Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1089 Tang Yunqin miscalculated! The situation is not good!

Chapter 1089 Tang Yunqin miscalculated! The situation is not good!

Gem Starfish instantly lost its combat ability after being hit by [Earthquake].

The damage of the Ice Daruma Baboon is too terrifying, but after all, it is the powerful attack power bonus of [Abdominal Drum] plus [Dharma Mode].

This time, let alone the gem starfish, I didn't see that there were some cracks on the reef where it was just standing.

"It's hard to handle."

After Gong Xinying took back her gem starfish that had lost its fighting ability, and took back the Poké Ball, she also took a deep breath when she looked at the Ice Bodhidharma baboon on the reef that had transformed into [Dharma Mode].

Two of the three Pokémon that just appeared were from her second team.

But is the opponent’s Pokémon also from the second team?

She didn't know this, but she knew that the opponent's strength was indeed not weak.

Next, you have to show your full strength.

But after losing a half-elf at the beginning, can she finally defeat the opponent and win this friendly match?

She wasn't sure either.

"Go ahead, Slowpoke!"

The fourth Pokémon sent by Gong Xinying was a Slowpoke, which was also a second-stage King-level Pokémon.

At the same time, this Slowpoke is also one of the aces in her team of Pokémon.

"Here comes King Gong Xinying's ace Pokémon!"

"After being depressed for such a long time, King Gong Xinying finally decided to get serious and regain his face?"

"But this is a 6 V6 battle. Now that King Gong Xinying is getting serious, the opponent's strength may not be weak. It's not certain who will win in the end."

"It's a pity that King Gong Xinying underestimated the enemy at the beginning, otherwise the opponent would never have had this chance."

"Are you getting serious?"

The audience was talking a lot. Although Tang Yunqin couldn't hear what they said, looking at Gong Xinying's look and Slut's confident expression, Tang Yunqin also realized that the other party was serious.

"Dharma baboon, another earthquake!"

"Magic Space, and then Fixation Technique!"

Both sides spoke at the same time, but it was obvious that as a veteran king, Gong Xinying's Slowpoke was still very proficient in her own skills.

Instantly, the reef and some nearby sea areas were shrouded in pink space.

The inexplicable ability slowed down the Ice Damo Baboon's ability to use skills.

Then, the Slowshell Beast's eyes lit up, and the Ice Damo Baboon fell into a semi-petrified state, unable to move.

"Water cannon, finish her off!"

Seeing this, Gong Xinying commanded her Slug Beast to attack again without hesitation.

Although the attack power and speed of the Ice Bodhidharma Baboon in Bodhidharma mode have increased a lot, their defense power has not.

Similarly, after the Ice Daruma Baboon transforms into Daruma mode, its attributes also increase by a fire attribute.

Slowpoke's [Water Cannon] can cause double restraint damage to the Ice Daruma Baboon in Damo mode.

This time, as long as the [water cannon] hits, it can directly take away the Ice Damour Baboon.

Faced with this situation, Tang Yunqin had no choice.

The [Fixing Method] in the game is different from the [Fixing Method] in the real world.

The [Immobilization Method] in the game only makes the last skill used by the opponent unable to be used within four rounds.

In reality, the [Fixing Method] is just like the name, it is fixed for a period of time.

You cannot move or use skills during this time.

This time is calculated based on the difference in strength between the two sides and the attack and defense power of both sides.

Although it can't be controlled for long, for example, in just two or three seconds, the Ice Damo Baboon is about to break free from the restraints of the [Fixation Technique].

But in a real-world battle, just two or three seconds are enough to change the situation of the battle.

Tang Yunqin didn't expect that the opponent would use this skill directly after coming on the field.

It seems that the other party sent the Slowpoke to kill her Ice Damo Baboon.

The other party seemed to be sure that she would not change Pokémon.

But it's true that he doesn't change Pokémon.

After all, Ice Damo Baboon has just come on stage, and the most important thing is that he has used the [Abdominal Drum] skill.

If Ice Damo Baboon is replaced, all the physical attacks he just increased will disappear.

For Tang Yunqin, it would be better to let the Ice Damo Baboon stay on the field and give it a try.

Anyway, I’ve already taken one away, and taking another one away will be even more profitable.


Tang Yunqin shook her head helplessly. After the [water cannon] hit, the Ice Damo baboon lost its fighting ability as expected.

