Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 231 Evolution error?

Chapter 231 Evolution error?

Looking at Tang Yunqin's appearance, Lu Ze suddenly felt hooked in his heart, and then something bumped back and forth in his heart.

Lu Ze settled down and explained: "How is it possible? The main reason is that this kind of thing is too difficult to explain. I won't let you see the result. Let me tell you directly, do you believe that fire-breathing dragons can evolve?"

Everyone was taken aback, Su Tingxi and You Yuyou shook their heads at the same time: "Indeed, if you hadn't seen the result already, if you just told me that the fire-breathing dragon can still evolve, I would think you are crazy."

Lu Ze spread his hands and looked at the crowd with an innocent face: "Look, that's it."

"Then Master, there are still elves that you have researched that can evolve again. Do I have any elves that can evolve again?"

"Yes, after Shakila evolves into Bangira, it can still evolve." Lu Ze nodded.

Now everyone's eyes lit up, and they asked Lu Ze in a hurry.

"Where's mine?"

"Yes, who among my elves can evolve again?"

"Is it okay for Menus? Will it be more beautiful after evolution?"

Seeing everyone's excited appearance, Lu Ze felt dizzy.

"Don't worry, don't worry, come one by one."

After appeasing everyone, Lu Ze said: "That's right, the fourth stage of elf evolution is right, it's true, but it's not entirely true. After this complete presentation and explanation are clear, I will Can I tell you?"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, seeing the restlessness of the crowd, he quickly continued: "Of course, this time will definitely be very fast. Once the competition is over, I will explain it to you during the holiday. How about it?"


"That's right."

"Well, although it is a bit slow, it is still acceptable."

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief when everyone started discussing excitedly that his elf could evolve.

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief, but now the outside has become lively because of Lu Ze's super fire-breathing dragon X.

After watching that game, whether it was the professors on the rostrum, the school leaders, the parents of the students in the audience, outside businessmen, celebrities, etc., they all started to mobilize their circle of friends and contacts, and began to look for super Charizard news.

But this matter has nothing to do with Lu Ze, Lu Ze is just melancholy now, why didn't the people on the rostrum ask him after he pretended to be such a big match in the competition.

This made Lu Ze always feel that the costume was incomplete and flawed, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Finally it's me!"

After watching the game on the field, Sui Yan rushed to the sidelines impatiently, ready to play when the players from the previous game came down.

"Let's welcome our next opponent, Suiyan! Hu Lianna! Come on."

Sui Yan couldn't wait to walk to the field under the surprised eyes of the players who had just left the field.

Although excited, but with so many people, you still have to pay attention to your image, you can't just jump on the field, how ugly it is.

Soon, players from both sides were already in place.

"Please release the elves from both sides."

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Go, win the hairy crab!"

"Fire-breathing dragon! Another different-colored fire-breathing dragon like Lu Ze, are the freshmen this year so lucky? Now there are two different-colored elves!"

On the commentary stage, after seeing Suiyan's flashing fire-breathing dragon, the commentator couldn't hold back his emotions anymore.

In their view, different colors represent pure luck, and nothing else will work, so they are so excited.

He didn't pay attention to the turbulent mood of the commentator, and he didn't care about the noise in the auditorium outside the stadium. Although the referee was a little excited, he still calmly chopped off the flag in his hand.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

Sui Yan smiled slightly, following Lu Ze's example, without any unnecessary movements, he directly pressed his right hand on the keystone.

He kept in mind what Lu Ze had said to him, "Only the most calm and breezy pretense can cause the most violent sensation."

"He! Want! For what?"

The commentator on the commentary platform also noticed his action and immediately exclaimed.

After all, the last person who did this, his fire-breathing dragon had an unbelievable fourth stage of evolution.

And not too long now, yet another person made such a move, the same move, the same different-colored fire-breathing dragon, it's hard for people not to think about it together.

"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

The moment the light of evolution appeared on the fire-breathing dragon, the field fell silent again, and everyone stretched their necks to watch the scene on the field.


The light of evolution dissipated, and the black Super Charizard Y appeared in front of the opponent and everyone outside the field.

Everyone was stunned, the second way of evolution?still……

"Evolution error?"

The narrator said the word with a look of disbelief.

"But, it's totally impossible, isn't this a new evolutionary form?"

"It must be, the new evolutionary form, just like Xanadu and Elledo." The commentator quickly confirmed his guess because the weather on the field changed.

"Rizhao! I'm sure this Super Charizard is another way of evolution, because the previous green Super Charizard changed the weather without appearing!"

"Super Charizard Y, jet flames!"

The action of the fire-breathing dragon made the opponent react from surprise.

Jealousy started to haunt her, she wanted to win this competition, she wanted to win this super fire-breathing dragon, to prove that she was not a background board, but a famous scene!

"Victorious hairy crab, ice hammer!"

Just when the super charizard Y was quickly approaching the aggressive hairy crab, Hu Lianna found the right time and directed the aggressive hairy crab to use the exclusive skill [ice hammer] to attack the super charizard Y who was about to stick to his face.

But she didn't expect that Super Charizard Y approached the aggressive hairy crab just for the hit rate of [Jet Flame].

"Ice light is shining on the fist of the victorious hairy crab. The super charizard is going to be dangerous. It is easy to be knocked down by the victorious hairy crab if you get so close!"

"The super fire-breathing dragon didn't directly stick to the face, but used [Jet Flame] directly outside the attack range of the aggressive hairy crab!"

[Flame Jet] Let the entire body of the aggressive hairy crab be covered in flames, and her idea of ​​knocking down the super fire-breathing dragon with one fist came to an end without a problem.

"Better than hairy crabs?!"

"The hairy crab loses the ability to fight, please replace the next elf, and the timeout will result in a loss."

"Damn it!"

Hu Lianna looked at the aggressive hairy crab and the handsome black fire-breathing dragon on the field, and couldn't help but hit her palm angrily.

"Come back, you're better than a hairy crab."

After taking back the victorious hairy crab, Hu Lianna took a deep breath, calmed down, and threw the poke ball with cold eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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