Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 1096 Conquering the 3D Dragon

Chapter 1096 Conquering the 3D Dragon


After the two-headed tyrannosaurus used [Jet Flame] to burn out the [Parasite Seeds] that the Turtle hit, Lu Ze also commanded his Polygon Type 2 to use the [Texture] skill.

【Texture】Skills In the game, you can change your attributes to the attributes of the first skill in your skill list.

But in reality, this skill changes its own attributes to those of the last skill used.

The last skill Porygon Type 2 used was the ice attribute [Freezing Beam], so at this time his attributes changed to ice attributes.

"Bluff! Against the Night Demon!"

When the smoke dissipated, Lu Ze waved his hand, and Porygon Type 2 made a surprising move towards the Night Demon.

When the Night Demon was about to attack, he was suddenly startled, then became furious, and fell into a state of [Confusion].

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Ling was speechless and a little helpless.

It's so disgusting. It put a [Confusion] state on me right after I came up.

But fortunately, two levels of physical attack were added to give the Night Demon just the right amount of power.

After all, Darkstalker is one of the few ghost-type Pokémon that attacks with physical objects.

But soon, he stopped laughing.

"Twin-headed tyrannosaurus, trick!"

After the two-headed tyrannosaurus avoided the attack of the opponent's turtle, Lu Ze commanded the two-headed tyrannosaurus to use [Trick].

"It's not over yet, Porygon, power exchange!"

"Twin-headed Tyrannosaurus, another trick!"

Lu Ze spoke again, but Zhuge Ling's face darkened when he saw this scene.

Especially when he saw that the Night Demon Spirit, which he had fallen into [Chaos], was attacking his Turtle, Zhuge Ling suddenly felt regretful.

I regret that I proposed a fight with Lu Ze.

Lu Ze is really too dirty.

"Then, Porygon, use power swap on the two-headed tyrannosaurus!"

"Twin-headed tyrannosaurs, use flame jets to block their attacks."

The opponent's Night Demon also recovered from the [Confusion] state at this time, and together with the Turtle, they launched an attack on the Porygon Type 2.

But how could Lu Ze let them disrupt his plan?

The two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus used flame jets at the same time, blocking the Night Demon's [Evil Wave] and the Tutai Turtle's [Seed Bomb].

"Can the two heads of your double-headed tyrannosaurus use skills at the same time?" Zhuge Ling was startled and asked involuntarily.

Wang Xingqiu, who was watching the battle on the side, couldn't help but be surprised, but when he thought about Lu Ze's Kirby beast, he didn't seem so surprised anymore.

Kirby can use two different skills with two hands. Isn't this better than the two-headed tyrannosaurus?

However, can the two-headed tyrannosaurus use different skills to attack at the same time?

Wang Xingqiu looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus with some curiosity.

After the two-headed tyrannosaurus blocked the opponent's attack, Porygon 2's [Attack Interchange] was also used.

At this time, the physical attack level plus two on the Porygon 2 type was transferred to the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

The special attack bonus of the double-headed tyrannosaurus is transferred to the Porygon Type 2.

"Help, then, and freeze beam!"

After Lu Ze commanded the two-headed tyrannosaurus to use [Help], Porygon Type 2 used [Freezing Beam].

Zhuge Ling had absolutely nothing to do. The Tutai Turtle had no time to defend itself. After the powerful [Freeze Beam] froze the mid-air [Rock Crit], it hit his Tutai Turtle.

Hit by the powerful [Freezing Beam] blessed by the [Analysis] characteristic, Tutai Turtle also lost its combat ability without any surprise.

At the same time, the Night Demon also appeared from the different space, slapped Porygon on the body, and sent Porygon flying away.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus on the side also launched an attack without hesitation, and fired [Evil Wave], but the night demon hid in a different space and avoided the attack.

“Round, then texture!”

Seeing this, Lu Ze quickly commanded his Porygon Type 2 to use its skills.

Porygon Type 2's physical strength was running low just after the Night Demon attacked.

Without even thinking about it, I knew that the next target of the Night Demon's attack would be Porygon Type 2.

If this is the case, then change your attributes.

Polygon Type 2 uses [Round] and then [Texture], and its attributes become normal.

Normal types are immune to ghost type skill attacks.

