Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 201 Evolution!Black Charizard!

Chapter 201 Evolution!Black Charizard!


Suiyan's Fire Dinosaur was blown away solidly, and rolled twice when it landed on the ground.

"What, the Fire Dinosaur has learned the lesson from last time, this time he is a double strike!"

The commentator became excited in an instant. While the opponent was still flying in the air, the Fire Dinosaur twisted its buttocks, and the [Dragon Tail] immediately swung back, hitting the Fire Dinosaur in the air, and knocking it into the air.

"Hiss, annoying, close to the dragon claw!"

Sui Yan watched his fire dinosaur fall from the sky, gritted his teeth and complained.

Now his pre-match calculations can no longer work, and he originally thought of relying on [Sunny Sky] to make a comeback, but this time it won't work.

If you have more physical strength than the opponent, you can directly open [Sunny Sky], but you have less physical strength than the opponent, what can be done about it.

The fallen fire dinosaur got up again and rushed towards Lu Ze's fire dinosaur. This time, he wanted to avenge his shame.

In the previous battles, it was either a tie, or because of physical strength, they fell to the ground a few seconds earlier.

This time, he learned [Sunny Day], the trainer also said, to help him win a victory.

This time, you can't fail again because of your own reasons.

"Dragon claws attack!"

Seeing Suiyan's Fire Dinosaur rushing over, Lu Ze also became excited and asked the Fire Dinosaur to use its [Dragon Claw] to attack.


The two fire dinosaurs collided with each other, and their four claws crossed together, starting a wrestling mode.

"The two fire dinosaurs chose the same moves to fight, and the two sides collided, dragon claws against dragon claws!"

"The two sides have begun to wrestle. For the time being, they are evenly matched. Let's see what happens next."

"The result came out! The two fire dinosaurs were evenly matched and bounced off each other!"

"They collided again, this time there was no wrestling, this time it was a collision between dragon claws!"

The energy of [Dragon Claw] was still wrapped in the claws of the two fire dinosaurs, and they collided with each other.

The two fire dinosaurs know each other very well. If you hit me with a paw, I will return it to you with a paw.

Either no one can touch anyone, or the injury will be exchanged for the injury!

After being hit by [Dragon Claw] twice, the two Fire Dinosaurs collided with each other, disobedient.

Both Fire Dinosaurs were a little out of breath, but this did not affect their frenzied will to fight.

The four paws collided again and continued to wrestle.

This seems to be their way of deciding who is stronger.

At this moment of the battle, they didn't have much physical strength left, so they continued in this posture, trying to overwhelm each other.

"The two fire dinosaurs continue to wrestle. Judging by the state of the two elves, this wrestling may directly determine the winner!"

The commentator was still shouting on the commentary stage, and the audience off the court also fell silent, looking at the two fire dinosaurs seriously.

"To be honest, although this match is a match between two fire dinosaurs, in my opinion, they are even better than the last match between King Yanwu and Coconut Egg Tree."

"Although they are not the final evolution form, but... there is a turning point!"

Before the commentator finished speaking, new changes took place on the court.

Lu Ze's Fire Dinosaur began to exert force gradually, and slowly overwhelmed Sui Yan's Fire Dinosaur.

"It seems that the outcome is about to be revealed. One of the fire dinosaurs obviously has no resistance, and he is gradually being overwhelmed by the opponent!"

Suiyan's fire dinosaur was a bit unwilling, but it was true that his physical strength was not as strong as Lu Ze's fire dinosaur.

Usually it is not obvious, but when this kind of physical strength is running out, this little difference will appear.

"Fire dinosaur, come on!"

Just when the fire dinosaur was about to give up, like the previous few times, when he gave up his stubbornness and lay down quietly, Sui Yan's voice reached his ears.

"Come on, we have a secret weapon this time, we can definitely defeat them, right?"


"come on!"


Recalling what Suiyan told him last night, he was not reconciled, he really wanted to resist this time, not for anything else, just for Suiyan's trust, just because, his paws were already on Suiyan's On the paw, just for the trust he gave.


Suiyan's fire dinosaur exhausted his last strength, barely resisting the pressure from Lu Ze's fire dinosaur.

"He's still resisting, he hasn't given up yet, the situation is level again, now it's not clear who will win!"

(Come on, come on, if you work harder, you will be able to overwhelm him, and I will win, give me some strength!)
At this moment, Suiyan's Fire Dinosaur suddenly shot out a white light from its body, covering him.

"Enter? Evolved?!"

All the audience stood up and looked at the fire dinosaur wrapped in the light of evolution.

But before they stood up straight, the light of evolution spread to Lu Ze's fire dinosaur.

It merged with the light of evolution emerging from the body of Lu Zehuo dinosaur at the same time.

A ball of white light enveloped the two fire dinosaurs at the same time, and the two fire dinosaurs evolved and became larger in the light of evolution at the same time.



After a while, two black fire-breathing dragons appeared on the field. The evolved two fire-breathing dragons did not stop. Instead, their fighting spirit became stronger, and flames seemed to ignite in their eyes.

"Evolved!! Two black flashing charizards!!!"

The hoarse voice of the commentator seemed to wake up the audience in the auditorium, and the audience began to cheer.

"Damn it, go down in history! I'm going to be on fire!"

A classmate holding a camera was also crazy. Isn't this scene more like Bo Ran?
The two fire dinosaurs collided with each other in an instant before Lu Ze and Sui Yan recovered.

[Dragon Claw] Collided, both sides had no choice but to retreat two steps as before.

Then the two elves seemed to think that they had wings after evolution, so the two elves flapped their wings, flew into the air, and continued to attack with [Dragon Claw].

With the wings, the mobility has increased by a large margin. Two black rays of light collided together, separated instantly, and then continued to collide.

After a while, the two fire-breathing dragons floated in the air at the same time, flapping their wings slowly, panting to ensure that they would not fall.

After a fierce collision, some of the physical strength brought by the evolution just now was almost exhausted.

Now the two fire-breathing dragons basically don't have any physical strength, and they only fly in the air with perseverance and the spirit of not admitting defeat.

"The two fire-breathing dragons have suspended their attack. Judging from their appearance, it seems that their physical strength is not much. Now we will see who will persist until the end."


Seeing the appearance of the two fire-breathing dragons, Lu Ze and Sui Yan cried out in concern.

The two fire-breathing dragons looked at the trainer on the ground at the same time, and both saw the worry in the trainer's eyes.

And Lu Ze and Sui Yan also saw that although their physical strength was insufficient, their eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

After the two fire-breathing dragons nodded to their respective trainers, Lu Ze and Sui Yan made up their minds and directed at the same time:

"Charizard! Dragon's Dive!"

(End of this chapter)

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