Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1094 Sorry, I’m going to cheat!

Chapter 1094 Sorry, I’m going to cheat!

"Sunlight Blade!"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he directly commanded his Cang Yan Blade Ghost to launch an attack.

[Sunlight Blade] and [Solar Beam] are the same type of skills, and both can be used directly under [Sunny Days].

But the difference is that [Solar Blade] is a physical attack skill, while [Solar Beam] is a special attack skill.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost's ability to miss work is relatively strong, so there is absolutely no problem using the [Sunlight Blade].

Moreover, the grass-type [Sunlight Blade] is four times more effective against Swampert.

"Swamp Monster, get out of the way!"

When Wang Xingqiu saw this, he yelled quickly.

However, unlike [Solar Beam], [Sunlight Blade] extends from the hands of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and is released very quickly.

Not to mention that the Swampert's feet had already sunk into the sand due to the use of [Earthquake].

Even if it is not trapped in the sand, it is difficult to avoid the attack of the Blue Flame Blade Demon at the speed of the giant swamp monster.

[Sunlight Blade] hit and directly knocked the giant swamp monster backwards.

However, the swamp monster's physical strength is also very good. Even if it is hit by the [Solar Blade] that is four times more restrained, it has not lost its fighting ability for the time being.

"Swamp Monster, surf!"

Seeing this, Wang Xingqiu no longer dwelled on the mistake of using [Earthquake] just now, and directly launched a strong attack.

The giant swamp monster used [Surf], and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also jumped up to avoid it.

And while the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was avoiding it, the giant swamp monster also used the [Rain Request] skill to change the weather.

"Come back, Blue Flame Blade Ghost."

Seeing this, Lu Ze couldn't help but curled his lips and called back his Cang Yan Blade Ghost.

After the Cangyan Blade Ghost jumped back to Lu Ze, Lu Ze signaled the iron warrior next to him to come on.

After the swords of the iron warrior and the Cangyan Blade Demon collided, they came to the field and looked directly at the giant swamp monster opposite.

The raindrops fell and fell on Iron Warrior and Swampert, but they had no impact on the two Pokémon.

"Swamp Monster, Sludge Wave!"

The information about the Iron Warriors was released not long after Lu Ze brought them out of the secret realm.

In the form of new species of Pokémon.

And since Lu Ze brought these Pokémon back from that secret realm, these Pokémon have also appeared in other secret realms that appeared later.

During the time when Lu Ze went to Xiaozhi's world, the noble Pokémon were no longer unique to Lu Ze's nursery.

However, because of those two "balls", paradox Pokémon such as Iron Warrior are still unique to Lu Ze's nursery.

After all, without those two stones, Pokémon cannot become a future species or an ancient species.

However, because their information has been released, Wang Xingqiu also remembers what the iron warrior's weak attributes are.

Five attributes: flying, poison, steel, super power, and fairy.

So as soon as the iron warrior came on stage, Wang Xingqiu knew how to deal with it.

However, Wang Xingqiu still glanced at the Flame Monkey helplessly.


The moment he saw the iron warrior, Wang Xingqiu chose the flaming monkey to target the iron warrior.

Iron warrior, steel type.

Then when the battle started, he remembered that the iron warrior was of the fairy type plus the fighting type, and was not restrained by the flaming monkey.

Mimikyu should have been replaced by Flame Monkey.

But it's not a big problem, I can barely fight.

Just wait until Lu Ze loses and say that I bullied him and relied on my attributes to restrain myself.

The giant swamp monster released [Sludge Wave], and purple poisonous energy appeared in a large area, hitting the iron warrior.

However, the Iron Warrior didn't mean to worry, and he lightly stamped his feet. As the [Electric Field] unfolded, the Iron Warrior flicked his right hand, and a pink energy blade appeared on the Iron Warrior's arm.

Facing the attack of [Sludge Wave], the Iron Warrior advanced directly without retreating.

The [Spiritual Blade] directly cut through the [Sludge Wave], cutting a way out for himself.

"Iron Tail!"

Seeing the iron warrior approaching, Wang Xingqiu also quickly gave instructions.

The giant swamp monster looked at the iron warrior who rushed up quickly. He saw the opportunity and suddenly turned around, and his tail instantly hit the iron warrior.


The strength of the iron warrior is not weak, especially with the blessing of [Electric Field].

[Psychic Blade] and [Iron Tail] collided and were temporarily evenly matched.

"Water cannon!"

