Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 222 What is Wise and Martial!

Chapter 222 What is Wise and Martial!

Not surprisingly, the trainer of the ice rock monster was also taken aback, this?Iron claw lobster can also use special attack?

The ice rock monster's trainer froze for a moment, suddenly not understanding how he should fight.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and continued to implement the tactics he had prepared.

"Ice Rock Monster, Iron Wall!"

Elf: Ice Rock Monster

gender: female

attribute: ice

Feature: Do It Yourself (With this feature, elves will not fall into chaos. When an elf in chaos acquires this feature, the confusion state will be eliminated. When using skills to cause confusion, the confusion state will also be lifted. This feature is not affected by intimidation.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: Mount Tarzan, High Speed ​​Spin, Impact, Harden, Fine Snow, Hail, Wide Area Defense, Spell, Freezing Wind, Avalanche, Hold, Bite, Frozen Teeth, Iron Wall, Self Regeneration, Crush, Slam , pounce, heavy charge.

Genetic Skills: Barrier, Mirror Reflection, Self Regeneration, White Mist.

"[Pounce]? And [Avalanche]?" Lu Ze thought while looking at the ice rock monster's skill pool.

"Then, here we go again, trick."

The skill characteristic of [Avalanche] is that if it is attacked and caused damage before the attack is issued, the damage will be doubled.

And the Ice Rock Monster doesn't have the attribute of [Strength], so as long as you can kill her in seconds, [Avalanche] is not a threat.

"Ice rock monster, pounce!"

A bonus of [Iron Wall] is enough damage from [Pounce] to take away the Iron Claw Lobster.

However, the speed of the ice rock monster is really too slow, even with some speed bonuses given by the collision, it is not so fast.

Just as the ice rock monster was touching its face, the iron claw lobster moved.

The two pliers were brought together, and waves of black and purple light circles emerged from the center of the pliers.

[Wave of Evil] hit the ice rock monster that was rushing over, not only that, [Wave of Evil] also offset the impact of the ice rock monster's forward pounce.

"Huh, it's okay."

This time, Lu Ze finally breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, this time he was a bit overwhelmed. In case the [trick] of the iron claw lobster was not completed when the ice rock monster rushed over, then this game is the iron claw The lobster was carried away by the ice rock monster.

"Tsk tsk, there was almost a problem with greed." Lu Ze shook his head with a wry smile after watching the ice rock monster being taken back by the other party.

"Go, Roseredo!"

"Rosredo is extremely poisonous!"

"It's no wonder that Bingyan doesn't use hail. It turns out that the two elves are of different systems." Lu Ze sighed silently, but his movements were not slow, and he took the iron claw lobster back into the elf ball.

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"


"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

Preemptively, the fire-breathing dragon directly used [Jet Flame], so that Luosreiduo, who was about to use [Very Poison] again, had no choice but to give up first and dodge the attack.


The fire-breathing dragon couldn't help but feel a little happy after seeing Roseredo fleeing in a hurry and the shocked expression of the opponent's trainer.

"Rosredo, hypnotic powder"

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

A mouthful of [Jet Flame] not only burned up the green [Hypnotic Powder] floating towards the fire-breathing dragon in the air, but also directly attacked Luosreiduo without abating.

"Rosredo, get out of the way."

The elegant Roseredo couldn't care less about elegance at this time, a coyote rolled and avoided the sweeping [Jet Flame].

"Rosredo, the green grass field!"

"Air Slash!"

This time, Rose Leiduo did not choose to dodge, but took a [Air Slash] and also activated the [Green Grass Field].

"Rosredo, Magic Leaf"

"Spray flames!"

Roseredo's attack was once again burned in the air by [Jet Flame].

At this moment, the two elves fell into a calm state for the time being. Both of them looked at each other vigilantly, and neither made the first move.

Lu Ze was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opponent to make a move first, before he could see if this move could directly kill the game.

"Rosredo, energy ball!"

"Spray flames!"

Lu Ze was a little disappointed, the opponent was not stupid, he would never use that move in front of the fire-breathing dragon.

There is no other way but to attack by force.

Lu Ze's eyes were fixed, in the white smoke produced by the explosion after [Jet Flame] and [Energy Ball] contacted in the air.

A black fire-breathing dragon passed through the white smoke, and the flames from its mouth swept towards Roseredo.

"Supernatural power!"

The opponent was shocked, so was Rose Leido, and hurriedly used [Supernatural Power] to bend the fire wire of [Jet Flame] slightly, letting the fire wire sweep past her.

Rosredo stared at the fire-breathing dragon in the air covered in cold sweat. She didn't expect the fire-breathing dragon to come so suddenly that he almost succeeded.

"Air Slash!"

The fire-breathing dragon moved its wings, and the two air blades hit Rosereiduo one after the other.

Now that the fire-breathing dragon was within the field of vision, Roseredo was not so panicked.

"Crack, snap!"

A thick vine whip appeared behind Roseredo, and after waving it left and right twice, the two air blades shattered.

Even though the attack was blocked again, a smile appeared on Lu Ze's face.

After two attacks, the fire-breathing dragon is now only four or five body distances away from Roseredo.

At this distance, the fire-breathing dragon only needs to dive once, and it can directly stick to Rose Leidu's face.

"Rosredo, energy ball."

"Drum! Flame fist!"

Instantly, the fire-breathing dragon's eyes turned blood red, and the [belly drum] was activated, reducing its stamina by half.

Tilting his head slightly, after dodging the attacking [Energy Ball], he swooped towards Rosereiduo with ferocious eyes.

Four or five positions, for a fire-breathing dragon, it's just a matter of one wing.

"Colorful Fallen Flowers Block Him"

The opponent was obviously in a hurry, but Rosereiduo really had no way to block the fire-breathing dragon.

I saw the fire-breathing dragon's right fist burning flames and shuttled through the rain of flowers all over the sky.

In this beautiful picture, the fire-breathing dragon punched Roseredo out.

"Well, beauty is cruel." Seeing this scene, Lu Ze could not help but complain slightly.


With a punch, Rosereido turned his eyes in circles.


Rose Redo in the air was suddenly hit by a red light, and the red light immediately enveloped Rose Redo's body, wrapping Rose Reduo back into the elf ball.

"Luo Si Lei Duo lost the ability to fight, the fire-breathing dragon wins, and the winner of this game is Lu Ze."

Lu Ze nodded slightly at his opponent, he is indeed a person who cherishes elves.

He chose to retract Roseredo in the air to prevent Roseredo from receiving secondary damage when he landed.

After all, when Roseletto was hit by [Flame Fist], she had already lost her fighting ability.


After Lu Ze left the field, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then picked up the mini dragon, and said to him as he walked

"Grass-type elves are really difficult to deal with. The ones with the superior attributes can only decide the winner in the end, thanks to my brilliance and martial arts."


The miniature dragon secretly rolled his eyes, but still nodded his little head cooperatively.

There is no way, the food is controlled by others, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

(End of this chapter)

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