Sure enough, the moment Porygon 2's attributes changed, the Night Demon appeared next to Porygon 2 again and slapped Porygon 2.

However, at this time, the attributes of Porygon Type 2 have changed to the normal type, and the Black Mirror's attack no longer has attribute damage, it just slaps Porygon Type 2's body.

Porygon Type 2 smiled, and then its figure changed, and then the two-headed tyrannosaurus appeared in front of the Night Demon.

Before the Night Demon could react, the two-headed tyrannosaurus that had been prepared used [Bite] at the same time and bit the Night Demon.

The dark night demon was in pain and entered another space again.

At this time, Zhuge Ling's face also looked a little ugly.

The Night Demon's next attack target can no longer choose the Porygon 2 type, but can only choose the Two-headed Tyrannosaurus.

"Porygon, another power exchange!"

Porygon Type 2 nodded, very excited.

Lu Ze's command just now really made him find the meaning of fighting.

The highlight moment that just belonged to me really made me very excited.

However, because of the reasons mentioned before, after my highlight moment was over, it was the turn of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

In a doubles match, it's natural for both of them to shine.

After using [Power Exchange] once, the effect of increasing the special attack ability by four returned to the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the Night Demon appeared next to Porygon Beast Type 2 again.

The attack missed because Porygon Type 2 was already ready.

If the Night Demon appears next to him, he will immediately use [Swap Site] to switch places with the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

But this time Zhuge Ling was well prepared. When he got serious, he commanded the Night Demon to directly use [Freeze Fist] to hit the two-headed tyrannosaurus that suddenly appeared.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus was hit by [Freeze Fist] without checking and was knocked to the ground.

"Use autosuggestion on Porygon!"

After removing the crisis diamond from the two-headed tyrannosaurus, Zhuge Ling commanded the Night Demon to increase his physical attack ability.

At this time, Porygon Type 2 still has a +2 physical attack ability value.

After Heimu Zero used [Autosuggestion], he also had the +2 physical attack of Polygon 2.


However, just after the Night Demon used [Autosuggestion], Lu Ze quickly reacted and commanded the Porygon Type 2 to use [Bluff] again.

[Bluff] hit, and the Night Demon fell into [Chaos] again, and his physical attack ability level had now increased to level four.

Unfortunately, the Night Demon was not affected by the [Chaos] effect this time and successfully entered the different space again.

"This sneak attack from the ghost Pokémon is really disgusting." Lu Ze sighed, but he was quietly waiting for the next appearance of the night demon.

I don’t know which Pokémon the Night Demon will appear next to this time. However, if the Night Demon with a physical attack level of +4 hits the two-headed tyrannosaurus with its attack, the two-headed tyrannosaurus may directly lose its ability to fight.

Lu Ze's eyes were fixed on the field. The next second, a different space fluctuation appeared next to Porygon 2.


Lu Ze was stunned for a moment. Did the Night Demon choose Porygon Type 2 as its target?

Lu Ze reacted quickly. He was about to command Porygon Type 2 to use [Swap Field], but he didn't shout it out in the end.

Zhuge Ling was indeed a little beyond his expectation.

He had already prepared that the Night Demon would appear next to the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

When the time comes, he will directly let Porygon Type 2 use [Swap Field] to block the attack for the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

Although the physical attack level of the Night Demon is +4, due to its attributes, the Night Demon can only cause a "slap" damage to Porygon Type 2.

And obviously this damage is not worth mentioning to the polygon.

But I didn't expect that the Night Demon would choose to appear next to Porygon Type 2?

You want to see if I can stop the car, right?

Lu Ze smiled, but Zhuge Ling looked annoyed when he saw Lu Ze successfully braked and Porygon 2 did not use [Swap Field].

This tactical failure also announced that he had entered a countdown to defeat in the battle.

If the Night Demon does not trigger the [Confusion] state, it can still hold on for a while.

If the [Chaos] state is triggered, the Night Demon will be directly killed by the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

You know, the double-headed tyrannosaurus special attack at this time is also +4.

"Split the tiles!"

Seeing Porygon Beast Type 2 in front of the Night Demon, Zhuge Ling also directly commanded the Night Demon to launch an attack.

If nothing else, kill one first!

