Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 210 Shame!

Chapter 210 Shame!
The next morning, Lu Ze got up early, and after his daily wash, he called the fire-breathing dragon and the Kirby.

After combing the hair of the Snorkel and the Charizard, I massaged the Electric Shocker and the Iron Claw Lobster to relax their bodies.

"How about it? I'm pretty good at it. I've listened carefully to the massage classes these days."

Lu Ze looked at the back of the fire-breathing dragon proudly and said.


The fire-breathing dragon looked tangled, not knowing how to express it.

Well, it was indeed a little bit better, but only a little bit better.

The fire-breathing dragon looked helplessly at the Kirby beside him.

Kabimon spread his hands with a smile, showing him a helpless expression.

Then the fire-breathing dragon looked at the head of the big sister of the forked bat, but the forked bat turned sideways silently.

emmm dead friends don't die poor.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at the iron claw lobster again, forget it, don't count on it, envious of the carapace all over its body.

Hey?This electric shock monster seems very excited.

As soon as the fire-breathing dragon's eyes rolled, it immediately escaped from Lu Ze's clutches, and then pointed to the electric shock monster next to the confused Lu Ze.


(He wants to try, you should find him quickly.)
Lu Ze was taken aback, and looked at the electric shock monster with a smile.

"Would you like to try? Come here."

The electric shock monster ran up to Lu Ze excitedly, and sat down like a fire-breathing dragon.

(Go ahead, I can't wait!)

The fire-breathing dragon nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the big grievance had taken over his position, and then strode outside, spreading his wings and soaring into the sky.

"Charizard! Don't run too far!"


After explaining to the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Ze began to massage the electric shock monster.

The electric shock monster suddenly showed a strange expression after Lu Ze's hand.

(Didn't you enjoy watching the third brother's fire-breathing dragon just now? Why is it like this?)

Kabimon glanced at the electric shock monster, and took a sip of honey water with a smile.

(The boy is still too young, if he is comfortable, can he run so fast?)

The electric shock monster wanted to cry, but he didn't know what to do now, should he run directly, or wait to run?
After turning his head and looking around, he found that no one was in his line of sight.

(Self-help, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself!)
The electric shock monster turned its head slightly, glanced at Lu Ze, and then secretly released a trace of electric current while he was not paying attention.

"Hiss! Ma Ma Ma, Ma Ma Ma."

The current passed through Lu Ze's hand and penetrated into Lu Ze's body, and Lu Ze fell into a state of [paralysis] instantly.

The electric shock monster also took this opportunity to quickly escape from Lu Ze's clutches.

All the elves looked at the electric shock monster in surprise, they didn't expect him to use such a trick in order to escape from the clutches of the devil.

The electric shock monster looked at the elves shyly

(I withdrew my strength.)
After a while, Lu Ze recovered from the [paralyzed] state this time. After looking at the time, he found that the freshman battle was about to start.

Reluctantly, he could only stare at the electric shock monster: "Huh, you have no favorite pepper cakes for lunch today."

The electric shock monster wants to cry but has no tears: (No!)
"A little bit~"

After Lu Ze made a face at the electric shock monster, he went upstairs in a good mood.

He wants to go up and bring the miniature dragon with him, after all, he can't leave the miniature dragon at home alone.

After Lu Ze entered the room, he found that the mini dragon was still sleeping, but just like before, the mini dragon also fell asleep and ran to the medium containing the energy core of Deoxys.

It's been like this recently. Sometimes Lu Ze started class early, so he didn't bring the miniature dragon, and when he came back, he found that the miniature dragon had slept on or next to the culture medium.

But the mini dragon sleeps next to Lu Ze every night, and it is still there when he wakes up in the morning, but every time Lu Ze goes out and comes in again, the mini dragon changes positions.

"Mini dragon, wake up, let's go."


After the mini dragon opened his eyes in a daze, he saw that it was Lu Ze, twisted his body coquettishly, and blinked at Lu Ze, acting cute.

(I want to hug~)
After Lu Ze saw the mini dragon opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth rose, and he hugged the mini dragon happily.

"Let's go, there are important things today."


"Deoxys, work hard, and strive to be born early."

Before Lu Ze walked out of the room, he did not forget to say something to Deoxys' energy core.

Deoxys' culture medium has been replaced more and more frequently recently, and it was changed every three days before.

Now Lu Ze has to change it every night, otherwise the nutrient solution will turn into white water during the next day.

But even so, Lu Ze is very happy. This means that Deoxys can absorb energy. Doesn't being able to absorb energy mean that he is not far from birth?
Just after Lu Ze closed the door, Deoxys' energy core flickered twice belatedly.

"A lot of people."

Lu Ze came to the big playground, passed through the dense crowd, followed the location information on Fetion, and came to the side of his friends.

"It's strange, you are later than me this time."

After seeing Lu Ze, Sui Yan's eyes lit up, and he joked at the time that it was one time that he came later than him.

Lu Ze smiled: "Is the principal here?"

Su Tingxi looked at the time: "It should be soon, there are probably 2 minutes left, so be there on time."

"Okay, how are you doing, how do you feel?"

"A little nervous."

When Tang Yunqin said this, the friends all looked at her speechlessly.

"Uh, did I say something wrong?" Tang Yunqin asked weakly looking at the crowd.

"You hit us around in training and now you say you're nervous?"

Tang Yunqin stared at Suiyan, and immediately became confident: "But you are more or less restrained by my elves, but there are also many elves who restrain me outside. Why am I nervous?"

Everyone was helpless, indeed, their elves were more or less restrained by Menus.

Needless to say, Su Tingxi, Sui Yan's fire and water damage is halved, and it hurts a lot when he is beaten.

You Yuyou and Yin Hanling's ghost-type elves mostly attack with special attacks. After encountering Menus, once [Mysterious Guardian] is turned on, as long as they don't get abnormal status, Geng Gui and Meng Yaomo will wear it down. Undead Menus.

Not to mention the words of Fugui, the leading hamster is powerless to fight back against Menus Chunchun, and every time Fugui has to sigh with emotion, why the leading hamster is not female, so that he does not have to suffer from Menus [Charming] bullied.

The same is true for Lu Ze. The iron claw lobster and water resist each other, and the fire-breathing dragon's fire element is also resisted. There is really no way to deal with Menus's cancer.

"Have you heard? It is said that during the final finals, the school invited some heavenly kings to watch the match."

Fu Gui quickly changed the topic, there was no way, it was really embarrassing, and it was really impossible to beat.

(End of this chapter)

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