Elf, but I'm a nurturer

230. Super Charizard X

230. Super Charizard X
"What is this man doing, his blood is boiling?"

At this time, not only Lu Ze's opponents couldn't figure it out, but even the people in the auditorium and the school leaders on the rostrum couldn't figure it out.

"Wait?!! This is?"

As soon as the commentator took up his post, he ran into something he couldn't understand.

"Light of Evolution!! Charizard?? How is it possible!!"

The commentator roared in disbelief, and the audience also erupted.

"Charizard? Can it evolve?"

An old man on the rostrum almost tore off the beard on his chin, but he couldn't figure it out. Why can the fire-breathing dragon still emit the light of evolution?

Super Charizard X is in place!

The dark green Super Charizard X flies majestically in the air, staring excitedly at the opponent's cunning Tengu.

After a short period of silence at the scene, a huge uproar erupted in an instant.

"Charizard? It can evolve again!!"

"The evolved Charizard is even more handsome."

"Charizard! You! Yes! My God!"

The school leaders and professors on the rostrum also looked incredible
"Why can the fire-breathing dragon evolve again? Don't elves evolve up to three stages?"

"How do I know, you ask Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang, you are a professor of evolution research, you explain to everyone."

Everyone looked at the old man who almost broke his beard at the beginning.

"Where the fuck do I know where to go? This is also the first time I've seen you!"

The hot-tempered Professor Zhang directly turned back. If I had seen it before, I would have almost pulled my beard off?
Afterwards, Professor Zhang became excited again: "This is the first time in the history of the Dragon Kingdom, no, in the history of the world, the fourth stage of evolution has appeared."

After Mo Qiancheng heard it from the side, he curled his lips slightly, talking nonsense, this kid must have practiced secretly many times, okay?

Mo Qiancheng thought about it, and then felt a little sad: "Tsk tsk, who was still together last night, and didn't tell me that you were going to do this, ah, or I could just pretend."

Mo Qiancheng was a little sad, but Liu Xiangjun, who was also sitting on the rostrum, was different. She looked at the vigorous Lu Ze on the stage, and her heart was full of pride.

Originally, I thought that my grandson would be like this for the rest of his life, and he would not have to worry about finding any job that he could do in the future.

Who knows that my grandson is completely "golden scales are things in the pool, they can change dragons when they meet the wind and clouds".

"I'm going! This is the fucking Dabi you are conspiring with??!!"

"This is too handsome!"

At the same time, Su Tingxi and the others in the audience were also crazy. Su Tingxi grabbed Sui Yan's collar with one hand, and sprayed his frenzied saliva on Sui Yan's face.

Sui Yan: I've known for a long time that Su Tingxi's dog competition is like this, so I discussed with Lu Ze that I should pretend to be a comparison first.

Lu Ze didn't know the pain suffered by Sui Yan in the audience, but Lu Ze knew that he was very excited now.

"Charizard! Flame Fist!"


After the fire-breathing dragon Yangtian roared, it moved its wings and quickly rushed towards the cunning tengu.

The expression of the trainer of the cunning tengu changed: "The cunning tengu, Ye Ren, block him."

The cunning tengu quickly condensed a green dagger in his hand, squinting his eyes at the fire-breathing dragon.


After [Leaf Blade] collided with [Flame Fist], the two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

Then, after Super Charizard X smiled slightly, he also hit the cunning Tengu with a [Flame Punch] with his left hand.

"Second kill!!"

The narrator yelled in shock.

"Although the cunning tengu is restrained by the fire element, the Super Charizard's right hand's [Flame Fist] knocks the cunning tengu out of combat ability with a single blow. It is so powerful that it can be seen with the naked eye!"

After the narrator calmed down slightly, he continued, "The evolution of the Charizard doesn't have a name yet, but the difference is not that big. Let's call him the Super Charizard first."

"It can be seen that the opponent has released his second elf, the water type? The water type resists the fire type. It seems that this water type elf will let us know more about some information about the super fire-breathing dragon."

"White sea lion?"

Lu Ze smiled slightly, pretending to be mellow.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon dance!"

"White sea lion, current tail."

Lu Ze looked at the white sea lion that was slowly moving to the side of Super Charizard X, and gently spit out two words
"Splitting tiles."



"The super fire-breathing dragon collided with the tail of the white sea lion with its tail, and the collision of [Dragon Tail] and [Water Stream Tail] looked evenly matched."

"The super fire-breathing dragon didn't stop when both sides took a step back, what is it? [Split tile]! The super fire-breathing dragon used [split tile] to hit the white sea lion."

"Second kill!!"

"It's an instant kill again, this super fire-breathing dragon is too strong, the attribute restrains the instant kill, the attribute is not restrained, it is also an instant kill, too strong, I am fanned by this super fire-breathing dragon!"

"The white sea lion loses its ability to fight, the super fire-breathing dragon wins, and the winner of this game is Lu Ze."

The name Super Charizard seems to have been recognized by everyone before the official name appeared.

Lu Ze took Super Charizard X back into the poke ball with an expert look on his face.

Inside the Poke Ball, which outsiders could not see, Super Charizard X exited the evolution form.

After Lu Ze's victory, everyone on the rostrum also quarreled.

Some people think that Lu Ze should come over and ask about the fourth evolution of Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon.

Some people think that Lu Ze is just a student, maybe he doesn't know how to evolve, and it's useless to ask, it's better to check the people behind him.

There are also some who are sober and have not been dazzled by the fourth evolution of the fire-breathing dragon.

For example, Mo Qiancheng and Liu Xiangjun who knew the inside story, and the old principal who knew Lu Ze's family background.

In addition, there is a little clever ghost, after seeing the calm appearance of the old principal and Liu Xiangjun.

Looking at Mo Qiancheng's proud expression that everyone is drunk and I am sober, I silently have a guess in my heart.

"I'll go, it's so handsome, so handsome, I can't wait to play."

Lu Ze just came back, and before he said anything, Sui Yan who was beside him started to jump up and down excitedly.

Of course, except for the excited Suiyan, everyone else stared at Lu Ze with unkind faces, including Youyuyou, who is usually the most gentle.

Seeing the crowd silently surrounding him, Lu Ze was startled, and quickly said
"I understand, I understand. After this competition is over, I will tell you all about it. It's hard to say here, and it's a long story. How about it?"

After Lu Ze quickly finished speaking, he looked nervously at all the friends.


Tang Yunqin couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Just now, Suiyan explained almost the same as what we explained. We were just thinking, don't we have the ability to keep secrets? That's why you didn't tell us your plan."

As she said that, Tang Yunqin gave Lu Ze a reproachful look.

 Thank you for calling me Xiangzi~classmate for the reward and monthly ticket, ranked second in the fan list, thank you (ˊωˋ*)

(End of this chapter)

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