Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1095 Doubles, Zhuge 0’s little thoughts!

Chapter 1095 Doubles, Zhuge Ling’s little idea!

"That's it, Shadow Ball."

Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu once again commanded their Gengar to attack in the direction of their fingers.

The two Gengars threw [Shadow Balls] at the same time, but were hit at the same time.


The two spoke in unison again, and the level of tacit understanding made Zhuge Ling beside him couldn't help but feel ashamed.

At the same time, the battle between the two also attracted some surrounding tourists.

"The battle between two Gengars is really interesting."

"But how did the two of them find the location of the other Gengar?"

"Who knows? Maybe they two have some special method."

The surrounding spectators were talking a lot, and even Kirbymon and the King of Leave came here to watch the battle between the two Gengars.

"Which one of them do you think will win?"

Wang Lingran was sitting on Kirby's shoulders, which forced him to stand upright.

But fortunately, the King of Leave is not much shorter than him, so the King of Leave can still hear what Kirbymon said.

"Then our Gengar will definitely win."

"What's the bet on?"

"Bet on your collection of delicious energy cubes!"

Hearing what Kirbymon said, the Leave King agreed without hesitation.

He is a collection of delicious energy cubes based on Kirbymon for a long time.

"Okay, then what will you give me if you lose?"

Kirbymon nodded with a smile, but this time the leave king was a little stunned.

Yeah, what can I give Kirby?

"Well, just treat me to a meal when you get back." Kirby smiled and patted the leave king on the shoulder.

"Okay, of course it's no problem."

The King of Leave patted his chest and asked Kirby to have a meal. This was still possible.

Although he doesn't have a lot of money, Kirbymon...

Leave King:! !

Suddenly, the leave king was shocked!

No, Kirbymon is famous for being a big eater. Is my money enough to build it for him?

The King of Leave looked up at Kirbymon, but he only noticed Kirbymon's smiling face and shook his head slightly at him.

"The bet has been established, and you can't go back on your word next time."

Kirby seemed to have anticipated what the King of Leave wanted to say, and immediately opened his mouth and bet the King of Leave to death.

The Leave King lowered his head in depression, but then his eyes suddenly lit up.

Kirbymon didn't say what to eat, just take him to the buffet.

Not to mention ordinary buffets, even slightly higher-end buffets are something you can afford.

Thinking of this, the Leave King couldn't help but feel happy, and looked up at the battle between the two Gengars.

Since the two Gengars hit the [Shadow Ball] just now, their subsequent attacks have not hit each other again.

There is no way, the two Gengars have the same strength and are Pokémon of the same race.

This is equivalent to...

The same master can't defeat each other!

The skills used by the two Gengars are basically their commonly used skills.

And no matter who uses what skill, another Gengar will also use the same skill to fight back.

Now, the battle between two Gengars will test the trainer.

But to be honest, Lu Ze was indeed a little depressed.

Gengar is a poison-type Pokémon.

Although [Poison] hits, the opponent is also a poison-type Pokémon. Even if [Poison] hits, it is basically useless.

Moreover, the Gengars on both sides did not carry any props. In this case, it would be even more difficult to widen the gap.


Lu Ze rolled his eyes and instantly thought of a solution.

Since both sides are of the same race and have similar strengths, it would be better to make the strength gap wider.


When Wang Xingqiu commanded his Gengar to attack again, Lu Ze also commanded his Gengar to use the [Assault] skill.

Because both sides had previously used Gengar's long-range attack skills, Wang Xingqiu did not expect that Lu Ze would let Gengar use the [Raid] skill.

The white Gengar arrived first and came directly in front of the purple Gengar.

After slapping the purple Gengar on the face, the white Gengar smiled as the purple Gengar looked at him in disbelief, and his eyes suddenly turned into mosquito-repellent spirals.


The purple Gengar was instantly hit by [Hypnosis], fell to the ground and fell asleep.

When the white Gengar saw the purple Gengar sleeping, an evil smile appeared on his face.


However, the white Gengar didn't do anything to the purple Gengar. Instead, he stood there and started using the [Trick] skill.

