Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 235 I have a strong background!

Chapter 235 I have a strong background!

"What about the incident at the beach last time?"

"Last time, they didn't know your identity. Now that they know, give them a few more courage and see if they dare."

Looking at Mo Qiancheng with a proud face, Lu Ze really couldn't complain. No one would believe you if you said that this is your identity.

"Huh? Not right"

It was only then that Lu Ze realized that Mo Qiancheng's status is not low. The son of the director of the Dragon Kingdom Research Institute is also the king of the Dragon Kingdom, which seems to be more powerful than himself.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Seeing Lu Ze looking at him strangely, Mo Qiancheng asked suspiciously.

"it's okay no problem."

Lu Ze quickly withdrew his eyes, but secretly slandered in his heart: "Looking at you like this, you have done a lot of things like pulling the banner of the background."

"Huh? No, my background is so strong, why didn't I know it before?"

Lu Ze was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into deep doubts. To be reasonable, before, Lu Ze really didn't notice that his home had such a condition.

But he didn't think about it carefully, and he didn't think about things that he couldn't figure out. Lu Ze still had this awareness.

Next, Lu Ze nestled into the soft sofa like a fat house, and then, under the strong request of the mini dragon, opened a very popular movie recently and watched it.

Now that he's back, of course he won't be in the past.

The giant golden monster was also very sensible and used his thoughts to hand a cup of Mrs. Hua Jie's sweet tea to Lu Ze who was nestled on the sofa and was unwilling to move. In this way, the two and the elves watched the movie at home with peace of mind, ignoring the hustle and bustle outside. .

"What's for dinner tonight?"

Mo Qiancheng, who was nestled on the sofa and watched a movie all afternoon, touched his stomach and couldn't help asking.


As soon as he heard what to eat, the miniature dragon immediately became excited.

After taking the menu that Lu Ze made for them, he pointed at the sweet curry with braised tail meat and looked at Lu Ze excitedly.

Since the last time she ate the sweet braised tail meat curry, this was listed next to fried chicken legs.

"Do you want to make curry rice for the elves? That's fine, what about us?"

Lu Ze was happy: "Of course we also eat curry rice, otherwise, what else are the two of us doing?"

"Um, the stewed noodles you made yesterday were quite delicious." Mo Qiancheng said shyly while lying on the sofa.

"Don't worry, the curry rice I made is also delicious, at least it can be rated as the King's Bronze Elephant."

Mo Qiancheng twitched his lips, he didn't believe it at the Bronze Elephant level, how can you, a little doll, taste better than those old fritters in the restaurant outside?

Lu Ze saw Mo Qiancheng's movements and didn't speak. He just smiled and got up and walked to the kitchen: "You sit down first, I'll prepare dinner."

"Well, do you need help? I can."

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Mo Qiancheng, who was still motionless on the sofa even though he said he wanted to help, and immediately refused with a twitch of his mouth.

It's not that he didn't help, but the price is that after a few ingredients, a few plates, a few bowls and a pot, Lu Ze didn't even think about asking him to help.

After Lu Ze rejected Mo Qiancheng, he began to process the ingredients. The curry is actually very simple. After the curry juice is boiled out, it can be mixed with rice or not. At this time, you can start eating.

Therefore, Lu Ze quickly prepared dinner.

After Scattering Bird called the forked bat and the fire-breathing dragon back, the dinner officially began.

However, Lu Ze was not in a hurry to eat, but was ready to watch Mo Qiancheng's face-slapping moment.

After all, he is still very confident in his cooking skills. Not to mention anything else, he has improved the taste of this sweet braised tail meat curry more than once, which definitely agrees with the taste buds of most people and elves.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
"Great! There really are King Bronze Elephant level ones."

Looking at Mo Qiancheng's bright eyes, Lu Ze raised his head proudly: "Of course, I will lie to you?"

However, Mo Qiancheng didn't pay attention to Lu Ze, but, like his elves, began to eat hard.

After all, there is a Kirby behind him, so if he doesn't eat it, he might run out of food.

"Hey, by the way, the person in charge of the official network department asked me to ask you, they are going to announce the super evolution, do you want to add your name?"

After eating and drinking, Mo Qiancheng rubbed his stomach and leaned back on the seat, and said to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze shook his head: "No, it's fine if there are rewards, it's just a small problem if you don't have a name."

"The reward will definitely not make you worse, but your thoughts are indeed the same as your father and your grandfather."


Mo Qiancheng nodded: "Well, your grandfather said that it's not good for you to be too popular now, after all, you are already famous on the Internet."

"Famous?" Lu Ze became interested: "Then am I also an Internet celebrity?"

Mo Qiancheng nodded with a suppressed smile: "Well, the fire-breathing dragon is the Internet celebrity."

Lu Ze's face drooped: "Okay."

After eating, the golden monster consciously took over the work of brushing.

However, super powers are really easy to use. After a while, the golden monster finished the finishing work.

Lu Ze: @岁炎, how are you doing?Did you win?
Suiyan: Of course, who am I, can I not win?
Lu Ze: Alright, are you done with today's competition?

Su Tingxi: The competition is over. Tomorrow is the [-]-to-[-] match.

King Quan: Great news, the Lucario and Zoroark we saw before were not eliminated.

Kingship: Lucario's trainer also has an elf that is Weili, and Zoroak's trainer has another elf that is Lampshade Night Mushroom.

Wang Quan: There is also a human elf, a Kirby like you @Luze, and a Koga ninja frog.

Kingship: The last elf is a demon red fox and a fire-breathing camel.

Wang Quan: At present, the strength of these people I have seen is very strong, so be careful when encountering them.

Lu Ze: ok
Su Tingxi: OK
Suiyan: OK
Youyuyou: ok
Tang Yunqin: ok
Yin Hanling: ok
King Power: Shy.jpg
Lu Ze smiled, put his phone next to the bed, closed his eyes and started to feel sleepy, and at the same time, he was simulating the battle when he met the elves that Fugui just mentioned in his mind.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, Lu Ze was still the one who got up early.

After cooking, he took his elves and Mo Qiancheng's elves to eat breakfast, and then went out for a walk together.

Lu Ze has been living like this for the past few days. Not only does he have to run with his elves in the morning, but Mo Qiancheng's elves also follow him in the morning run.

Mo Qiancheng was finally alone, so he has been lying in bed for the past few mornings.

Lu Ze has every reason to suspect that Mo Qiancheng promised the principal to go back to his alma mater to watch the freshman competition just to give himself a vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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