Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 202 Huh?What about Tang Yunqin?

Chapter 202 Huh?What about Tang Yunqin?

The two fire-breathing dragons looked at each other intently at the same time, and then [Dragon's Dive] rushed towards each other.

The boiling auditorium fell silent instantly, and everyone was waiting for the final outcome.

Even the commentator on the commentary stand didn't care about the commentary. Like the people in the auditorium, he nervously watched the two fire-breathing dragons that were about to collide.


Amid the violent collision, the two fire-breathing dragons passed by, but they had no strength to keep flying.

In just one breath, they lost the last bit of physical strength, their wings stopped flapping, and they fell from the sky at the same time.

"Cabby, catch them!"

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Coal Turtle, catch them!"

When the fire-breathing dragon fell, both Lu Ze and Sui Yan reacted quickly and released their elves, trying to catch the two falling fire-breathing dragons.

In the end, the Kirby caught Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon that fell on his side, and the wind speed dog caught Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon.

After the fire-breathing dragon fell, the two took out the elf balls and put their respective fire-breathing dragons into the elf balls.

Sui Yan caressed the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball, and said gently to the fire-breathing dragon inside

"Thank you Charizard, I didn't win this time, and I will definitely win back next time!"

After that, he took the elf ball and walked towards Lu Ze, planning to go to the school's elf medical room for treatment.

"I didn't expect that you thick eyebrows and big eyes would want to blackmail me?"

Lu Ze looked at Sui Yan who was walking towards him, and said with some displeasure.

Sui Yan pouted: "Cut, I don't have one, don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Ze was at a loss for words, indeed, Sui Yan did not let the fire-breathing dragon use the skill [Sunny Sky], and he seemed to have exposed that he could know other people's skills just now.

"Let's go, go to the medical room and get some treatment."


Lu Ze secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Sui Yan didn't pay attention to the loopholes in his words, so Lu Ze let it go.

"It's so handsome, I'm on fire!!"

Lu Ze, who just came out of the battlefield, was directly blocked by Su Tingxi who jumped over.

"When will I have a dragon elf with a different color, tsk, I'm so envious!"

Before Lu Ze could answer Su Tingxi's words, he saw a group of people rushing towards them.

Lu Ze was startled, and hurriedly greeted everyone
"Run, don't be surrounded!"

With that said, he took the lead and ran away.

"I'll go, so many people!"

Su Tingxi turned his head to look, and quickly followed Lu Ze.

But he was a bit late, after all, before him, Yin Hanling and Fugui, who were more spiritual, had already followed Lu Ze.

"I'm going, these people are too crazy!"

After Lu Ze and the others ran to the medical room and handed the elf ball to Qiai Doll, Sui Yan panted and said.

Su Tingxi supported his knees, raised his head and gave Sui Yan a white look: "Nonsense, a different-colored fire-breathing dragon, I would be crazy if I wanted to."

After Yin Hanling looked around, he suddenly asked, "By the way, where is Tang Yunqin?"

Everyone was taken aback, blind student, you have discovered Huadian.

"Yes, where is Tang Yunqin?"

"Quickly ask, don't get caught in the crowd again."


"Uh, that...she seems to...wasn't...not with us at the beginning"

Just when everyone was panicking with their mobile phones and preparing to make a call, You Yuyou said hastily, and because of the haste, he still stuttered.


The crowd suddenly realized.

But here comes the question again, where is Tang Yunqin?

At this time, Tang Yunqin was still in class, listening to the class teacher's endless words, wondering whether Lu Ze and the others would be anxious.

But she never imagined that Lu Ze and the others had forgotten her, completely forgotten.

Lu Ze: @ Tang Yunqin, where are you?

Tang Yunqin: Cats Cry.jpg
Tang Yunqin: Our class teacher is still talking, it's not over yet, my God!
Lu Ze: ...

Lu Ze: Alright, then tell us about Ang when it's over, we'll go find you or you come to us.

Tang Yunqin: okk
After putting away his phone, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone

"It's okay, she's still in class, she doesn't know what we forgot about her."

"Huh, that's fine."

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief, and then slumped on their seats, and they were really tired from running over just now.

At this time, in the school post bar, the video of Lu Ze and Sui Yan's battle has begun to spread.

The first post bar, and later Douyin, Kuaishou, bib and so on.

In the end, the original video was too long, so someone made a gif of the scene where two different-colored fire-breathing dinosaurs evolved into charizards at the same time.

Snorkelling who can't get enough sleep: "I'll go, two different-colored elves? And one is a different-colored quasi-god. This tm saved the galaxy in the previous life!"

Commander Chen: "The one upstairs, maybe their parents saved the Milky Way?"

On the crown: "Hey? By the way, who knows what background this guy has. None of the rich second generations I know has an elf of a different color."

Xuanyuan Xiaohu: "Looking at the battlefield, he should be from Shangqing University. Then, he should have hatched from an egg. I think what the first floor said has some truth. This luck must have saved you It only happened a few times in the Milky Way."

Ten Blades and Teeth: "@轩元小虎, bro, how did you see it?"

Xuanyuan Xiaohu: "I am not talented, a graduate of Shangqing University."

Heiye Z Ranger: "@轩元小虎, coincidentally, brother, me too, what class are you in?"

Xuanyuan Tiger: "17th"

Uzi's eternal Bekistan: "It's chilly, where are the brothers from Beijing University? Come out and let the people in the Qing Dynasty see, we also have a meeting."

Shuangpi Nai's true love fan: "Brothers, I'm here, brothers from Beijing University gather, show them some color!"


Lu Ze doesn't know anything about the Internet, and he doesn't know that someone wants to pick up his background.

But he knows that nothing will happen. With the doctorate he just got, the person who wants to pick him up on the Internet, in addition to the doctorate, probably only has the identity of a freshman in the upper Qing Dynasty. .

As for the identity of his family members, that can only be said to be overthinking. Can the family members of national treasure-level scientific researchers be found out by people on the Internet?
"Ding ~"

A voice came out, and Lu Ze and Sui Yan stood up immediately, and quickly stepped forward to take the elf ball in the hands of almost dolls.

"Thank you, almost doll~"


Almost the baby squatted down slightly, smiled sweetly at Lu Ze, and then went back to work.

"Let's go, find a place to wait for Tang Yunqin first, and then how about going to taste the food in the cafeteria together, okay?"

After getting the fire-breathing dragon's poke ball, Lu Ze couldn't help feeling much better.

"Okay, why don't you just go to the cafeteria and wait."

As soon as Fugui heard about eating, he immediately became excited and jumped out to say it.

Everyone thought about it, eh?It's not impossible.

So the six of them happily walked towards the cafeteria together.

 In this chapter, some nicknames of book friends are borrowed. If you don’t like or are not used to it, you can tell me, and I will change it.

(End of this chapter)

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