Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 218 Jealousy!

Chapter 218 Jealousy!
"What are you talking about? How about it, was brother handsome just now?" Su Tingxi rushed over, grabbed Sui Yan's shoulder and asked.

"You're so handsome, I can do it if I go." Sui Yan said as he pulled Su Tingxi's arm away.

"Tch, who will be in the second round?"

"Coincidentally, we are all in the third round, not in the second round." Fu Gui said with a smile.

It was indeed a very coincidence that this time, except for Su Tingxi who was in the first round, the others were all in the third round.

Moreover, Suiyan and You Yuyou almost ran into each other.

Suiyan was in court 27 in the third round, and You Yuyou was in court 28. If the two made more progress, they would be in a civil war.

Because no one had a reason to compete in the second round, they still sat on the playground without moving.

They chatted and teased their elves.

"Little mini dragon, do you want to come out? But if you come out, it will be very attractive."

Lu Ze smiled and said to the figure of the mini dragon in the backpack with his back facing him.

"How about this, let's sneak our heads out, shall we?"

When the miniature dragon heard it, its two small ears moved slightly, but it still didn't turn around.

"If you don't come out, forget it." Lu Ze spread his hands and said to the mini dragon on purpose.


As soon as the mini dragon heard this, he turned around in an instant, but still didn't look at Lu Ze, his eyes were erratic, and he just poked the zipper with his tail.

"Huh? What do you mean? Are you going to come out? Or not." Seeing the arrogant appearance of the miniature dragon, Lu Ze laughed, but continued to tease her.

The mini-dragon froze for a moment, looked back at Lu Ze, then stopped talking to Lu Ze, turned around and lay down in the backpack again.

Now Lu Ze panicked. When the mini dragon turned to look at him just now, he seemed to see a little tear in the mini dragon's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to hug you out. I just wanted to tease you."

Lu Ze quickly opened the backpack, took the mini dragon out of the backpack, hugged it in your arms and comforted you.

"Lu Ze! Why are you a miniature dragon?!"

At this time, Tang Yunqin also saw the miniature dragon's aggrieved look, and she was furious, such a cute miniature dragon, how did you manage to do it!

Tang Yunqin's roar also successfully attracted the attention of several people.

"Uh, you're being teased too much, you're making me angry." Lu Ze said timidly, still stroking the mini dragon's back with his hand, trying to comfort her.

Tang Yunqin laughed angrily, and slapped Lu Ze on the back: "How can you treat a girl like this?"


The miniature dragon in Lu Ze's arms also raised his head and let out a dissatisfaction with Lu Ze.

Then she followed Tang Yunqin's example and patted Lu Ze's thigh lightly with her tail.

Seeing the cute movements of the miniature dragon, several people were immediately amused.

But even so, they didn't notice the slightly smug look in the mini longan.

Lu Ze comforted the mini dragon for a while, and then the mini dragon accepted Lu Ze's apology.

And Tang Yunqin couldn't help laughing when she saw the mini dragon patted Lu Ze's shoulder with its tail very boldly.

Just like that, the mini dragon nestled quietly in Lu Ze's arms, and Lu Ze acted as a servant, sending a small round cake to the mini dragon's mouth from time to time.

"Is it delicious?"


"Then I'll make some more for you next time and put them in your backpack, okay?"


When the mini dragon heard about the backpack, it immediately wanted to blow its hair, and quickly straightened up from Lu Ze's arms, staring at Lu Ze fiercely.

"Wow, I love it, it's too cute." Su Tingxi looked at this scene with a smile on his face, and Ha Kelong, who was on the side, also looked at the mini dragon and Lu Ze with a smirk, just like his training. There is no quasi-god image.

Lu Ze quickly appeased the mini dragon: "Put the small round cake in the backpack, not you."

Only then did the mini dragon nestle in Lu Ze's arms with peace of mind and enjoy Lu Ze's service.

"Envy, I want miniature dragons too!"

Suiyan and Fugui spoke at the same time, saying the same thing in unison.

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other, and then clapped hands for their like-mindedness.

You Yuyou and Yin Hanling over there also looked at the miniature dragon with bright eyes, but were quickly covered by the two dragons Messia.

(Jealous and spicy!)
This bustling meadow with many quasi-gods finally attracted the attention of others.

"Look, look, look, there are so many quasi-gods, I'll go."

"Shakira, Hackron, Doron Mesia, and Menus? This is too beautiful!"

"Meenas? Look at that man's arms, that TM miniature dragon!??"

"God is unfair, they are not as handsome as me, why don't I have a quasi-god?"

One person directly knelt down and looked up at the sky, angrily scolding the injustice of the sky.

The person next to him glanced at the kneeling man, and was about to speak when he choked.

"Brother, with your looks, I think God is not blind, it's fair."

After finishing speaking, he quickly looked at Lu Ze and the others, not for anything else, just for eye-catching, for fear of blindness.

"What is a different-color miniature dragon? He also has a different-color fire-breathing dragon?"

"How did you know?"

"On the first day of school, didn't you see such a popular post on the post bar?"

"I'm going to see it now!"

Fugui excitedly looked around at the people watching the excitement and taking pictures, and was very excited, "I am rich, bah, my royal power will be famous one day, tsk tsk, tell my brother when I get back, I am also a famous person!"

Fugui looked at everyone excitedly, but he didn't know, when he went back to search for photos to show to his brother, the photos in the entire post bar didn't have his face, and even his Shakira had a higher ranking than him. noodle.

"Mini dragon, should you put it in the backpack first, our game is about to begin."

After looking at the information on the phone, Lu Ze stood up and hugged the mini dragon, ready to put the mini dragon into his backpack.


"But the mini dragon, I still have to compete." Lu Ze looked at the mini dragon helplessly and said.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

The miniature dragon shook its head vigorously, wrapped itself around Lu Ze's leg, and said nothing about putting it into the backpack.

"Hey, you can just take her with you, since she won't play, it's fine to just be next to you."

Now even Su Tingxi can't stand it anymore, the miniature dragon is so cute, you still put her in a backpack, if I have a different color miniature dragon, I will definitely listen to what she says. .

"Okay, okay, then you remember to be right next to me, and you can't be too far away from me, okay?"

"Chirp, chirp~"

"Okay, let's go, get ready to play."

"Let's go, we will win!"


Fugui took the lead and walked forward arrogantly, Sui Yan also gave Fugui a lot of face, and yelled very cooperatively.

Youyuyou and the others also stood up with a smile, and walked towards the venue sent on the mobile phone.

In the end, only poor Su Tingxi was left alone, staying in place and looking at their backpacks and items.

Lu Ze's field is No. 31, which is actually quite close to where they were doing, so Lu Ze quickly entered the field.

After waiting for a while, Lu Ze's opponent also came, a fat man who was about the same size as a rich man.

"Both sides are in position, release your respective elves."

"Go, ironclaw lobster!"


(End of this chapter)

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