Since the strength is almost the same and you can't break the move, let's make your Gengar stronger.

[Trick] After the blessing, the purple Gengar still didn't wake up.

Wang Xingqiu shouted anxiously, but the bonding power was not triggered.

Seeing that the purple Gengar was still in the [Sleep] state, Lu Ze commanded his Gengar to use [Trick] again without hesitation.

After two [Tricks], Lu Ze Gengar's special attack ability value increased by four levels.

Now the strength of both sides is no longer on the same level.

However, in order to prevent the opponent's Gengar from using conspiracy and tricks again, he destroyed his own ability blessing.

The moment the purple Gengar woke up, the white Gengar used the [Provocation] skill.


"It's so dirty!"

When Wang Xingqiu saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed and commanded his Gengar to attack.

However, this time the [Evil Wave] clash was not evenly matched.

The white [Evil Wave] released by the white Gengar pressed towards the opposite side the moment it made contact.

This is the effect of adding four to the special attack ability value.

The duration of [Provocation] is enough for the white Gengar to kill the opponent's Gengar.

And the ending is as expected.

In a short while, the white Gengar killed the opponent's purple Gengar and won the game.

"You're so dirty."

After Wang Xingqiu took back his purple Gengar, he came to Lu Ze and scolded Lu Ze angrily.

"Tactics, tactics, how can our hearts become dirty when we play tactics?"

Lu Ze smiled, but Wang Xingqiu just looked at Lu Ze and sneered with a mocking look on his face.

"You are the ones with the most evil heart in playing tactics."

"Nonsense, this is a rumor!"

Lu Ze was right in what he said, but Wang Xingqiu didn't believe Lu Ze at all.

"Then who produced the dirty tactics videos on site B?"

Hit the snake seven inches, Wang Xingqiu's words instantly rendered Lu Ze speechless.

"That's just for traffic. I'm essentially a good young man who is upright and kind."


Seeing that Lu Ze still looked shameless and spoke righteously, Wang Xingqiu stopped talking to Lu Ze.

After taking a look at Wang Lingran and asking him to take leave, he took his Pokémon that had lost its fighting ability to the Pokémon Recovery Center on the beach.

After Lu Ze smiled, he led Gengar and the others towards the Pokémon Center.

Although Gengar has not lost his ability to fight, the other two Pokémon also need treatment.

Gengar happily shook his head at Lu Ze, then returned to Lu Ze's shadow and showed off to Darkrai and Giratina.

Giratina looked at Gengar's cheerful look and couldn't help but shook his head.

This child is hopeless. After Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu came out of the Pokémon Recovery Center, Zhuge Ling came to Lu Ze.

"So, which two Poké Boxes are you going to use in a double battle with me?"

"Two Pokémon, four Pokémon, or a full battle with six Pokémon?"

"Two Pokémon, just squaring off." Zhuge Ling smiled. He was actually not too keen on Pokémon battles.

It was just because the other party was Lu Ze that I wanted to give it a try.

After all, Lu Ze is the champion of the World Youth Championship.

"And I also want to give it a try and see if I can get eight gym badges."

"I have to say that your eight gym badges are quite beautifully made."

Zhuge Ling smiled: "I am also a collector."

"Okay, let's follow the rules of the gym challenge."

Lu Ze also laughed: "You send out your Pokémon first, and then I send out a Pokémon with the same strength as your Pokémon."


After Zhuge Ling nodded, he sent out his two Pokémon.

A senior-level Dark Demon and a high-level Pokémon-level Turtle.

After Zhuge Ling sent out his two Pokémon, he looked at Lu Ze and smiled happily.

He naturally knows the strength of Pokémon Lu Ze.

But since Lu Zi said this, he definitely wanted to tease Lu Ze and see how Lu Ze would respond to this situation.

Lu Ze only has one self-proclaimed super powerful Pokémon, which is the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

After that beach volleyball match, the double-headed tyrannosaurus did not evolve successfully, but it still broke through to senior-level strength.

But what to do with the remaining high-level Pokémon?

Lu Ze's remaining Pokémon are all of king-level strength.


As expected, Lu Ze also showed a troubled expression after seeing these two Pokémon.

