Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 228 I Want to Ask You for a Favor

Chapter 228 I Want to Ask You for a Favor

"Fire-breathing dragon, hot wind!"

Lu Ze, who watched the coconut egg tree start to absorb the sun's energy, gave instructions to the fire-breathing dragon in puzzlement.

But this time, the girl opposite was completely slumped on the ground, not wanting to get up.

Originally thought that the fire-breathing dragon was going to use [Sunny Sky], which made her very happy, so she quickly read it first and asked the coconut tree to use [Sun Beam].

At that time, the fire-breathing dragon [Sunny Day] has just been used up, and he will be hit by the coconut tree [Sun Beam].

It was well planned at first, but who would have thought that the Charizard just received a harmless [Flying Leaf Storm] and roared to the sky.

The girl sat paralyzed, and before the [hot wind] attacked the coconut egg tree, she took back the coconut egg tree that was still absorbing the energy of the sun and was preparing to attack.

"Referee, I admit defeat."

The referee just glanced at the girl, then directly raised the small flag in his hand.

"The opponent admits defeat, the winner of this game is Lu Ze."

Lu Ze smiled, didn't say anything, just took the fire-breathing dragon back.

On the practical operation of "First Reading and Anti-First Reading and Anti-Anti-First Reading".

Well, in fact, this is purely because the opponent thinks that he reads first.

After all, who would have imagined that the fire-breathing dragon raised its head to the sky instead of using [Sunny Sky], but roared, so in a desperate situation, this kind of behavior, um, is pretty good.

At least Lu Ze thought so, so after the battle, Lu Ze just smiled and nodded at the girl who was slumped on the ground, and then left the battlefield.

"How about it?"

Sui Yan immediately asked when he saw Lu Ze.

"Of course I won." Lu Ze smiled, found a place to sit down, and continued to play with the mini dragon.

"I'm so excited now, tomorrow I can show them my Super Charizard Y."

Because the fire-breathing dragon has two super-evolved forms, in the end, at Lu Ze's suggestion, XY is still used to distinguish.

It is still the same as before, the fire-type plus dragon-type is Super Charizard X, and the fire-type plus flying type is Super Charizard Y.

Lu Ze nodded with a smile: "In fact, the most ideal picture is that we meet in the finals and then evolve at the same time. However, considering your strength, you may not be able to enter the finals, so you have to settle for the next best thing." It was used in the race.”

"Fart! Can I make it to the final? Are you kidding me?" Sui Yan's face flushed instantly.

Lu Ze smiled brightly at Sui Yan and said, "Then do you think you can pass Tang Yunqin's level?"

Sui Yan choked, snorted coldly, and stopped talking to Lu Ze.

Ask yourself, it's really not easy for him to pass Tang Yunqin's level, Menus is too rascal, and his anti-high blood thickness recovers quickly, how can he fight this, let alone be restrained by attributes.

"What are you guys talking about? I haven't understood anything for a long time? Does the fire-breathing dragon still have Y's? What do you mean?"

Tang Yunqin at the side was very depressed. As soon as Lu Ze came back, she could understand the first two sentences he said, but he couldn't understand a word after that.

What fire-breathing dragon Y, what evolved at the same time, what the hell are they talking about.

Lu Ze smiled mysteriously at Tang Yunqin, but didn't tell her anything specific.

In the end, Sui Yan couldn't bear his desire to show off, and revealed something to Tang Yunqin with a smile.

"Tomorrow you'll find out."

Tang Yunqin rolled her eyes, and decided not to talk to these two guys who were always showing off.

After a while, Su Tingxi jumped back happily.

"Look at you, did you win?"

"Of course, who am I?" Su Tingxi proudly said to Sui Yan with his hips akimbo.


Sui Yan curled his lips, and didn't want to talk to this stinky guy anymore.

Time sped up, and You Yuyou and Yin Hanling came back together with a smile. In the end, it was Mengyaomoqi who missed a move and lost to Geng Gui, losing the chance to advance.

Then there was the match between Suiyan and Tang Yunqin. Although Suiyan had some twists and turns, he still won easily.

Not to mention Tang Yunqin, with his current strength of Menus, as long as he doesn't encounter special targets, such as nut dumbbells, who are tall on both sides and not weak in attack, or spirits with attribute resistance, generally Said the problem is not big.

In the evening, Lu Ze, who returned to his hut, slumped down on the sofa after having a meal with the elves.

It's tiring to fight each other every day, and I don't know how those women in the Qing palace did it.

"Bang bang bang~"

"Huh?" Lu Ze was stunned when he heard the knock on the door. It was so late and the dormitory was closed. Who else would come?
Lu Ze, whose brain was running fast, still didn't expect who would knock on the door of his house at this time, so he had no choice but to get up and open the door.

"Dangdangdangdang~ Are you surprised?"

Lu Ze looked at the happy Mo Qiancheng at the door with a blank expression, and opened his mouth slightly: "Wow, what a surprise."

Seeing Lu Ze like this, Mo Qiancheng curled his lips in dissatisfaction: "Okay, stop pretending, your pretending is too perfunctory."

As Mo Qiancheng said, he squeezed in from Lu Ze.

"I can't tell, your decoration is pretty good."

Lu Ze looked at the familiar Mo Qiancheng, closed the door helplessly and said, "Uncle Mo, why are you here?"

Mo Qiancheng sat down on the sofa carelessly: "I'm going to watch your game tomorrow, come here early today, so you won't be afraid of being late tomorrow."

"Okay, what to drink?"

"Anything is fine."

Lu Ze nodded, went to the refrigerator in the kitchen and got twice the sweet tea from Mrs. Hua Jie, and threw it to Mo Qiancheng to ask
"So are you staying here to watch the game these days?"

Mo Qiancheng shook his head, and said with a serious face: "How is it possible, I am so busy, how can I watch your game here every day, I only watch the game on the first and last day."

After Mo Qiancheng finished speaking, he took a sip of Mrs. Hua Jie's sweet tea, his eyes lit up slightly: "Yo, this one is pretty good."

Lu Ze also took a sip and nodded. In the past two days, he has also fallen in love with the taste of this sweet tea.

"That's right, I'm the only one who likes to drink him."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, Mo Qiancheng didn't answer, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.

However, it seemed that only Lu Ze felt embarrassed. Mo Qiancheng was still curiously observing the layout and facilities in Lu Ze's house, and occasionally sipped sweet tea.

"Uh, is there something wrong with Uncle Mo coming so late?" In the end, Lu Ze couldn't stand the atmosphere and asked first.

When Mo Qiancheng heard this, he put away the casualness he had just done, and put the sweet tea in his hand on the table.Sit up straight and look directly at Lu Ze, and said seriously.

"Yes, I came to see you this time, and I really have something important to ask for your help."

When Lu Ze heard this, he became serious.

"Tell me, let me see if I can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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