Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 217 The same elf team 1

Chapter 217

"How is it?" Everyone looked at Lu Ze and Tang Yunqin who hung up the phone and asked curiously.

Lu Ze had a bitter face: "Our class teacher said that there is no such rule in the cultivation department."

"Hehe, but our class teacher said that if you get a good grade, you can also guarantee that you will not fail at the end of the semester."

Lu Ze looked around with dead fish eyes: "That is to say, why am I the only one who doesn't have this privilege?"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

"It's not fair..."

"That's fair!"


The morning without a game passed quickly. A total of 220 people advanced to the first round, and then the second round of battles began.

"Ding bell~"

"Who is the first round?" As soon as the phone rang, Sui Yan asked around like a curious baby.

"My first round, watch me perform!"

Su Tingxi smiled confidently. Although he didn't want to think about Yichuaner for the time being, as the leading man, he must show his momentum.

"come on!"

"Hmph, look at me bringing you a good start."

Su Tingxi walked towards the field excitedly, Lu Ze and the others looked at each other and smiled, and followed behind him.

A few of them were not in the first round, so they can go to watch Su Tingxi's performance together.

"Both sides release elves."

"Go, Tanabata blue bird!"

"Go, fire-breathing camel!"

Lu Ze smiled when he saw the elf released by Su Tingxi's opponent, then turned to Sui Yan and said

"Fire-breathing camel, I don't know if it's you, but it would be fun if it was you."

Sui Yan also raised the corners of his mouth, and said like a Shiba Inu: "If Su Tingxi can't beat my colleague, then I will laugh at him and laugh at you."

Lu Ze nodded: "Indeed, his Qixi Blue Bird is like the nemesis of your weather team."

The characteristic of Su Tingxi's Tanabata Blue Bird is [irrelevant to weather], so when the Tanabata Blue Bird is present, all weather bonus effects will be invalid, which can be said to be the nemesis of the weather team.

While the two were chatting, the battle on the field also started.

"Fire-breathing camel, sunny day!"

"Qixi Blue Bird, Shunfeng!"

The fire-breathing camel used [Sunny Day], and the weather on the field changed, but because of the characteristics of the Tanabata blue bird, there was no bonus effect.

"Spit fire!"

"Get out of the way and ask for rain!"

Now Su Tingxi's opponent is a little confused, don't you have the [irrelevant weather] characteristic?Why even change the weather?Just to make my fire-breathing camel drenched in the rain, is it uncomfortable?

[Request for Rain] Activated, the weather on the field changed, and it began to rain.

The raindrops hit the fire-breathing camel's body, causing the fire-breathing camel to shake its body in displeasure, and stared angrily at the Tanabata blue bird.

"Fire-breathing camel, don't worry about him, fire-breathing!"

"Come back, Qixi Blue Bird."

"Go Hackron!"

After the Tanabata blue bird once again escaped the [fire-breathing], it was taken back into the poke ball by Su Tingxi, and Hackron was replaced to play.

"Spit fire!"

After Hackron appeared, the fire-breathing camel still used [Fire-breathing] to hit Hackron who had just played.

But after Hackron came on the stage, Tanabata Blue Bird's [Irrelevant Weather] feature was revealed, and the weakening of fire skills by [Rainy Day] also came out.

What's more, Hackron also has the blessing of [Tail Wind], so even if the power of [Fire Breathing] is weakened by 50.00%, Hackron just dodges it directly without a hard catch.

Su Tingxi smiled slightly and said softly
"Hackron, surf."

Hackron groaned softly, and quickly approached the fire-breathing camel. Before the [fire-breathing] in the fire-breathing camel's mouth could be sprayed out, a huge wave was directly set off to cover the fire-breathing camel.

"Made, Zhuo!"

After Su Tingxi's opponent saw that his fire-breathing camel was killed, he jumped like a thunder on the spot and was furious.

"The fire-breathing camel loses its ability to fight. Players please release the next battle elf. If the timeout expires, you will lose!"

The referee at the side looked at the fire-breathing camel lying in the rain and rolled its eyes, but the trainer frowned when he was only concerned with venting his emotions, and said to him indifferently.

"Mad, did this hit Jill?!"

"Come back, fire-breathing camel"

"Go fire camel, use fire!"

Su Tingxi didn't expect that the opponent's second elf was still a fire-breathing camel, so he was stunned for a moment, and Hackron was sprayed in the face by the fire-breathing camel.

[Tail Wind]'s continuous effect has ended, and because the opponent's attack is released as soon as it hits the ground, Ha Kelong wanted to hide, but he didn't.

Su Tingxi's face darkened: "Hackron, surf!"

"The power of the fire-breathing camel!"

The huge waves still rushed towards the fire-breathing camel, but the fire-breathing camel used [Power of the Earth] to shake the huge waves away.

"Fire-breathing camel, sunny day!"

Su Tingxi's opponent finally showed a smile, the continuous effect of [Rainy Day] disappeared, and it was my turn next.

"Tsk tsk, how courageous you are."

Seeing the fire-breathing camel release [Sunny Sky] in front of Hackron, Su Tingxi couldn't help sighing at the opponent's audacity.

Another huge wave rushed towards the fire-breathing camel, but this time the fire-breathing camel had no time to use [Power of the Earth] to disperse the waves, so it could only watch the waves fall.

【Sunny day】Although it was successfully released, the huge waves also sent the fire-breathing camel flying.

"Fire-breathing camel, hold on."

Amidst the owner's anxious yell, the fire-breathing camel slowly stood up. Although his physical strength was running low, he still didn't fall down.

"Great, fire-breathing camel, spit flames!"

"Hackron, let's give him a last ride, Wave of Water!"

The elves on both sides attacked at the same time, and the two attacks passed in parallel in the air, hitting both elves at the same time.

But the final result was that Hackron was still floating quietly in the air, while the fire-breathing camel had turned its eyes in circles and fell to the ground.

"The fire-breathing camel loses its ability to fight, Hack Long wins, and the winner of this match is Su Tingxi."

"It's a pity that two fire-breathing camels ended up running into a shameless guy like Su Tingxi."

Sui Yan spat out, he still remembered that Su Tingxi asked Ha Kelong to learn [Praying for Rain] in advance in order to target him.

Lu Ze said thoughtfully: "This person is not going to play with the same team of elves?"

"Same elf team?"

Lu Ze was taken aback: "You haven't heard of it?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison.

"Okay, the principle is very simple, it is a team of elves, but I don't understand his kind. Generally speaking, most of these teams choose some elves with two swords, and then they focus on different things. .”

Lu Ze has seen this kind of team before, all Lucarios in the team, but that's because there are four skills restrictions, so they formed a team of Lucarios to play.

In reality, if you want to form this kind of team, you will be directly pushed to the team if you encounter a target. It is completely a team whose shortcomings outweigh its advantages.

"Well, but this kind of team also has its advantages, that is, it is simple, and they are all the same kind of elves, whether it is eating or training, they are the same, but I suggest you don't do this, this is just for convenience, and the disadvantages outweigh the Advantages of team building ideas."

"No wonder you were pushed to the team. If you encounter a nemesis, you will be unsteadily passed through six."

Everyone nodded in unison. They all have their own ideas for team building, and they will never be like that person on the field again.

(End of this chapter)

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