By this time, Wang Xingqiu no longer had the idea of ​​replacing his giant swamp monster.

The Swamp Monster, which had just eaten a shot of [Sunlight Blade], didn't have much physical strength left at this time.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to give the iron warrior a big one at the end.

Iron warriors are not resistant to water-based attacks.

If the powerful [Cannon Light Cannon] hits, even the iron warrior will suffer a small loss.


The moment the two sides separated, a powerful spiral stream of water spurted out of the giant swamp monster's mouth.

But at the same time, the Iron Warrior also threw out the [Energy Ball].

The two attacks passed each other in the air and hit both Pokémon at the same time.

The Swamp Monster hit by the [Energy Ball] instantly lost its fighting ability, but the Iron Dancer hit by the Water Cannon also had a hard time.

The iron warrior half knelt on the ground, watching the giant swamp monster lose its ability to fight. After Wang Xingqiu took back the elf ball, a smile appeared on his face.

"Well done, Iron Dancer!"

After Lu Ze praised the iron warrior, the iron warrior slowly stood up and turned to Lu Ze and nodded.

Obviously, he was very happy to be praised by Lu Ze.

"The rest is up to you, Blazing Monkey!"

After taking back the elf ball from the Swampert, Wang Xingqiu threw the elf ball again.

Just now, the Blazing Monkey returned to the Poké Ball due to [Rapid Return].

Now that he has returned to the field, the Blazing Monkey also appears to be very restless.

Because the rain in the sky had just stopped, the sand on the ground was also wet, which made the Flame Monkey feel very unhappy.

"Flame Monkey, Yan Hui!"

Seemingly sensing the restlessness in the Flame Monkey's heart, Wang Xingqiu directly commanded the Flame Monkey to launch an attack.

"Iron warrior, spiritual blade, let's see if we can knock the opponent down."

Seeing the Flame Monkey jumping up and then coming out towards his Iron Dancer at an extremely fast speed, Lu Ze also narrowed his eyes slightly and said to his Iron Dancer.

The iron warrior nodded, but the speed of [Yan Hui] was too fast, and the iron warrior only had time to block it with his arms.


"Venomous attack!"

After [Yan Hui] hit, Wang Xingqiu took command again without hesitation.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Xingqiu seemed to be brought into the excitement of the Flame Monkey.

The flame monkey's arm instantly turned purple and hit the iron warrior.

But the Iron Warrior's reaction was not slow and he took action again to block the Flame Monkey's attack.

Just like that, the Blazing Monkey began to attack with pressure, constantly forcing the Iron Warrior to defend. If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it!

Not only Wang Xingqiu understood this, but Lu Ze also understood it.

But looking at the current situation, it would be difficult for the Iron Skeleton Man to fight back.

Lu Ze frowned slightly and began to think about ways to break the situation.

But you have to be faster, because even the path cannot tell when the iron warrior will be unable to block the attack of the flaming monkey and be hit by the flaming monkey.

In this case, then...

"Wide area defense!"

The moment Lu Ze spoke, the Iron Warrior's speed surged, blocking all the Flame Monkey's attacks and forcing the Flame Monkey back a few steps.

The Blazing Monkey glanced at Iron Dancer in confusion, and then prepared to attack again.

"Psychic shock!"

Lu Ze pushed with both hands, and the iron warrior also released a [spiritual attack] and hit the flaming monkey.

However, the Blazing Monkey was also a ruthless character. He endured the damage of [Psychic Impact] abruptly and gritted his teeth and rushed towards the Iron Warrior.


Wang Xingqiu spoke, and the flaming monkey came to the iron warrior with an incredible movement and hit the iron warrior who was about to use [mental strength] to restrain him.

The next second, the flying energy suddenly hit the iron warrior's body, sending the iron warrior flying away.

"The iron warrior has lost his ability to fight!"

After seeing that Iron Dancer could not get up, Zhuge Ling also dutifully stepped forward to check the Iron Dancer's status.

After the Iron Warrior was hit by the powerful skill [Water Cannon], he had little physical strength left and was attacked by the restraint skill used by the Flame Monkey, and immediately lost his ability to fight.

Because of the battle, neither side allowed their Pokémon to carry props.

If a Pokémon without props uses [Acrobatics], its power will be doubled.

That's why the iron warrior will directly lose his fighting ability.

"Tsk, that's troublesome."

Lu Ze chuckled, but there was no sign of trouble on his face.