"Look, let me just say that once King Gong Xinying becomes serious, he will be unstoppable."

“Gong Xinying’s Heavenly King is awesome!”

"He is indeed the strongest trainer in our archipelago, he is just awesome!"

After seeing King Gong Xinying defeating Tang Yunqin's Ice Damo Baboon, the onlookers reached a climax instantly, roaring excitedly and cheering for King Gong Xinying.

"This atmosphere, be obedient."

Sui Yan also heard the cheers from the audience below and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

When was the last time you heard this cheer?

Was it during the World Youth Championship against Zekrom?

"Okay, Tang Yunqin can't hear it anyway."

Lu Ze waved his hands with a smile. He usually ignored the cheers.

Obviously, Tang Yunqin didn't care, and sent out her next Pokémon with a normal expression.

Tang Yunqin's third Pokémon chose Echinacea.

Since the other side has already sent out its own ace Pokémon, of course he has to join them.

Tang Yunqin's Scallop is also a King-level Pokémon, which is the second stage.

As the Pokémon that has followed Tang Yunqin for the second longest time, Scutellaria is still very powerful.

Although due to attribute restraints, in the battle between the Charizards of Lu Ze and Sui Yan, even though their strength is slightly lower than the two Charizards, they can still occasionally defeat the two Charizards and win.

Of course, defeat them separately, not two Charizards alone.

It is conceivable how powerful the combat power of the spiny shell is.

The power of the spiny shell does not lie in its omnipotence, but in the direction Tang Yunqin gave the spiny shell from the very beginning.

That powerful, continuous attack.

The spiny shell came on the stage, and because time had almost passed, the [Magic Space] on the field also disappeared.

The corners of Tang Yunqin's mouth raised slightly, "Magic Space", this is what Lu Ze is good at.

But I didn’t pay attention just now. Now let’s take a look at another tactic that Lu Ze is good at. "Slowshell, Trick Space!"

"Poisonous caltrop!"

The two spoke at the same time, and Gong Xinying commanded the Slug Beast to use [Magic Space] again without any surprise.

There is no way, the Slug Beast is too slow, and basically can only rely on the [Magic Space] to fight for the right to take action.

[Magic Space] was once again shrouded, and while the Spiny Shell dropped [Poison Caltrops] on the reef and water, the Slowshell Beast also used [Qi Bombs] on the Spiny Shell.

[Qi Bomb] A fighting attribute skill that can cause double restraint damage to water and ice type spiny shells.

However, the Spiny Shell is not stupid. After spreading [Poison Caltrop], he smiled at the Slug Beast and dodged the Slow Beast's [Qi Bomb] attack.

The existence of [Trick Space] only allows slower Pokémon to strike first, but it does not affect the original speed of Pokémon.

After dodging the [Qi Bomb], Tang Yunqin had no intention of commanding the thorn shell.

However, the Spiny Shell clearly understood what Tang Yunqin wanted to do. While launching [Rock Blast] towards the Slug Beast, he secretly started [Saling] again.

Although there is [Magic Space], the speed of the spiny shell's shots is affected.

However, spiny shellfish can control the frequency of their attacks.

Five [Rock Crit Strikes] were launched at a slow speed, allowing the Slug Beast to react, but it could only choose to use skills to resist the [Rock Crit Strikes] instead of attacking itself.

The spiny shell laughed. His control of his own characteristics could be used in battle after practicing for so long.

Just like now, just use [Rock Crit] and control it at the speed of five [Rock Crit].

Because the energy of [Rock Crit] has been output, it does not affect his use of other skills.

Although there was the influence of [Magic Space], after the use of [Rock Crit], the spiny shell still dropped two layers of [Saling] on the ground.

Gong Xinying didn't notice this at all, but she instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Slowshell, yawn!"

[Trick Space] is about to end, so use [Yawn] first to force the opponent to change Pokémon.

The spiny shell was hit by [Yawn], but the [Magic Space] had not disappeared at this time. Obviously, it could not wait for the spiny shell to release its skill again.


Tang Yunqin took out the elf ball and took back the spiny shell.

The five [rock critical strikes] just now were blocked by Slowmon's skills.

In order to use [Sa Ling].

Otherwise, the Slowpoke with full speed would definitely be unstoppable.

