Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 223 exposed!

Chapter 223 exposed!
After taking the fire-breathing dragon and the iron claw lobster to recover his strength, Lu Ze returned to the temporary stronghold just now.

"Fugui? What's the matter? With a bitter face?" Lu Ze saw Fugui sitting on the ground with a depressed face from a distance.

"I'll lose." Su Tingxi looked at Fugui pitifully. At this time, whoever gets out first will be embarrassed.

Don't you see that in the Baby Cup back then, Sui Yan was ridiculed by Sui Yan because he was out first, so he almost doubted his life, well, although Sui Yan was also out soon.

"Small problem, it's just a freshman match." Lu Ze walked over, patted Fugui on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Besides, you only have one elf, and they all belong to two elves, and they are still very powerful."

Fugui raised his head dejectedly: "Really?"

Lu Ze laughed: "Of course it's true, can Master lie to you?"

"What's more, you are the weather team of the Sandstorm team. Before Shakira evolved into Bangira, you have played very well so far."

Fugui instantly regained his energetic appearance: "Master, you understand me!"

"You, you've changed too fast." Su Tingxi and Yin Hanling on the side were stunned, they just pretended to be with you.

Fugui spread his hands: "I can't help it, who would have thought that the opposite is a Happy Kappa."

Su Tingxi choked: "Well, it's really a sad story."

"It's okay, it will be fine when you Shakila evolves into Bangira." Lu Ze sat on the ground with a smile and said.

"By the way, it's not bad to have a grass-and-steel nut dumbbell in your team. Four cups are resistant to grass, and twice as resistant to water."

"It's a pity that it's four times weaker." Su Tingxi beside him interrupted with a smile.

Lu Ze nodded: "Indeed, but I suggest that you choose a Scorpio for your next elf, the flying and ground type, not only resists grass, but also can be used as a successor, but if the next elf chooses a Scorpio, It’s best to have a water shield in the team.”

Fugui was stunned: "But, is the upper limit of Scorpio too low?"

Lu Ze was also taken aback: "It's not low. Scorpio evolves into Scorpio King, and the strength is completely enough."

"Evolve? Scorpio can evolve?"

This time, not only Fugui, but also You Yuyou, they all looked over.

Lu Ze looked at them.Suddenly he slapped his forehead: "Oh, I remembered, I haven't told you guys yet, have I?"

"No!" Everyone looked at Lu Ze, when did you tell us.


"It's just right, let Suiyan explain to you." Lu Ze looked at Lu Ze who was rushing over excitedly, and hurriedly said.

Sui Yan paused in his footsteps, and slowly stopped in place, asking suspiciously
"Uh? What?"

Fugui on the side hastily reminded: "It's about the Scorpio King."

Sui Yan suddenly realized: "Oh, oh Scorpio King, Lu Ze did tell me."

As Sui Yan said, he sat down on the grass, and in the eyes of everyone expecting, he turned his head to Lu Ze and asked
"Haven't you found the king of the Scorpio family?"


The sip of water that Lu Ze just drank directly sprayed the mini dragon's face.


Lu Ze looked at the furious mini dragon, and quickly took out a fried chicken leg that was going to be a lunch snack for him, and stuffed it into the mini dragon's mouth.

After appeasing the mini dragon, he helplessly explained to everyone

"The King of Scorpio is the evolution of Scorpio. Well, it is about the same as the big steel snake. I also discovered it. The paper and research materials have been handed over to the official, and it should be released soon."

Fugui's eyes lit up: "So, if I raise a Scorpio now, then I can evolve into a Scorpio King?"

Lu Ze looked at Fugui helplessly: "You raise a Scorpio now, and if the official announcement is not made, your Scorpio can also evolve into a Scorpio King."

"Then, the Scorpio King is not the king of the Scorpio family, but the evolution of the Scorpio. If you put it this way, the Silly King you told me at the time was not the king of the Silly Beast family, but the evolution of the Slow Beast? Mosquito-repellent frog Is the emperor an evolution of the mosquito-repellent frog?"

It was only then that Sui Yan realized that what Lu Ze said was not the same as what he said at the time, okay?

Lu Ze nodded: "Well, the dumb king is another way of evolution of the dumb beast, and the king of mosquito-repellent frogs is also another way of evolution of the mosquito-repellent frog (mosquito-repellent king). These should be officially announced after a while. Published."

"You found it all?"

"Yes, otherwise, where do you think I got my doctorate?" Lu Ze nodded his head as a matter of course, as if I got the doctorate through the back door.

"You still have the title of doctor?!"

Everyone looked at Lu Ze in surprise.

Lu Ze nodded hesitantly: "Uh, didn't I tell you?"

Sui Yan and Su Tingxi rushed forward and pushed Lu Ze to the ground
"Say, what else are you hiding from us?"

"I'm wronged, that's really all I have to say, I thought I told you guys."

"I don't believe it, tell me quickly." Tang Yunqin also joined in the fun.

"Ding bell~"

"Haha, you guys are going to torture and extract a confession first, and Yuyou and I will go to a match, and let me know the result when we come back."

"Don't worry, I'm here. Tell me quickly, or you will be punished."

Su Tingxi patted his chest and said to Yin Hanling and You Yuyou, and then stepped up the interrogation of Lu Ze.

"That's really all I need, it's gone, miniature dragon save me!"

The mini dragon glanced at Lu Ze with a smile, then turned around and continued eating the chicken legs.

Out of sight, out of sight, let you just spray water on my face.

"Okay, okay, I said, I said, I said, let go first."

Seeing that the mini dragon was not on his side, Lu Ze had no choice but to succumb to the two men's lust.

"Well, in fact, apart from the Big Steel Snake, the Scorpio King, the Dumb King, and the Mosquito Frog King, which I discovered and studied, there are others."

"However, this thing has not been developed yet, but there is already a general idea. I guess you will be able to see it this afternoon or tomorrow."

"I'm not talking about this. What I mean is, are there any dragon-type, new-evolved elves, such as desert dragonflies? The evolution of the flaming tortoise? If it doesn't work, the old man dragon can do it too." Su Tingxi He looked at Lu Ze with bright eyes and asked.

"Yes!" Lu Ze nodded.

"Which elf?"


Su Tingxi looked disbelieving: "Don't lie to me, those with dragons in their names are not dragons."

"Lapzao is not a dragon type either, it is a dragon type after evolution."

Why is the name with a dragon not considered a dragon?How can I be wronged by someone?

"Yes" Su Tingxi nodded excitedly after thinking about it carefully.

"The evolution of the sea thorn dragon is suitable for my team?"

"It fits, why doesn't it fit?"

"After evolution, the water type plus the dragon type, the ice type will hit you with normal damage, so you can hit Tang Yunqin's Menus and Thorn Shell."

Tang Yunqin:? ? ?

"I'm still here!"

 Newly created group: 367865358 (high-value cultivator group) welcome to play~
(End of this chapter)

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