Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 209 For my great cause of pretending, bear with me

Chapter 209 For my great cause of pretending, bear with me

After Sui Yan finished posing, seeing the fire-breathing dragon that hadn't changed in any way, he felt embarrassed now, and asked Lu Ze quickly.

"Lu Ze, why can't it evolve!"


Sui Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said in a low voice: "This thing still has a CD?"

There was no other way, Sui Yan had no choice but to take back the degraded fire-breathing dragon and walked towards Lu Ze.

"How about it, isn't my move just now handsome, just, hey!"

As Sui Yan said, he gestured to Lu Ze twice with an excited expression on his face.

Lu Ze turned around and raised his forehead, not wanting to look at him anymore.

"Aren't you handsome? I just thought of this action on the spur of the moment. Are you serious?"

Lu Ze didn't want to talk to him, so he hurriedly greeted Lu Xingguo and Mo Anguo, two grandfathers, then turned around and walked out quickly.

"Huh? Wait for me."

Although Sui Yan froze for a moment, he quickly caught up with Lu Ze.

"Why didn't you tell me that today is like this, otherwise I would have time to think about the movements, and I must be much more handsome than this."

Lu Ze took a deep look at Suiyan, and then quickened his pace. It can't be done, this is a mystery.

"Hey, Lu Ze, why are you running so fast? Are we going to show super evolution during the freshman competition? What action should I do then?"

Lu Ze's footsteps were chaotic, and he almost tripped with his left foot and fell over with his right foot.

"There is a prerequisite for this. You can only play this match after you enter the main match. If you can't enter the main match, not many people will see the match. It's not very cool, understand."

Sui Yan looked excited, and an inexplicable light lit up in his eyes: "Understood, understood!"

"Well, it's good to understand, and don't be in a hurry to fix those who are missing, train first, if you don't make it to the main game, everything is useless."

"Understood, I understand, haha, I, Suiyan, will one day be famous and move the world."

Sui Yan stretched out his hands and shouted to the sky.

In his opinion, the discovery of super evolution that can be recorded in the annals of history, the first person to use it will definitely be recorded together.

Moreover, there is another stage of evolution among the three stages of evolution. This evolution will probably attract most people's attention.

Lu Xinguo and Mo Anguo agreed that one of the reasons why they showed super evolution in the school competition was to show foreigners.

Anyway, almost all the mega stones from abroad are collected, even if they want to study, they don't have anything to use for research, so when not to wear it at this time?
Anyway, the university where Lu Ze and the others are studying is Shangqing University. As a top university in the country and even in the world, it is a place that everyone pays attention to, and it is very suitable to show the strength of our country.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, six days have passed. As soon as this weekend is over, Monday will be the freshman match.

During the period, everyone was training except for class, and they would have a fight from time to time during the training, including Lu Ze, who had several fights with them.

It has to be said that one trick is really popular all over the world, and the iron claw lobster has taken advantage of its own three axes.

Day one, no fights
The next day, Iron Claw Lobster fought against Yin Hanling's Dream Demon. At the beginning of the game, [Sword Dance] resisted the Dream Demon's [Shadow Ball], and then found an opportunity to [Water Jet] to rush in, and [Sneak Attack] to defeat the enemy with one move.

On the third day against Geng Gui of Youyuyou, Geng Gui learned from yesterday's lesson and started with [[-] Volts], but unfortunately he was dodged by [Water Jet], and then gave him a pincer [Sneak Attack].

Lady Luck seems to be on Lu Ze's side, [Sneak Attack on the Vital Point] hit the vital point, one move overwhelmed the enemy, everyone was stunned, the battle ended in 1 minutes?
Day four without a fight.

Day five was without a fight.

On the sixth day, he fought against Tang Yunqin's Menus and lost.

It's a pity that the three-axes of the iron claw lobster didn't work at all in Menus.

Tang Yunqin is very thieves, just staring at you and not letting you strengthen, once you strengthen, use [Dragon Tail] or [Water Flow Tail] to shoot you out.

Without strengthening, several skills of the iron claw lobster can't cause much damage to Menus.

As soon as Menus [Water Flow Ring] and [Life Water Drop] came out, the iron claw lobster had no choice but to be [fascinated] from time to time.

In the end, Lu Ze had no choice but to use [Sludge Bomb] to try to get poisoned, but today the goddess of luck is not on his side, and the 30.00% chance of poisoning failed.

Then Tang Yunqin noticed and directed Menus to use [Mysterious Guardian], so that she would not fall into an abnormal state for a period of time.

This time, Lu Ze ran out of moves, and then the iron claw lobster was slapped away by Menus' tail, and the outcome was decided.

"Remember Ang, you must enter the main match before using Ang, otherwise I can only pretend to be the only one in this competition."

At this time, Lu Ze was still on the phone to tell Suiyan that this can't be directly used in the finalists, and the super evolution can be used directly, it won't cause any sensation.

Only when the main match is broadcast live on the whole network, can it trigger public discussion, and can this matter be successfully spread abroad.

"Oh, you know, I'm the kind of person who doesn't know the big picture? Of course I will compete in the main competition. Who can see it in the shortlisted competition? I'm not stupid."

Sui Yan said dissatisfiedly over there that there are more than 2000 freshmen in the whole school, whether they are from the combat department or not, they will participate in this freshman competition.

The play-in competition is to screen out some people, and when there are 120 five people left, the main match will start. The main match basically lasts for four days, and the time can be extended.

And because everyone has just entered school, there is no distinction between high school and department, so everyone is fair.

But after continuous study by various departments, this kind of competition organized by the school will basically be contracted by people from the fighting department.

After all, those of the Battle Department can only get school points in the competition, unlike other departments, they have more people, more volume, and it is more difficult to obtain points.

For example, in the Cultivation Department, he can customize an exclusive nutrition package for the elves of the students in the battle department. After long-term use, it can reasonably improve the elves' various stats. Of course, this also requires points.

Another example is that students in the research department can directly participate in projects with their tutors, or do their own research. After the results are obtained, not only the school's rewards, but also official rewards may also be given.

For example, in Tang Yunqin's coordination department, the way they earn points is to participate in competitions, but coordinators are also capable of fighting. They can not only participate in school competitions, but also participate in off-campus coordination competitions. As long as they rank, the school will reward them with points.

"Okay, okay, remember Ang, don't be like the Baby Cup, you can't even make it out of the play-in competition."

When Lu Ze said this, the blue veins on Suiyan's forehead jumped up on the spot: "Why didn't I pass the finals in the Baby Cup? I was unlucky, so let's mention the end!"

"Yeah, yes, bad luck, I hope you will have better luck tomorrow."

After Lu Ze said something strange to Sui Yan on the other end of the phone, he quickly hung up the phone without giving him a chance to speak.

"Hey, the game starts tomorrow, tsk, I'm a little excited, what should I do?"

At night, Lu Ze lay on the Snorby's belly, looked at the stars in the night sky outside the window, and listened to the Snorby's breathing, feeling slightly insomnia.

 Sorry guys, it's late again today, because I went to the hospital today, oh my god, it's too troublesome, my head is about to explode (ε)
(End of this chapter)

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