Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 216 Dangerous!

Chapter 216 Dangerous!
"Where did they get it, I really want it!" Sui Yan was still very troubled, he really wanted this rare elf.

Tang Yunqin smirked slightly, and pointed to the burning worm on the ground quietly huddled aside.

"Speaking of which is rare, you are no less inferior than them, let alone you have strange-colored elves."

Sui Yan looked at the burning worm, then at the two fire-breathing dragons, and suddenly realized: "Oh, it is indeed."

"Hiss, if you say that, we all have rare elves." Only then did Sui Yan realize that not only those two elves were rare, but almost all of them had rare elves.

"Look, Lu Ze's different-colored fire-breathing dragon, different-colored miniature dragon, needless to say Su Tingxi, the dragons are quite rare, and the rich Shajila is also a quasi-god, You Yuyou and Tang Yunqin each have a quasi-god. God Dolong Mesia, you also have a very rare Menus."

After Sui Yan finished speaking, everyone looked back at the elves lying or floating in the living room, and nodded involuntarily.

"Indeed, then why do we still care about him?" Su Tingxi gained confidence in an instant.

"But to be reasonable, if Yuyou and I meet Zoroark, it's really difficult to fight." Yin Hanling curled his lips. Although they also have rare elves, they can't play yet.

Lu Ze spread his hands: "Restrain the attributes, so who can do it?"

Tang Yunqin also imitated Lu Ze and spread her hands: "That's right, it's not the same when I meet that Lucario, who has no way to restrain his attributes."

"And it's not just the two of them, I also met a Western Lion and Sea Ren, who is also super strong. I watched her match, you must not let her Western Lion and Sea Ren [meditation] succeed, or you will be pushed to the team .”

After Tang Yunqin finished speaking, everyone paid attention to it. Among them, except for Geng Gui and Meng Yaomo, there were basically no elves who could cause serious damage to the water system.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, Sui Yan hurriedly came out to adjust the atmosphere: "Why do you think so much now, and you can just touch it when the time comes, and you can't tell if you are strong or not."

After Sui Yan finished speaking, Lu Ze looked at him in surprise, it was not like what he could say.

"Indeed, with this time, it's better to think about tactics." Su Tingxi also nodded, agreeing.

Lu Ze smiled: "Indeed, it's still early, let's go and have a meal after playing for a while, we will start the game again tomorrow afternoon, why not relax now."

"It makes sense." Fu Gui felt that what Master said was right, and immediately canceled the screen projection.

Lu Ze was stunned, and patted Fugui in a daze: "That's what I said, but we still have to despise the enemy strategically and pay attention to the enemy tactically. Although we don't need to take it too seriously, we can't go wrong by collecting more information. of."

"Oh, good master, I understand." Fugui immediately reacted, then turned on the phone, and began to slow down the video of the battle between the two.

After Lu Ze shook his head with a smile, he came to Snorby lying behind the sofa, and began to comb Snorkel's hair.

"Snorbeast, I don't know if there is a chance for you and the forked bat to play."


Seeing the languid appearance of the Squirrel, Lu Ze couldn't help laughing: "Actually, I don't want you to play, after all, I want to exercise the Charizard and the Iron Claw Lobster, but the rewards this time are too generous. "

Lu Ze happily rubbed the Snorby's belly, tsk tsk, this feeling, no one else.

In the two-on-two freshman match, it was true that only two elves could go out, but he hadn't registered which two before the start.

This can be regarded as an unspoken rule of the school. If you have ten elves that can fight, you can only fight two.

However, if you have a string of twos in front of you, and the second elf has not been on the flower, then when you need the second elf to play, he will not care about your second elf's original plan. Who it is depends on who you are playing now.

"Hey? By the way, where is the cross-word bat? I have learned some massage techniques of bat-like elves from my teacher these days, and I want her to try it."

Upon hearing this, Kirby's calf trembled slightly

(Big sister, Wei, remember to fly far away, and come back when the master no longer has this idea.)
Lu Ze keenly noticed that Snorby's calf moved, so he patted Snorby's belly with a smile.

"Still fighting for favor, don't worry, after I learn the flying massage techniques, I will definitely learn about your massage techniques first, don't worry, how can I miss you, don't need to compete for favor, I like you as much as I do."

Snorkel turned sideways slightly, and couldn't help but feel sad, but he couldn't refuse, he could only silently pray in his heart that the master could really learn and learn well.

"You don't have hair yet, so you don't need to comb it. I'll comb it for you after you evolve."

After Lu Ze saw the electric shock monster jumping over, he looked at the Snorby curiously, and then followed the Snorkel's appearance and lay down at Lu Ze's feet.

The eagerness on his face was reduced to one sentence.

"I want, too!"

After Lu Ze touched the hard belly of the electric shock monster, he said with a smile: "You, you must quickly evolve into an electric shock monster, so that I can comb your hair."

After hearing this, the electric shock monster lowered his head in disappointment.

"However, although I can't help you comb your hair, I can give you some maintenance and make your armor look better. How about it?"

The electric shock monster's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly, who wouldn't want to have a polished armor?
Lu Ze smiled, got up and went to the kitchen to take out the carapace care water. By the way, he also called the iron claw lobster who was watching the two Doron Mesias fighting.

"Come on, apply essential oils and make a spa for you!"


The next morning, Lu Ze and his group still came to the battlefield on the playground. This will be the last three rounds of the match, and they will start the second game in the afternoon.

"It feels great not to have to go to class!"

As soon as Sui Yan came to the battlefield, he couldn't help expressing emotion.

During the competition between freshmen, no matter whether there is a competition or not, there are no classes, no matter what department it is.

"Well, I just hope you won't fail at the end of the term."

Sui Yan looked at Su Tingxi with a smile: "Failed? I asked. Our class guide said that as long as you have achieved certain results in the competition organized by the school, you will not be failed at the end of the semester. After all, we No matter how you say it, it’s also a combat system.”

Su Tingxi was taken aback: "I'll go, so good?"

Tang Yunqin and Lu Ze were also taken aback: "I'll go, can it still be like this?"

As they said that, the two quickly turned on their mobile phones and began to ask their class supervisor if their department had this rule.

(End of this chapter)

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