Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 236 Dark Box Operation

Chapter 236 Dark Box Operation
Today's match is a [-]-to-[-] match, so it can be said that it is very close to the final.


After Lu Ze ran around with the elves, he happened to meet Sui Yan and Su Tingxi who were about to walk to the competition venue.

"Come out to exercise so early?" Sui Yan said in surprise looking at Lu Ze and the elves behind Lu Ze.

Lu Ze has been very famous recently. Let alone the two elves of different colors, the super fire-breathing dragon alone has made Lu Ze and Sui Yan out of the circle.

Many people are looking for news about Lu Ze on the Internet, but they haven't found anything useful.

In the first two days, the students in the school would talk and watch after seeing Lu Ze.

But after finding out that Lu Ze would take the elves out for a run every morning, everyone didn't pay much attention.

Not to mention seeing too much, who can be admitted to Shangqing is not a proud child of heaven. Rather than envying others, it is better to improve yourself.

Lu Ze stopped, waved to the elves with a smile, and the forked bat took the electric shock monster and flew towards home, and the squirrel also walked out with a smile. Normally, they all have own training plan, so Lu Ze didn't usually put them in the elf ball.

"I called you, who do you blame if you don't come out?"

Sui Yan spread his hands: "I want to come out too, but the quilt and the air conditioner are not happy. Isn't this to coax them?"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes helplessly, and stopped talking to Sui Yan, and the three of them walked towards the playing field like this.

"Yo, it's early."

When Lu Ze and Sui Yan arrived, Tang Yunqin and You Yuyou were already waiting for them in the lounge.

"Morning." Tang Yunqin greeted Lu Ze happily.

And their greetings to each other also attracted the attention of others.

There are not many people left in the lounge now, after all, only contestants are allowed in.

And because everyone is a freshman, they don't know each other very well, and most of them are alone, that's why they noticed Lu Ze and his small group.

"You are Lu Ze?"

While Lu Ze and the others were chatting, suddenly an extremely discordant voice came over.

Lu Ze and the others looked back, only to realize that the person speaking was a very burly man with pink hair and more than 1.7 meters.

Lu Ze couldn't help but glanced at the protruding tendons under his white vest, and then asked

"Well, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

The burly man smiled and patted Lu Ze's shoulder. Lu Ze frowned, but he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, so he didn't intend to avoid it.

"Hahaha, not bad, not bad, the fire-breathing dragon is not bad, and you are not bad."

After patting Lu Ze on the shoulder, the burly man looked at Lu Ze appreciatively, and then praised him.

"Tsk tsk, especially since you eliminated that guy Zhong Lixing, it's really satisfying. Get to know me, my name is Sikong Ling."

Seeing Lu Ze's puzzled eyes, Sikong Ling expressed his intention to come and extended his hand to Lu Ze.

"Hello, Lu Ze."

Lu Ze was a little helpless, but he still reached out and shook his hand.

"Haha, good, come on!"

Sikong Ling smiled generously, then turned and left, as if he was just getting to know Lu Ze.

"This person is quite interesting." Sui Yan looked at Sikong Ling's pink hair and said excitedly to Lu Ze.

He also wanted to have a blue hairstyle before, and not only that, but he actually did it and went home with a sapphire blue dye.

Later, his mother shaved his head bald with a tweezer, and after a few more wounds, Sui Yan never mentioned the matter of dyeing his hair again.

"Interesting." Lu Ze glanced at Sui Yan with a smile, and murmured, "It's really interesting."

They don't know about Suiyan, but he does. Mo Qiancheng told him yesterday that this is the prince of the flames, Sikong Ling.

He's more than just funny to sum it up.

And the strength is also very strong. He was one of the targets of Fuguifa in the group yesterday. This time, the elves who participated in the battle were a demon fire red fox and a fire-breathing camel. They are very strong, and they seem to be following the path of Team Sunshine , but this time it seems that there is no weather hand to play.

The Sikong Order was just an episode. Except for Lu Ze, everyone didn't pay attention to it, and continued to gather together to laugh and laugh. It was very lively.

Soon the game started, and the first ones to play were You Yuyou and another person they were not familiar with.

"Although he is not on the list that Fugui sent us, we can't underestimate other people's pride and try our best to give us a good start."

After Suiyan finished speaking, You Yuyou nodded seriously: "Yes, I will!"

After speaking, the two went on stage together.

You Yuyou's elf is Geng Gui, and the opponent's elf is a steel-type gear monster.

In the end, Youyuyou narrowly defeated his opponent and advanced to the next round.

Geng Gui continued to take away his opponents in a series of two, and now You Yuyou and Geng Gui were threatening to another level in the hearts of others.

After all, until now, apart from Geng Gui, Youyuyou has never had a second elf.

From outsiders' perspective, Youyuyou is really strong, but Youyuyou and others know that Youyuyou might not be able to pass the next round.

There is no way, Geng Gui is indeed strong, but everyone who sits is not weak, and only Geng Gui can carry the banner in Youyuyou, and the rest of the night watchman and Duolong Messia fought at the beginning. It's okay to play, but if you play now, your hard power can't keep up at all.

After the Youyuyou victory, the candidates for the next match will soon be on the stage.

On one side of the battle is Lucario, and on the other side is our dragon slaying warrior, Mari Luli.

It's a pity that there was no dragon for Mari Luli to kill, so in the end Lucario's trainer won.

In the third round, it was Tang Yunqin's turn to play, and the opponent was not anyone on the rich list.

In the end, Tang Yunqin also advanced to the next round by relying on the frankness of Menus and the ferocious offensive of the thorn shellfish [Broken Shell].

Taking four games is a battle between Sikong Ling and another person, and Sikong Ling also won the promotion qualification.

At the start of the fifth game, Sui Yan was puzzled, and leaned over to Lu Ze and whispered
"Why do I feel that this game was manipulated in secret? The stronger ones didn't meet each other. I'm still waiting for their internal friction."

Lu Ze smiled and said in a low voice: "Of course it was manipulated in secret. The strong confrontation must be left at the end. If they didn't operate like this, wouldn't we have a civil war? Think about the best in everything."

Sui Yan chuckled: "Indeed, after all, we are considered strong in the eyes of others."

"Hey, right." Lu Ze said to Sui Yan with a teachable look.

"Get ready, the next round will be you, he won't last long."

After watching the game for a while, Lu Ze bumped Sui Yan's shoulder and said.

Although the electric spider on the field is still working hard, his attribute restraint is solid. He has no way to deal with the ground-plus-steel-type Hawaiian three gophers (Alola form) who are powered by insects.

(End of this chapter)

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