Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 211 Came from a wealthy family.

Chapter 211 Came from a wealthy family.

"Heavenly King? Who is it?"

Fugui shook his head: "I don't know, it should be a senior who graduated from school before."

"Oh." Sui Yan nodded, anyway, these have nothing to do with him.

"Good morning, students."

At this time, a gray-haired old man came to the stage with a cane, and greeted the students below with a smile.

Everyone on the playground looked up in unison.

The principal on the stage smiled slightly, and began to speak to the students underground.

This freshmen's competition is also equivalent to the opening ceremony. In Shangqing, after the freshmen's competition is over, this is the real start of school.

The old headmaster stood on the stage, and after finishing his opening ceremony speech, he stopped speaking, and announced that the freshman competition had begun.

"The old headmaster doesn't talk much about accidents."

"Of course, he is from the army."

When Fu Gui said that the old principal was from the army, everyone looked at him differently.

"Ding bell~"

Suddenly, everyone's mobile phones rang at the same time. After looking at each other, the friends picked up the mobile phones suspiciously.

Lu Ze, freshman class one and two of the cultivation department, battle field No. 10, please rush to the battle field within 10 minutes, and you will be judged as a loser if you don't arrive within [-] minutes.

"The battle information has been sent."

Sui Yan poked his head out curiously to see the battle information on other people's mobile phones: "Well, I am the NO.13 venue, how about you?"

"I am number three."

"I'm 24."

"I'm seventy."

"I haven't, it says I'm in the next round."

"Yuyou and I are the same, but I am the fourth round, and Yuyou is the fifth round."

The battle information came out, Lu Ze is the third venue.

Suiyan is the NO.13 venue.

Su Tingxi is the 24th venue.

Fugui is the NO.70 venue.

Tang Yunqin, You Yuyou and Yin Hanling didn't have them this round, and they had to wait until later.

"Okay, luckily we didn't meet together, come on." Lu Ze still extended his hand to everyone.

Cover Lu Ze's hand one by one, and then press down at the same time.

"come on!"

Soon, Lu Ze came to the battlefield No. [-], and the opponent was already waiting there.

"Hello, Wei Zhongzhi, the third squad of the battle department."

"Hello, Lu Ze, Class Two of the Education Department"

The two nodded and greeted each other. When Wei Zhongzhi heard that Lu Ze was from the cultivation department, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

In his opinion, those who choose the training department are all guys who don't have confidence in their fighting power.

But even so, he adjusted his mentality at the beginning of the game and took the game seriously.

"Oh my god, the luxury ball belongs to a wealthy family!" Wei Zhongzhi became more cautious when he saw the luxurious ball in Lu Ze's hands. The elves of rich and noble families are usually good or rare elves selected by their elders. .

"It's bad luck, let's use your strength." Wei Zhongzhi comforted himself, and then he concentrated even more, paying [-]% of his attention.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

Lu Ze didn't care what he thought, and threw out the luxurious ball with the iron claw lobster.

"Iron claw lobster, water jet!"

As soon as the opponent's elf landed, Lu Ze had a plan in mind, and immediately let the iron claw lobster rush up.

The other party's elf is a sun rock with a rock and a super energy system. Before he could react, he saw that the other party had already stuck to his face. He was shocked on the spot, and subconsciously used [Mind Power] to block the iron claw lobster.

The iron-clawed lobster's pincers wrapped in evil energy stretched forward, and the [mind force] melted instantly like a fire knife cutting butter.

And even if the power of thought does not dissolve, the iron claw lobster will not be blocked at all, after all, he is an elf of the water and evil system.

The Iron Claw Lobster was not polite when he saw this, and [Sneak Attack on the Vital Point] directly hit Sunyan's body, sending Sunyan flying, but unfortunately he missed the vital point.

"Sun Rock!"

Wei Zhongzhi looked at the flying Sun Rock and shouted anxiously.

"Damn it, Sun Rock, use sharp stones to attack!"

"Iron claw lobster, dodge, and continue sticking to the face!"

When Lu Ze saw that the Sun Rock on the opposite side began to gather sharp stones, he was immediately happy. Isn't this a gift to his hand?
[Sharp Rock Attack] The attack process is divided into two steps. First, the sharp stones must be condensed, and then the sharp stones will fly out.

And the release speed of this skill depends on the elves, some elves release very fast, such as the rich leading gopher, the release speed is very fast.

But some are very slow, such as the opponent's Sun Rock, from when Lu Ze saw the sharp stone condense, to when Lu Ze gave the command, the sharp stone had just condensed.

At this time, it is completely enough to train the [Water Jet] into a natural iron-clawed lobster.


Another [Sneak Attack] hit Sun Yan's body.

The iron claw lobster has already practiced the three axes, and the first time after sticking to the face is [Sneak Attack] [Shoot Down] or [Shell Blade].

Sun Rock really couldn't react. After all, the iron claw lobster used [Water Jet] at a speed that even the trainer on the opposite side couldn't react.

"Come back, Ironclaw Lobster."

"Go poo poo pig."

Wei Zhongzhi took back the Sun Rock with a calm expression, and then released his other elf Pupu pig.

The final result was not as Wei Zhongzhi had expected, the Pupu pig was defeated without any suspense, and his freshman battle was also over everywhere.

After Lu Ze took back the iron claw lobster, there was also a hint of joy in his eyes. He was lucky to meet the elf that he restrained.

Looking at Wei Zhongzhi's lonely back, Lu Ze didn't say anything. He just greeted the referee and left.

"Well, Suiyan is at the NO.13 venue, not far away, let's go and have a look first."

After winning the battle, Lu Ze's mood improved a lot. He happily patted the cat bag on his back, picked it up, and looked inside through the transparent window.


"Oh miniature dragon, you are so beautiful, you are so eye-catching when you come out, I didn't insist on putting you in."

Seeing the resentful eyes of the mini dragon, Lu Ze comforted her with a smile. After all, the pink mini dragon is really eye-catching, the kind that stands out from the crowd.

"It's okay, okay, I'll give you fried chicken when I go back today."


Hearing that Lu Ze said that he would eat fried chicken for him, Mini Dragon rolled his eyes at Lu Ze and turned his head angrily, not looking at Lu Ze anymore.

Speaking of which, this bag is a cat bag, but it is actually very big, like a hiking bag, and the space is not small, so the mini dragon will not feel uncomfortable in it.

After comforting the mini dragon, Lu Ze put the bag on his back again, and continued to walk towards the NO.13 venue.

"Hey, why did you give Mini Dragon a taste of fried chicken at that time? It's okay now, I can't get rid of it."

Lu Ze walked on the road, clapped his hands and spread them out, and said to himself.

The last time Lu Ze was greedy, he ordered a fried chicken takeaway. He wanted to tease the mini dragon, but the mini dragon seemed to dislike it very much.

But in the end, he couldn't stand Lu Ze's persuasion, so he took a small sip.

Just this one bite, it's over, I can't take it anymore, pestering Lu Ze every day to express that he wants to eat fried chicken.

But fried chicken is okay to eat once in a while, how can I eat it all the time.

So Lu Ze later regarded the fried chicken as a reward, and then cooked fried chicken for the mini dragon when he was coaxing the mini dragon.

"Yo, Boss Sui is a bit lazy."

After Lu Ze came to the NO.13 field, he couldn't help laughing immediately after seeing the situation on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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