Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 229 Shining Talisman

Chapter 229 Shining Talisman
Seeing Lu Ze being so serious, Mo Qiancheng couldn't hold it anymore. He scratched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly
"Actually, I want to stay with you for a few days."

Lu Ze was taken aback, that's it?I was so serious just now, but you just told me this?
"Uh, is it okay? The main reason is that the hotels near Shangqing are basically full, and I really can't find a place to stay."

Lu Ze was discouraged all of a sudden: "Hey, stay here, can I not let you live? You are so serious, it's like asking me to save the world."

Lu Ze thought helplessly that we have saved the world many times. After all, every time we want to clear the emerald, we have to invite the empty seats to stop Gaioka and Gulardo from fighting. Isn't this saving the world?

"Hey, it's still better than your father." Mo Qiancheng happily patted Lu Ze on the shoulder and said.

"Hey? Why are the hotels near Shangqing full?" Lu Ze suddenly remembered what Mo Qiancheng said just now, and asked a little puzzled.

"Of course it's because of your freshman competition. During the main competition, there will be commentary and a big screen. Of course, there will be parents of students, people from the community, etc. to watch the competition."

"No wonder." Lu Ze nodded. No wonder the hotel was full. I heard that the venue for this competition is one of the largest in the school, enough to accommodate 5000 people at the same time.

And this time there are random changes in the venue, not just ordinary battle venues, but also slippery frozen venues, desert venues with yellow sand under their feet (no sandstorm weather), and pools. site.

However, there is only a one-sixteenth chance of these special venues being randomized. Before each battle, random venues are all based on luck.

"How about it, are you confident to win the first place?" Mo Qiancheng asked, putting his arm around Lu Ze's shoulder.

"It's okay, but it's not necessarily true. It's not easy to get into the supernatant."

Mo Qiancheng nodded: "Indeed, don't be careless, a lion fights a rabbit with all your strength, as long as you are sure."

After the two chatted for a while, Lu Ze arranged Mo Qiancheng into the guest room next to him, and the two fell asleep.

After a night of nothing, the next morning, Lu Ze's punctual biological clock woke Lu Ze up.

After washing up with sleepy eyes, Lu Ze started to prepare breakfast for himself and the elves. Of course, he didn't forget Mo Qiancheng's portion.

"Wake up and eat~"

After breakfast was ready, Lu Ze went upstairs to wake up the elves one by one, and the forked bat flew in from the window just in time.

Just like that, Snorbeast carried the stunned electric shock monster, Lu Ze hugged the still-awakened mini dragon, followed by the iron claw lobster and the fire-breathing dragon.

One person and six elves went downstairs like this.

When he reached the door of Mo Qiancheng, Lu Ze knocked on the door and yelled inside.

"Uncle Mo, get up and eat!"

"Huh? Oh, here we come."

Lu Ze smiled and went downstairs by himself without waiting for him.

Soon, Mo Qiancheng also washed up.

"Uncle Mo, release all the elves, and prepare for them."

Mo Qiancheng looked at the Kirby and the others who were struggling to eat, nodded, and released all the elves.

"Hey! Wait, don't let the big steel snake out, the room is too small to fit in!" Seeing Mo Qiancheng's movements, Lu Ze suddenly thought of the big steel snake, so he hurriedly stopped it.

"Oh, that's right, your house is a bit small, even a big steel snake can't fit in it." Mo Qiancheng complained, and then released his own giant golden monster, Boss Kedora, nut dumbbell, steel armored crow, and strong monster. Shield sword monster, self-explosive magnet monster and commander of chopping.

After Commander Chop and Zhan came out and saw Lu Ze, his eyes lit up, and he looked around quickly before returning to his aloof appearance.

"What about the big steel snake?"

"Let's put it in the front yard, there is more space outside." Lu Ze pointed helplessly outside the door and said.

In fact, this room is not too small, with a total height of about ten meters, but it is a pity that it is divided into two floors. Elves like Kirby and Boss Kedora are okay, but this big steel snake, which is taller than a building, really I can't afford to hurt you.


Mo Qiancheng shrugged.Then he went out and put the big steel snake on the open space in the front yard of the house.

After the big steel snake came out, he lowered his head a little aggrieved, and looked at the people in the room with his big head outside the door.

Lu Ze picked up the energy cube of the same type as Kirby that was prepared for the big steel snake, put it on the small table outside, and patted the big steel snake's head

"It's okay, it's not that there is no food prepared for you, it's just that you are too big and the room is too small to fit in."

After the Big Steel Snake heard this, he began to eat the energy cubes of the same style as Snorkelling.

After solving the problem of the big steel snake, Lu Ze and Mo Qiancheng returned to the dining table and started eating.

"When will the golden monster have a baby? I want one too. It would be even better if it is shiny."

Lu Ze ate, looking at the giant golden monster who was silently eating and said enviously.

Mo Qiancheng nodded: "Indeed, the strange-colored metagro is so handsome. Recently, I've been thinking about whether to go to the national treasury and exchange for a shining talisman to flash the metagro."

"Shining talisman?" Lu Ze was stunned. Can the shining talisman directly turn the elf into a different color?

Doesn't the shining talisman increase the chance of meeting the elf's shining?How did it become a prop for crossing the flash?

Mo Qiancheng nodded: "Well, the Shining Talisman can turn the elves into different colors, and it has no side effects. Of course, it won't increase any abilities."

Lu Ze nodded blankly: "I understand that whether you are strong or not is a matter of a moment, but whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime."

Mo Qiancheng snapped his fingers: "Bing√, that's what it means."

Lu Ze became excited in an instant: "Then change it, what are you waiting for?"

Mo Qiancheng stopped eating, and looked at Lu Ze with a smile: "The credit is not enough, why don't you lend me some?"

"Well, as expected of me cooking, it's delicious."



"Good luck, I can give them a big surprise today."

In the contestants' lounge, Sui Yan looked at the information on his phone, looked at Lu Ze excitedly and said.

"Indeed, today is the first day of the competition, and there are many people, let's pretend to be a big contest!"

Lu Ze also became excited. He just checked the information on his phone, and it happened that his match with Sui Yan was today.



Except for the excited two, everyone else looked at them suspiciously, wondering what they were happy about?

Soon, while the two were waiting excitedly and excitedly, the third game was Lu Ze's game.

"I'll go up and make a big one first, and then you go up and make a big one. Today we will shock them for a whole year."

"Well, come on!"

After the two encouraged each other, Lu Ze trotted excitedly onto the field.

"Please release the elves from both sides."

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Go, sly tengu!"


The flag falls and the battle begins.

The moment the flag fell, Lu Ze smiled slightly, put his index finger and middle finger together, and precisely poked it on the keystone on his left wrist.

"Fire-breathing dragon! MEGA evolves!"

 Brothers, two chapters will be released together at [-]:[-] noon, what do you think? (*`▽*)
(End of this chapter)

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