

Qianmian evaded the attack very quickly, and the moment he stood up, he crashed into the gem starfish.

Gem Starfish had no time to react and was hit by the extremely fast Thousand Faces Dodger before he could dodge.

Hit the mark!

This attack made Gem Starfish a little unable to bear it, and he took a few steps back in the sea water.

But just when he was about to launch an attack, Qianmian Yuyong, who had just completed the attack, suddenly turned into a red light and returned to Tang Yunqin's elf ball.

"Turn back quickly!"

Gong Xinying spoke and looked at Tang Yunqin seriously.

Tang Yunqin smiled slightly at Gong Xinying, and then sent out her second Pokémon.

After the first attack, Tang Yuqin also saw the characteristics of the gem starfish.

If Gem Starfish didn't have the [Analysis] attribute, she would have directly chosen to withdraw her Thousand Faces Evasion instead of letting the Thousand Faces Evasion launch another attack.

She was sure that the opponent would pursue higher power, so she let Gem Starfish attack after Thousand Faces dodges the attack.

Fortunately, my judgment was correct, and I got a [rapid return] damage in vain.

This is damage restraint and a critical hit.

Thinking about it, the damage caused to the opposite gem starfish is not low.

The second Pokémon sent by Tang Yunqin was the Pokémon from her own team, the Ice Damour Baboon, who had also reached the second stage of King-level strength.

Taking advantage of the opponent's Gem Starfish using [Self-Regeneration], Tang Yunqin directly commanded the Ice Damo Baboon to launch an attack.

"Abdominal drum! Then earthquake!"

As soon as Tang Yunqin finished speaking, there was a roaring sound coming from the Ice Damo Baboon's body.

[Abdominal Drum] is released, the Ice Daruma Baboon's characteristic [Dharma Mode] is activated, and the Ice Daruma Baboon's form changes to Daruma Mode!

I think this set of Tang Yunqin has been trained or used a lot. The speed at which Ice Damo Baboon uses [Abdominal Drum] is almost as fast as that of Kirby.

In the Dharma mode, coupled with the instant attack power of [Abdominal Drum], the Ice Dharma Baboon directly used [Earthquake].

Gem Starfish is still using [Self-Regeneration], so there is no way to dodge or resist.


The reef directly opened some small gaps under the attack of Ice Damo Baboon [Earthquake].

Although the Gemstone Starfish is in the water, it obviously cannot avoid the attack of [Earthquake].

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