Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 239 Zoroark and the Nausea of ​​the Lampshade Night Mushroom

Chapter 239 Zoroark and the Nausea of ​​the Lampshade Night Mushroom
"Then, it's the fire-breathing camel. His fire-breathing camel should be about the same strength as the fire-breathing camel of the person you are fighting today, but with the blessing of [Sunny Sky], there will be some differences. Not good."

"Well, by the way, be careful of the [yawn] of the fire-breathing camel. This skill is a great threat to you when you only have one elf left."

Everyone nodded and took Fugui's words to heart.

I have to say that Fugui's hard work in the past few days is still effective. It's just the little habit of the demon fire red fox using skills. Knowing and not knowing are really two ways to play.

Fugui smiled and turned a page.What appeared on the big screen was a guy with an indifferent face. Other than the first time, he felt ordinary.

An ordinary face, an ordinary hairstyle, and even the clothes on his body are just an ordinary black short-sleeved sleeve. At a glance, there is nothing to attract attention.

"This man, Lan Shikong, I told you about the elves, Zoroak added a lampshade night mushroom."

"In terms of tactics, because of the existence of Zoroark's characteristics, it is very confusing. He often uses the lampshade night mushroom to start, and then directly uses [Very Poison], which is hard to guard against. After all, Zoroark's name is too famous gone."

(Zoroark's characteristic [Illusion]: Pretend to be the last Pokémon in the same team and appear on the stage to confuse the opponent.)
"Of course, he will occasionally use Zoroark who has turned into a lampshade night mushroom to start first, and then directly attack. There is also an operation where he first retracts the lampshade night mushroom, and then replaces the lampshade night mushroom, which makes you think He put in Zoroark, so that you misjudged and let him play to his tactical advantage."

Lu Ze nodded, and continued: "Actually, in the two-on-two mode, Zoroark's characteristics are not so difficult to distinguish. After all, there are only two elves in total, so this tactic is not a big problem for us. , even for Zoroark's crispy guerrilla, directly [poisonous water chestnut] [Saling] [invisible rock] these skills can not only see through Zoroark's [Illusion] characteristic, but also for Zoroark As far as Ke himself is concerned, he will also be very difficult."

"Yes, what Master said is right, so Master Lan's battle strategy is to keep changing spirits to fight consumption. As long as you have patience, he is not difficult to fight." After Fugui finished speaking, he continued to tap the lampshade on the screen Ye Mushroom said.

"But we still need to pay attention. The characteristic of the lampshade night mushroom is [spores]. Do you understand what it means?"

Everyone nodded in unison. Those who can enter the supernatant have good basic knowledge.

The [Spore] characteristic means that you should try not to engage in melee combat with the Lampshade Night Mushroom, otherwise you will easily get a negative status. After all, the 30.00% chance of being true is not low.

([Robe]: When using contact moves to attack Pokémon with this characteristic, there will be a 30% chance of being paralyzed, poisoned or asleep. Among them, the sleep probability is slightly higher than 10%, the paralysis probability is 10%, and the poisoning probability is slightly less than 10%.)
Among them, [Paralysis] is in good condition, but once [Sleep] or [Poisoning] happens, it will be difficult to meet Zoroark who can strengthen and fight guerrilla. The opponent will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Moreover, the characteristic of [Spore] is destined to make the opponent not easy to fight in melee combat, which gives Zoroark the opportunity of the characteristic of [Illusion]. Zoroark's special attack style is still the norm, vicious, poisonous, and there are many attacking surfaces of the three elements of fire.

"Tsk, it's not easy to fight. Why is this person so disgusting? He's just pretending to be playing guessing fist?" Sui Yan smacked his mouth and complained.

In fact, as long as you think about it for a while, you will understand the reason why Fugui pointed out the [Spore] feature, but if you know it, you know it, and whether it can be solved is another matter.

You Yuyou and Tang Yunqin on the side were also a little dignified. Lu Ze and Suiyan had fire elves, so they didn't have much trouble with Lampshade Night Mushroom or Zoroark.

But the two of them are different. You Yuyou's Geng Gui was restrained by Zoroark, and although Geng Gui was faster than Zoroark, it was only a little faster.

Coupled with the endless restrictive abilities of lampshade night mushrooms and the stationing abilities of [Drain Strength], [Ultimate Absorption], and [Moonlight], Geng Gui was even more irritable.

([Strength Absorption]: Restore yourself to the same amount of HP as the opponent's attack power, and then lower the opponent's attack by one level.)
Compared with Geng Gui of Youyuyou, Tang Yunqin is still better. She has nothing to restrain her opponent, and she is restrained by her opponent, but her thorn shells have [Sa Ling] and [Poison Ling]. When necessary, she can directly break the shell and output That's good, as long as she gets rid of the lampshade night mushroom, there will only be one Zoroark left who can't afford any waves.

"Give a hand, directly start the iron armor shell, and then sprinkle [poisonous water chestnut], bet that he will start with Zoroark, so that he will not dare to change the lampshade night mushroom to play."

Although Yin Hanling was eliminated by her husband, she was still enthusiastically paying attention to her little sister.

"Well, okay." Tang Yunqin nodded seriously, thinking that Yin Hanling's idea was a good idea.

"Yo, how about a meeting?"

When everyone was thinking about what to do when they met Lan Shikong, Mo Qiancheng came down from upstairs with a look of just waking up, holding a plush toy with an iron dumbbell in his hand.

"Hello Uncle Mo~ (Hello Mo Tianwang~)"

Lu Ze's laughter could not be concealed by the messy greetings.

"Uncle Mo's body is quite unique."

The pink printed pajamas, together with the iron dumbbell doll in his hand, made Mo Qiancheng's out-of-the-ordinary appearance in everyone's mind collapse even more completely.

Mo Qiancheng looked at his attire, and after turning around to look at it, he said triumphantly to everyone
"What? Envious? My girlfriend picked this for me. You single dogs won't understand."

Everyone was speechless, only You Yuyou looked at Yin Hanling silently.

Yin Hanling understood instantly, threw herself into You Yuyou's arms and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely dress you up handsomely."

Everyone choked, and another mouthful of dog food.

Mo Qiancheng was also stunned, always feeling like who was this person talking against?

"Hey? By the way, what are you discussing?" Mo Qiancheng asked quickly, changing the subject.

In terms of thick skin, he hasn't been king for so many years.

"Let's discuss the information about the opponent we will meet later." Lu Ze rubbed his head and said.

Basically, those who can get to this point all have their own characteristics, their own style of play and tactics.

What Lu Ze and the others have to do now is to find their flaws and improve their methods of fighting against each other.

Not only that, but you also need to consider whether the other party has anything to hide.

This is really exhausting brain cells.

Mo Qiancheng was happy: "I'll teach you, I'm also a heavenly king after all."

(End of this chapter)

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