Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 224 Destroy relatives with righteousness!Understand?

Chapter 224 Destroy relatives with righteousness!Understand?

Everyone laughed together, and even the Binghuohong tumbler rolled away happily.

The miniature dragon glanced curiously at the little fat man rolling on the ground, and then continued to eat his chicken leg.

"So, I'm going to find an elf egg of Mo Haima now?" Su Tingxi touched his chin and asked.

"Why not? Anyway, the evolution type is also of the dragon type, which fits your idea of ​​team building very well."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Su Tingxi clasped his fists
"Kindness without saying thanks!"

"Fuck off."


"Then, is there any ice type?" After Su Tingxi finished asking, Tang Yunqin also asked impatiently.

When Tang Yunqin asked, Lu Ze's face suddenly became serious: "Yes, there is, but are you sure it's the ice team that keeps going?"

Tang Yunqin nodded: "Of course."

"Your Menus is not of the ice type."

Tang Yunqin gave Suiyan a white look: "That's because there were no ice-type elves in the first batch of elf eggs, okay?"

Lu Ze smiled: "Have you ever thought about it, another very beautiful elf that is very suitable for coordinators."


As soon as she said she was beautiful, Tang Yunqin immediately became interested, and those who were in tune or not said that beauty is the kingly way.

"Yes, very beautiful, and pink and tender." Lu Ze seduced Tang Yunqin.

He no longer has any hope for Lu Ma's Ibrahimovic, and now Lu Ma just keeps that Ibrahimovic as a pet.

Putting it in your arms every day, not to mention, but also for the sake of being able to hold it in your arms every day, so after asking Ibrahimovic for your opinion, you even took the Stone of Unchanging.

"I want!"

Tang Yunqin's heart was moved immediately, how could that girl reject a pink, tender and beautiful elf?

"Then you don't want your pure ice team?" Su Tingxi laughed and teased.

Tang Yunqin gave Su Tingxi a white look: "I'm not a pure ice team either."

Su Tingxi choked, yes, it makes sense.

"Okay, then this freshman competition is over, you two and the rich one will get it done at once."


As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, a sigh came from beside him.

Everyone was puzzled and turned their heads to look at Suiyan.

"Hey, why don't I have the power of waveguide? This ability is too easy to use."

Lu Ze was helpless, but he couldn't just say it, am I the power of waveguide?I am hanging up.

"It's okay, it's fine if I have it, mine is also yours, whoever we are with whoever."

Sui Yan nodded: "Indeed, yours is no different from mine, after all, when you were young...uh..."

As soon as Lu Ze heard Sui Yan say this, his face immediately changed, and he immediately stepped forward and covered your Sui Yan's mouth.

"Don't cover your mouth, let's have fun by telling us something."

"Yes, yes, I also want to hear about your past, Master."

Lu Ze looked around at the three of them, and found that even Tang Yunqin was very interested.

"What's the matter, no, you think too much."

After Lu Ze explained to everyone, he whispered next to Suiyan's ear

"If you dare to speak out about this, the power of waveguide is used to destroy relatives righteously."

Sui Yan's mouth was covered, and he couldn't speak, so he nodded quickly.



Lu Ze let go of Suiyan's hand and asked.

After Sui Yan took two deep breaths of air, he also nodded to express his understanding.

"Bad, what a pity."

Seeing Suiyan's appearance, everyone was a little disappointed. Such an interesting thing was threatened so that he couldn't say it?What a pity.

After the storm of leaking secrets passed, everyone chatted for a while, and You Yuyou and Yin Hanling came back together.

"What did you hide just now, tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

Yin Hanling didn't want her husband either, and sat next to Tang Yunqin as soon as he came back and asked.

"Awesome, Lu Ze, is there any newly discovered evolution of the ghost system? The evolution cycle of Duolong Meiya is also very long."

After listening to Tang Yunqin tell them what just happened, Yin Hanling and You Yuyou looked at Lu Ze with bright eyes at the same time and asked.

Lu Ze nodded: "Yes, after Youyuyou's night watchman evolves into a wandering night spirit, there is still a period of evolution. I will tell you how to evolve. I haven't reported this to the official yet."

"Thank you, Lu Ze."

"Why are you being polite?" Lu Ze smiled. At first he thought it was Yin Hanling who said it, but he didn't expect it to be Whispering.

Seeing that You Yuyou still wanted to speak, Lu Ze quickly grabbed You Yuyou's shoulders: "Okay, just say thank you once, and then you will be rewarded."

After Lu Ze said that, You Yuyou had no choice but to close his mouth and smiled.

"How's your game going?"

"Both Yuyou and I won, but this opponent is getting stronger and stronger. I almost never fought. I guess I will be eliminated in the next round."

Yin Hanling said with a bitter face, in the end, if the curse doll hadn't used [Same Life] to take away the opponent's second elf, she might have been carried away in that match.

Sui Yan also nodded: "Indeed, the opponents are really stronger than each other now. Although they can still win, it is impossible to win two in a row."

Sui Yan also used two elves in the last game, the wind speed dog and the fire breathing dragon.

Although the two elves did not lose their ability to fight, they also experienced a bitter battle.

"Indeed, after this round of competition, it will probably be in the afternoon." Lu Ze looked at the sky and said.

Now that the third round has been played, the time has come to noon, and today's game has a total of six rounds. If this is over, it will probably be in the afternoon.

"Let's go, eat first, I guess my fifth round should be in the afternoon, let's fill my stomach first."

Su Tingxi also looked up at Tianhou, stood up and patted his buttocks and said.

"Go, let's eat."


When everyone finished their meal and came to the competition venue again, the fourth round had just begun.

Fortunately, after everyone waited for a while, Su Tingxi's game began.

The elves used by Su Tingxi's opponent in this game are two grass-type Yusanjia.

An earthen turtle and a lizard king, the earthen turtle is better to fight, but the speed of the lizard king is too fast.

After the last two elves replaced Su Tingxi's Tanabata Blue Bird, the Lizard King was carried away by Hackron's [Jet Flame].

"Hey, now I'm the only one watching you continue the game." On the way back, Fugui said with a worried face.

"Why don't you go get some information?"

Fugui thought, yes, anyway, I was eliminated, why not go to see the intelligence of their future opponents, know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle.

Fugui patted You Yuyou's shoulder excitedly: "Good idea, now I have something to do."

Fugui's praise, coupled with the surprise eyes of everyone, instantly made You Yuyou blush
"I, I didn't have any good suggestions."

Lu Ze patted You Yuyou's shoulder with a smile: "That's not a good suggestion, it's great, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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