Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 238 The Actions of the US Emperor

Chapter 238 The Actions of the US Emperor

"Fire-breathing camel, risk your life and charge!"

This time the opponent is also ruthless, forget it if you can't beat it, it won't hurt to change it!
"The fire-breathing camel is covered in white light, facing the super fire-breathing dragon after the [belly drum] is not afraid at all, the whole elf hits it, the super fire-breathing dragon is not soft, [dragon claws] hit the fire-breathing camel heavily , but I was also knocked out by the fire-breathing camel, and it is still unknown who will die."

The commentator was speaking quickly on the commentary stand, and the situation in the field was also changing.

Both sides had fallen to the ground at the same time, and the fire-breathing camel turned its eyes in circles the moment it fell to the ground.

Super Charizard X panted heavily, rolled slowly, and half-kneeled in the middle of the field.

"The super fire-breathing dragon got up. He didn't fall down. Although it was obvious that his physical strength was exhausted, he still stood up with tenacious perseverance!"



After a moment of silence on the field, everyone remembered to applaud after the super fire-breathing dragon got up.

Lu Ze looked at the fire-breathing dragon that was holding him up to prevent him from falling, and his eyes softened.

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon."

After taking back the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Ze looked at the luxurious ball of the fire-breathing dragon in his hand and said with a smile
"That's great Charizard, take a good rest."

After the luxurious ball shook twice, it quickly became quiet again.

After Lu Ze put the poke ball away, he turned around and walked down the stage.

At the same time, the United States Congress.

"Noisy, noisy! What is there to argue about? It's settled like this. We will hold a press conference tomorrow and declare it to the world!"

"Boss, if this is the case, we will end up in person, and we will be a head weaker than Dragon Kingdom."

The American imperial boss looked coldly at the white official who had just questioned him, and said coldly.

"Then what do you say?"

The white official is sweating anxiously. What can he do? The top universities in their territory have already started school for almost a month, and the competition for freshmen has long been over. What can he do?

It's all the fault of Long Guo. If you research something new, you will publish it directly. You have to let a freshman come up with it, and then attract attention.

This caught the U.S. emperor by surprise. They also have new things, but if they release them directly, the country will end up in a ring with a freshman, which is embarrassing.

"Well, shall we? Let's have another competition at school?"


"What bullshit, pay attention, according to what I said, hold a press conference tomorrow to announce our new invention!"

The US boss kicked the white official to the ground, and left a sentence behind.He rushed away angrily.


The remaining officials, even if they don't want to, they can only do so.

Returning to Shangqing, Lu Ze came to his friends after recovering the strength of the fire-breathing dragon.

Now it's the last nineteen-to-ten game on the field, and the bye in this round is the trainer of Zoroak.

The two sides of the battle on the field are the trainer who owns the Kabimon and the Koga Ninja Frog, and is fighting another trainer.

The situation is already obvious. Although the opponent's elf has some attribute restraint, it is not a big problem for the nimble Koga ninja, so the battle will end soon.

Sure enough, not long after Lu Ze sat down, Jiahe Ninja shot a [surprising blow], directly ending the opponent.

"Let's go, today's game is over." Lu Ze watched the referee raise the small flag, stood up and said.

Not long after I sat down, I didn't have to stretch myself.

Sui Yan also stood up and shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, it's a pity, the school's black-box operation made today's game meaningless, and the upper hand will know who wins and who loses as soon as he enters the field."

"Haha, don't worry, tomorrow will be interesting."

Everyone smiled and nodded. Indeed, tomorrow will be a battle between various powerful players.

"It's still early, how about analyzing the intelligence?"

"Okay, go to my place."

In this way, the group walked to Lu Ze's hut together after today's freshman competition.

"Everyone restrain yourself a bit, don't treat this place as your own home."

Lu Ze saw that everyone found their favorite seats and sat down after they came in, and then watched Suiyan go to the refrigerator in the kitchen to get a drink with ease, and made a joke with a smile.

"Damn, your family is fine, when did you treat me as an outsider?" Sui Yan sat down on the sofa, then threw a bottle of sweet tea to Lu Ze, and said with a smile.

"That's right, why are you still seeing outsiders?"

Lu Ze smiled, opened the sweet tea and took a sip, then looked at Sui Yan with a smile and said, "Okay, then wait for you to cook."

"Okay, as long as you think it's okay, I'm fine." Sui Yan doesn't like Lu Ze at all. I, Sui Yan, what am I afraid of?
"Don't, don't, we still want to live a few more years."

Before Lu Ze could speak, everyone's expressions had changed.

I was lucky enough to eat the rice cooked by Sui Yan once, and the taste is amazing.

"Okay, let's go out to eat later, Sui Yan treats you."

"This line."

"no problem!"

"Broad to broad."

"Tch, please just please, what are you afraid of, I still have a lot of money in my little coffers."

Sui Yan is not afraid, not to mention that there is still money left for the Dragon's Tooth that Su Tingxi bought two months ago, but the dividends from the key stone that the research institute gave him a few days ago is a large sum of money, so he may be more expensive now than Su Tingxi. His father still has money, and it's just a small meal, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, let's take a look at Fugui's information first."

After a burst of laughter, Lu Ze clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then gestured to Fugui.

Fu Gui was also ready, and directly turned on the projector at Lu Ze's home, and then projected the content on the phone onto it.

"This is the first one, the elf message from Sikong Ling."

When everyone looked at the big screen, it was Sikong Ling's flamboyant pink hair that attracted everyone's attention first, and then his two elves.

"The first one, the flaming red fox, should have the characteristic [Fire], because in the last round of the competition, it suddenly exploded once, and there is a high probability that it has the characteristic [Fire], but the characteristic [Magician] is not ruled out."

"Common skills, [Jet Flame] [Spiritual Sense] [Shadow Ball], will open the field [Spiritual Field] will open the weather [Sunny Day]."

Everyone looked at the battle scene of the demon fire red fox on the screen, and at the same time listened to Fugui's explanation, they all nodded involuntarily.

Suddenly, the screen paused, and Fugui pointed to it and said
"Here, you need to pay attention to it. Every time the opponent's line of sight is blocked, or when he first enters the field, he will use the move [Predict the Future]. This point needs to be paid attention to, because many people are defeated by him suddenly. Attack those above."

[Future Foretelling] This skill takes about 45 to [-] seconds from release to launch, and it is out of control after release, so this skill is very easy to hide.

But for Sikong Ling's usage, you don't know when he used the skill. When [Future Foretelling] falls, there is a high probability that you will not be able to react in time, let alone the other attack skills of the demon fire red fox. With assistance, it will be even more difficult to dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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