But unfortunately, luck seems not to be on Zhuge Ling's side.

At this time, the dark night demon fell into a state of [Chaos], and [Splitting Tile] hit him.

But fortunately, because Dark Demon is a ghost-type Pokémon, the fighting-type skill [Cracking Tile] he uses will not do any harm to him.

But at this time, the double-headed tyrannosaurus's [Evil Wave] had been used and hit the night demon.

Special attack +4, double [Evil Wave] plus double attribute restraint.

Not to mention that the Dark Night Demon's physical strength was running low at this time.

But the Night Demon's physical strength is full, and the [Evil Wave] in this situation is enough to kill two Night Demons.

"such a pity."

After Zhuge Ling took his night demon back into the elf ball, he shook his head helplessly.

Tu Taigui's speed was still too slow after all. If he had commanded it more properly, he might actually be able to win.

After all, Ghost-type Pokémon and Psychic-type Pokémon are notoriously difficult to deal with.

You can tell just by looking at how Lu Ze was unable to do anything about the [Surprise Attack] just now.


After winning the victory, the two-headed tyrannosaurus and Porygon 2 quickly came to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze did not skimp on his emotional value. After rubbing the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus with both hands, he picked up the Porygon 2 and spun around on the beach.

Polygon 2 looked at Lu Ze's happy look, and there was an inexplicable emotion flashing in his eyes.

What would he do if he faced his previous trainer at this time?

"It's just a simple victory. There are many Pokémon stronger than you. What's there to be happy about?"

"You have to continue training, your current strength is too weak."

"Learn more skills and see how far the other party pushes you."

"You shouldn't have done that just now. Just use your attack skills to kill him."

"My problem? How could it be my problem? You don't have to listen to my orders."

"Since you don't want to listen to my orders, then just leave!"

As he thought about it, Porygon Type 2's eyes narrowed slightly.

I have learned so many skills for him, and I have basically learned all the skills that I can learn.

Even after following his command, the battle was not lost.

But even so, he still thought he couldn't do it.

If that's the case, let me prove it to you. It's your command that has the problem, not me!

After Porygon Type 2 came out of its past, its aura suddenly changed.

"This is?"

Lu Ze looked at the Porygon 2 in his hand in surprise.


Porygon Type 2 nodded vigorously, also a little excited.

Now he is also a senior level Pokémon.

Zhuge Ling, who had just lost the battle, felt even more depressed when he saw this scene.


Damn Lu Ze!

After Zhuge Ling glanced at Lu Ze unhappily, he shook his head helplessly and prepared to take his two Pokémon that had lost their fighting ability for treatment.

"Awesome Porygon!"

Lu Ze became even more excited after seeing the Porygon Type 2 breakthrough.

Even the two-headed Tyrannosaurus and Kirbymon next to them looked at Porygon Type 2 in surprise.

Even though Porygon has not yet been subdued by Lu Ze and is not yet their companion, they are still happy for Porygon's breakthrough.

But now, seeing this scene, Porygon Type 2 instantly strengthened his thoughts.

Let the trainer you used to be die!

Now that he has abandoned me, I don’t need to dwell on the past!

Lu Ze is very good, and so are his Pokémon.

After Polygon 2 made a decision, it rubbed Lu Ze with its head, then broke away from Lu Ze's arms and came to Lu Ze's shadow.

"Brother Geng Gui, come out for a moment."

After calling Gengar out, Porygon Type 2 asked Gengar for a Poké Ball.

After Gengar scratched his head, he immediately reacted and looked at Porygon Type 2 in disbelief.

After seeing the determination in Porygon Type 2's eyes, Gengar also nodded happily.


Seeing the two of them like this, Lu Ze was a little curious about what they were talking about.

But the next second, Lu Ze saw Geng Gui take out his backpack from his extra-dimensional space bag.

Although Gengar now has this storage space, Lu Ze is still used to putting things in his backpack, and then putting them into Gengar's extra-dimensional space bag.

Then, under Lu Ze's surprised eyes, Geng Gui took out a luxurious ball from his backpack and threw it to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze panicked and took advantage of the luxurious ball thrown by Geng Gui.

The next second, before Lu Ze could react, Porygon Type 2 hit the Poke Ball.

A friend’s new book, quality guaranteed!

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