But the next second he saw the teasing look on Zhuge Liang's face.

"Porygon, can you fight with me?"

Lu Ze was amused for a moment, you are trying to make things difficult for me.

But soon, Lu Ze noticed the Porygon Type 2 next to him.

The somewhat stunned Polygon 2 glanced at Lu Ze and shook his head from side to side before realizing that it was indeed him whom Lu Ze was calling.

"Is that okay?"

Lu Ze asked again with a smile on his face.

After Porygon 2 nodded vigorously, he excitedly came to Lu Ze's side.

"Then it's up to the two of you to cooperate and beat the opponent to a pulp."

After Lu Ze patted Porygon Type 2, he stretched out his two hands and patted the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus respectively.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus has two heads, so naturally you can't discriminate between one and the other.

After the two little guys nodded, they came to the opposite side of the Night Demon and Tutai Turtle.

Zhuge Ling really didn't expect that Lu Ze would actually let Porygon Type 2 appear.

However, Porygon Type 2 is indeed a high-level Pokémon just like his Turtle.


After Zhuge Ling smiled, he came behind the two Pokémon.

Just now Zhuge Ling acted as the referee, now Wang Xingqiu will act as the referee.

After Wang Xingqiu curled his lips, he came between the two sides.

"If you don't want to be a referee, then I have someone else."

Lu Ze smiled, and then pointed at little Stroyd next to Wang Xingqiu under the puzzled looks of Zhuge Ling and Wang Xingqiu.

After Little Stroyd stretched out his hand to say hello to the two of them, Wang Lingran's eyes lit up instantly on Kirby's shoulder.

"Wow, Mr. Robot!"

Little Stroyd was there just now when Lu Ze and Wang Xingqiu fought.

In other words, he was present in every battle Lu Ze had.

Recording Lu Ze's every battle beside him.

However, although most of the gym battles were recorded, they were later deleted.

"Then I'll do it."

After Wang Xingqiu glanced at little Stroyd suspiciously, he turned to Lu Ze and the others again.

"OK then."

After Lu Ze nodded, the two were ready to start fighting.

On Lu Ze's side are the two-headed Tyrannosaurus with senior level strength and the Porygon Type 2 with advanced Pokémon strength.

On Zhuge Ling's side were a senior-level Night Demon and a high-level Pokémon-level Turtle.

Before the battle began, Lu Ze also took a look at the strength of the two Pokémon.

Elf:Dark Night Demon

Gender: male

Attribute: ghost

Characteristics: Sense of oppression (if the opponent's Pokémon uses moves that are effective for that Pokémon, it will increase the opponent's Pokémon's physical consumption.)

Qualification: Orange

Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly



Elf: Turtle


Properties: grass, ground

Ability: Hard-shell armor (Pokémon with this attribute cannot be hit in the vitals.)


Basic skills: slightly

Genetic skills: slightly

"What are the properties of hard-shell armor?"

After Lu Ze read Tutaigui's information, he smiled.

This characteristic is simply incomparable to Tang Yunqin's Thousand Faces Evasion.

But unfortunately, it was me who ran into him this time.

"The battle begins!"

As Wang Xingqiu finished speaking, the four Pokémon on the field immediately took action.

"Evil wave, freezing beam!"

"Shadow ball, energy ball!"

The two commanded at the same time, and all four Pokémon started to move.

The target of the two-headed tyrannosaurus is the Night Demon of equal strength, while the target of the Porygon Type 2 is the Turtle.

The same goes for the opponent's Dark Night Demon and Tutai Turtle.


[Evil Wave] and [Shadow Ball] collide with each other.

[Freezing Beam] and [Energy Ball] collide with each other.

The four skills exploded in the air, producing a large amount of black smoke that enveloped the entire place.

Black smoke shrouded the place, but Lu Ze keenly spotted a few emerald green seeds rushing out of the black smoke.

The [Parasitic Seeds] of the Tutai Turtle!

"Spray flames!"

One head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus did not move, while the other head sprayed flames.

Zhuge Ling and the others didn't know that the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus could use skills at the same time.

This is a killer feature!

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