Fire attribute versus fire attribute, the advantage is mine.

My Blue Flame Blade Demon has the [Fire Drawing] trait.

Of course, although my Blue Flame Blade Ghost is slightly better than the Flame Monkey in terms of characteristics.

However, there is no skill in the skill pool of the Blue Blade Demon that can cause restraining damage to the Infernape.

On the contrary, the Flame Monkey's skill set contains many skills that can restrain the damage to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

However, because his Blue Flame Blade Ghost has a ghost attribute, the Flame Monkey's other fighting system cannot cause damage to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

One has no bonus of this system, and the other has no attribute restraint skills.

The battle between the two sides was obviously a head-to-head battle.

And just as Lu Ze guessed, the two Pokémon rushed towards each other at the same time the moment they came on stage.

The next second, the two Pokémon collided.

As you go back and forth, the two Pokémon quickly decide the winner.

In the end, Cang Yan Blade Demon barely won the victory by relying on his greater physical strength.

Looking at the flaming monkey with its eyes spinning on the ground, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

"The Flame Monkey has lost its ability to fight. Players are asked to send out their next Pokémon."

After Zhuge Ling finished speaking, Wang Xingqiu's Gengar walked out from behind Wang Xingqiu, staring at Lu Ze's shadow with firm eyes.

Lu Ze's Gengar was in Lu Ze's shadow, and she could still feel it.

Seeing this, Lu Ze almost understood what Wang Xingqiu meant.

"Gengar, it's your turn to play."

Lu Ze motioned to the Cangyan Blade Ghost, asking the Cangyan Blade Ghost to come down and rest for a while, then shouted to Gengar in his shadow.

When Geng Gui heard Lu Ze calling him to fight, he immediately jumped out of Lu Ze's shadow with excitement.

"Do you think this silly kid knows what the other party means?"

"I feel like he doesn't know."

After Gengar went out, Giratina and Darkrai in Lu Ze's shadow saw this scene and began to discuss it.

"The other party's little girl is already so obvious, and she hasn't even reacted yet, tsk tsk."

Seeing the determination in Wang Xingqiu's Gengar's eyes, Giratina couldn't help but feel a little worthless. After shaking his head slightly, he said to Darkrai.

"Indeed, but I didn't expect that she would still want to defeat Ozawa's Gengar and then forcefully woo her."

Darkrai also shook his head slightly and said in disbelief: "With her strength, how can she defeat the Gengar we have carefully taught her?"


Hearing what Darkrai said, Giratina was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Darkrai in confusion.

Geng Guizhi is excusable, this guy Ozawa is an out-and-out straight man with steel.

But what is your situation with Darkrai?

Are straight men contagious?

Giratina shook his head slightly and looked at Lu Ze's back with a gentle smile on his face.

"What a good kid you were."

"Well, okay, it doesn't make any difference."

After Giratina was silent for a while, he stopped thinking about these things and watched the battle between the two Gengars.

"Gengar, super evolve!"

After the two Gengars came on the stage, they clicked on the Mega Evolution Stone on their wrists without hesitation.

In an instant, the field was filled with light, and two Gengars super evolved at the same time.

As the colorful light fell, two super Gengars, one black and one white, also appeared on the field.

The black one, that is, Wang Xingqiu's Super Gengar's characteristic has become [Shadow Trampling].

The white one, that is, Lu Ze's super Gengar characteristic is still the [floating] characteristic.

Due to experimental reasons, the characteristics of Lu Ze Gengar cannot be changed whether it is normal evolution or super evolution.

"Shadow ball!"

After the two Gengars evolved, Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu did not hesitate, and also commanded their Gengars to use their signature [Shadow Ball].


Two [Shadow Balls] collided in the air and exploded.

Black smoke was everywhere.

After waiting for a while, when the black smoke fell, the field was filled with nothingness.

Both Gengars disappeared.

Under the cover of the black smoke just now.

"That's not okay."

Lu Ze smiled slightly.

"Sorry, I'm going to cheat."

Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu murmured at the same time.

As the waveguide opened, Lu Ze also instantly noticed the location of Wang Xingqiu Gengar.

At the same time, Wang Xingqiu also discovered the location of Lu Ze Geng Gui.

Lu Ze has waveguide ability and can detect the waveguide of the invisible Gengar.

And Wang Xingqiu inherited the power of nature from Mr. Wang Yi, or the power of Changpan.

Although it is not as good as the waveguide in terms of finding Pokémon, it can still be used.

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