The item carried by the spiny shell is [The King's Certificate]. Only one of the five attacks can trigger the [Fear] effect of the [King's Certificate], and then all the remaining attacks can hit.

But it can only be said to be a pity, after all, her goal is just [Sa Ling].

Tang Yunqin smiled happily. Next, Gong Xinying only needs to change the Pokémon on the field, as long as it is not a flying Pokémon.

Then as long as the opponent's Pokémon comes on the field, it will lose a quarter of its physical strength and enter the [poisoned] state.

There is no time, otherwise it would be better to directly enter the [Poison] state with two layers of [Poison Caltrop].

Tang Yunqin, who was in a good mood, couldn't help but hummed twice, then took out the Poké Ball and sent out the next Pokémon.

"Go, Togekiss!"

Pokkiss of the second team was only in the first stage of the King-level, but because of Pokkiss's [Yawn] skill, Tang Yunqin finally chose Pokkiss to play.

After Togekiss appeared on the stage, Tang Yunqin did not hesitate and directly asked Togekiss to use the [Yawn] skill, forcing the opponent to change Pokémon.

"What a pity. This tactic shouldn't be used."

After seeing Tang Yunqin's choice, Lu Ze also shook his head helplessly.

It's a pity that Tang Yunqin doesn't have the same system as him.

Tang Yunqin didn't know the characteristics of the opponent's Pokémon because she couldn't see the other's Pokémon's information.

You must know that among the four Pokémon currently on the field, apart from Diga Sea Lion and Gem Starfish, which has lost its fighting ability, the other two Pokémon, Super Bad Star and the Slowpoke currently on the field, are all It has the property of [Regeneration].

Both Pokémon were able to recover one-third of their physical strength after returning to the Poke Ball at the end of the game.

In addition, Super Bad Star is a poison-type Pokémon and will not fall into the [Poisoned] state, so it can use [Yawn] endlessly to force the opponent to change Pokémon, thus using the [Poisoned] state and the [Saling] effect to kill the opponent. Tactics are basically useless.

This is why King Gong Xinying was indifferent when he saw Tang Yunqin's spiny shell using [Poisonous Caltrop] just now, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Although she didn't see Scutellaria using [Saling] twice, her next Pokémon would definitely choose Super Bad Star.

When the super bad star was exhausted when he appeared, it was impossible for Gong Xinying, the veteran king, not to guess what was going on.

Lu Ze shook his head helplessly. Sure enough, his system was not without merit.

In the field, Gong Xinying chose to change Pokémon without hesitation after Slowpoke was affected by [Yawn].

As Lu Ze expected, the next Pokémon he replaced was Super Bad Star.

The super bad star landed and after she let out a cry of pain, Gong Xinying instantly understood what was going on.

Gong Xinying glanced at Tang Yunqin in surprise.

【Sa Ling】?

When was it used?

After Gong Xinying was surprised, a smile appeared on her face.

He is indeed a good junior, worthy of being the officially selected gym leader.

But unfortunately, I was too careless. I didn't even know the characteristics of my Pokémon and directly used this tactic.

Gong Xinying smiled and directly commanded Super Bad Star to launch the attack.

[Yawn] hit again, and the Super Bad Star's [Poison] also fell on Togekiss.

After Gong Xinying was hit by Super Bad Star's attack, she chose to change Pokémon without hesitation.

The Slowpoke came on the scene, and under the influence of [Poison Caltrop] and [Sa Caltrop], it was instantly damaged and fell into the [Poisoned] state.

Tang Yunqin finally realized something was wrong at this time.

Slowpoke's state...

I originally planned to let my Togekis use [Spiritual Transfer] to transfer the [Poisonous] status on his body to the opponent.

But I forgot, because the [Poison Caltrop] I planted will cause the opponent to enter the [Poisoned] state.

When the other party is in an abnormal state, [mental transfer] will not succeed.

Another one, the characteristics of the other party...

Since Gong Xinying had realized that there was something under her feet, why did she still choose to let Slowpoke appear?

[Regeneration] Feature!

Tang Yunqin's heart sank, but she still directed Pokkisi to use the [Yawn] skill.

She wanted to test it out.

Super Bad Star was injured just now because of [Sa Ling], and she wanted to see what Super Bad Star would be like next.

Seeing Tang Yunqin's movements, Gong Xinying shook her head and smiled, and also commanded her Slug Beast to attack Togekis.

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