Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 240 Changes brought about by Lu Ze

Chapter 240 Changes brought about by Lu Ze

Everyone and Mo Qiancheng analyzed for a while, and by the time they analyzed and understood it, it was already dark.

The miniature dragon also limply lay on Lu Ze's body, weak.

Lu Ze looked around at the elves who had been having fun at home before, and now they all looked forward to waiting for them to finish speaking, and then waved their hands

"Let's go, let's go to dinner, Boss Su will treat you."






The elves all cheered and couldn't wait to walk (fly) outside.

Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked at each other and smiled. They looked at the elves as if they were children.

It was also very fun to play at the beginning, but after I got hungry, I would stare at the adults who were chatting.

Looking forward to when they finish chatting, and then taking them to a big meal together looks the same.

"set off!"

Mo Qiancheng was also excited when he talked about having a big meal.

Although he has eaten almost everything as the king of heaven, but with his childish personality, if he is allowed to eat with juniors of Lu Ze's age, he will also enjoy it.

"Another day with an empty wallet."

Sui Yan walked behind the crowd, sighed silently, and followed their pace with a smile.

"The needle is not poked, this restaurant is not poked."

After eating, Fugui happily picked his teeth and said.

The people and elves who ate a seafood feast were very happy.

Especially Snorkellings and Ironclaw Lobsters.

The Snorlax kept stuffing all kinds of fish, shrimp, and shellfish into its mouth, and the waiters couldn't keep up with the food.

The iron claw lobster has a special liking for the small yellow croaker. The fried face and bones of the small yellow croaker are crispy. The iron claw lobster bends left and right, picks up the small yellow croaker with the pliers, and delivers it to the mouth without any intention of stopping.

Even Hackron, who wanted to maintain his image, couldn't help but eat a lot more when he saw the miniature dragon eating happily.

"Indeed, the seafood here is pretty good. There is a chance that Boss Sui is treating us to a meal."

Like Fugui, Mo Qiancheng also picks his teeth in accordance with the Tao. With his appearance, it is completely unimaginable that this is a person who says "Trespasser! Die" at the border.

Looking at him like this, those who didn't know thought it was some kind of idle elder from a relative's family who was taking food from his own children and nephews, or the kind who didn't have the cheek to have another meal.

"Of course there is no problem. Uncle Mo, please give me more advice when you have time. Don't talk about a meal, I will take care of everything."

Sui Yan rolled his eyes, and immediately patted his chest and said.

Heavenly King's personal guidance, this meal is worth it!
Mo Qiancheng tucked his nose, looked at the coal tortoise leisurely walking behind Suiyan, and the frog seed lying on the coal tortoise with a face of enjoyment, and asked with some doubts.

"It's easy to tell, but don't you want to form a sunny team? What's the situation with this wonderful frog seed?"

Sui Yan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. This kind of thing is a matter of a layer of window paper. If it cannot be pierced, it will always be like this.

Sui Yan also nodded, Mo Qiancheng was a little puzzled by the actions of the two, but soon, Sui Yan's words made him dumbfounded.

"The wonderful frog flower with [chlorophyll] characteristic can double the speed in [sunny day] weather."

"Well, I understand, but..."

Before Mo Qiancheng could finish speaking, Sui Yan continued.

"[Sun Beam] [Sun Beam] does not need to be charged, the power of fire skills is 1.5 times, the power of water skills is halved, the stamina recovered by [Photosynthesis] is increased, and [Growth] increases physical attack and special attack by an additional level. It is Miaowahua's advantage in Team Sunshine."

Mo Qiancheng was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded clearly: "Well, that makes sense, but if the opponent is also Team Sunshine, and the fire damage is increased by [-] times, what will you do with Miao Frog Flower?"

Lu Ze was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Mo Qiancheng with some dumbfounding, "Uncle Mo, you can exchange for the Miao Frog Flower for the fire element on the opposite side."

"Furthermore, the Frog Flower defends against the rainy weather when the opponent comes up to grab the weather, or the weather player of the Sandstorm team. [Chlorophyll]'s characteristics make the Frog Flower faster than most weather players, and the grass system is better than the water system. , the ground-type rock-type restraint, can be said to be one of the perfect sunny players."

Mo Qiancheng seriously simulated the battle in his mind. His Miao Frog Flower was in the [sunny day] weather, and his opponent was replaced by Bangira.

Before Bangira's [Sandstorm] took effect, the [Sun Beam] had already passed through the space and hit Bangira's chest directly, instantly killing Bangira.

"Like? It's doable!"

In the end, Mo Qiancheng also figured out the crux of the matter, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he even started to replace the Miao Frog Flower with other elves with the characteristic of [chlorophyll] to try the battle effect.

Lu Ze and the others didn't bother him, and they all walked towards the school quietly.

After the simulated battle in his mind was over, Mo Qiancheng came back to his senses and looked at Lu Ze with complicated eyes.

"How do you think of these things with your brain?"

"Well, because I prefer to ponder."

Lu Ze smiled embarrassedly. Of course he couldn't say that he saw it on the post bar at station B before.

"There are so many people who like to ponder, and I haven't seen anyone pondering so many things."

Mo Qiancheng was talking, but his thoughts drifted away uncontrollably.

People of their generation basically cultivated their teams according to the team building ideas of some people in the United States and other countries.

Of course, there are also people who just do what they want, and cultivate whatever elves they want, regardless of their team building ideas.

However, they were only a team with a single attribute at that time, and they didn't consider any attribute restraint, and they would be pushed into the team.

It is because the war years have not passed for a long time, so most people's thinking is to follow the army.

The way the army fights is what they are.

The army pursues firepower coverage, so elves with the same attribute are in the same team, and they also learn this way to cultivate a team of elves with the same attribute.

The army pursues tactical cooperation. When [Sunny Sky] is activated, all the fire elves release their skills.

They cultivated a team of fire elves, and after opening [Sunny Sky], they became Mang.

This is how the Weather Team came about in the early days.

But then the times are progressing, people are also thinking, and the weather team is not static.

For example, if the fire type is restrained by the rock type, then use a fire plus fighting type elf to resist, counter-restraining the opponent's rock type elf.

Although it has improved, the theme of the weather team is still the same. The sunny team is all fire-type, the rainy team is all water-type, and the sandstorm team is all rock steel.

Maybe without Lu Ze, it will develop into a mix of various departments in the weather team in the future, but now with Lu Ze, this is the change brought about by Lu Ze piercing the window paper.

(End of this chapter)

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