Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 241 Brother is also dead!

Chapter 241 Brother is also dead!

"Uncle Mo? Uncle Mo?"


Mo Qiancheng looked at Sui Yan who was close to him suspiciously, and then reacted: "Sorry, I was distracted again."

Then, he turned his head and looked at Lu Ze seriously: "Can I report to the authorities?"

Lu Ze nodded: "Of course."

Then he gave the uneasy Suiyan and Fugui a look to reassure them.

"Well, you can finish the game tomorrow. After watching the game tomorrow, I will go to the official office and give you another reward."

Mo Qiancheng stretched himself. The past two days at Lu Ze's house were really leisurely, so it's time to reciprocate and add more to Lu Ze's original reward.

"Hey, thank you Uncle Mo."

"Little things, little things."

When Mo Qiancheng walked ahead excitedly, Sui Yan and Fugui asked in a low voice behind

"Then if the official promotion starts, will the innovation bonus of our first batch of weather teams still be there?"

Looking at the two worried faces, Lu Ze smiled and patted Fugui on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't worry, you still have the bonus, the official is very slow."

Now, Suiyan and Fugui felt at ease. What are they doing this pioneer for?Of course it was to catch the opponent by surprise.

Obviously it is the sunny team, when the opponent is about to use the water-type elf to counter with [Seeking Rain], hey, I, Miaowahua, play a [Sun Beam] and directly teach the opponent to be a man.

But this is also what they are afraid of. Once the official announcement is made, everyone is on guard against their sudden Frog Flower. The difficulty has been directly raised by a few levels, okay?

Looking at the two An Xin, Lu Ze smiled wryly.

The official, the official is really too slow. Just the research on the evolution of Menus, both the finished product and the result, have been handed in, but the official has not announced it yet.

This is something that Lu Ze has done before the college entrance examination. Now that Lu Ze University has started for several days, it has not been announced yet. It can be seen that the official is really slow.

However, the slowness of the official is also understandable. Although the method and results have been presented, the official pursuit is one, and there is no mistake.

So it's understandable to slow down and verify carefully, as long as the rewards are credited to the account.

"Huh? Rewards, speaking of which, do I still have official rewards that I haven't received yet?"

Thinking of the rewards, Lu Ze remembered that he hadn't claimed the official rewards for his elves' evolution and elves' super evolution yet, and was still saving them.

"Forget it, you can exchange it with the weather team's rewards, saving you an extra trip."

Thinking of this, Lu Ze happily caught up with the big troops in front and walked towards the school together.


There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning was still an early day.

"Morning, Ozawa."

"Uh, good morning, Uncle Mo."

Seeing Mo Qiancheng's appearance, Lu Ze couldn't help but be taken aback, forget about getting up so early, what's going on with the extra tinfoil perm! ?

"How about it, handsome."

When Mo Qiancheng saw the dazed Lu Ze, he couldn't help but stroked his hair, and said to Lu Ze in a pose.

"Um, handsome, handsome, let's eat first."

Lu Ze really couldn't bear to make complaints about it, tinfoil ironing and his pure white sportswear (specifically, it can be substituted into the junior high school uniform), how awkward it is.

But fortunately, Mo Qiancheng still didn't go out in his pure white sportswear in the end.

Because, he was yelled at by his girlfriend, Ji Qianyi.

Lu Ze also knew the reason for the hot tin foil that suddenly appeared on his head.

Who would have imagined that he would stay up in the middle of the night, specially ran to open the door of the barber shop, and then spent money to have someone make tin foil for him overnight.

In the end, under Ji Qianyi's helpless voice, Mo Qiancheng arranged Mo Qiancheng to at least be able to see, and then he and Lu Ze successfully went out.

Well, it's okay to wear ion iron for casual wear. Fortunately, Mo Qiancheng is about the same size as Lu Ze, otherwise he would really have to wear sportswear.

After arriving at the arena, Mo Qiancheng walked towards the rostrum, while Lu Ze went to the lounge of the arena.

After the four chatted for a while, the game officially started.

Coincidentally, the first game is Lu Ze, Lu Ze and Wang Siyuan, who owns Kabimon and Jiaga Ninja Frog.

Lu Ze stood up, nodded to the chubby Wang Siyuan who looked harmless to humans and animals, and the two walked towards the field together.

"Please do your best."

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Wang Siyuan. Seeing his serious eyes, Lu Ze nodded involuntarily.

"Well, I will."

Only then did Wang Siyuan smile, and stretched out his hand to Lu Ze: "I really hope to have a fight with your Snorkel."

Lu Ze also smiled and held Wang Siyuan's hand: "There will be opportunities in the future."


"Please release the elves from both sides."

After the two entered the field, the referee waved the flag and said to the two.

"Go, Koga Ninja Frog."

"Go, fire-breathing dragon."

The two sides released the elves at the same time, and the two elves stared at each other full of fighting spirit. There seemed to be electric sparks flickering between their eyes.

Spirit: Koga Ninja Frog
Gender: Male

Attributes: water, evil

Characteristics: bond transformation (if the Pokémon with this characteristic is the Koga Ninja Frog, after knocking down the opponent's Pokémon through attack damage, it will transform into a special type of Koga Ninja Frog. Fall or fight It will return to its original form after the end.)
Qualification: Gold

Basic skills: flying water shuriken, sneak attack, black mist, impersonation, lifting tatami, lightning flash, tongue addition, water wave, smoke screen, shadow sneak attack, water drop, surprise blow, surfing, freezing beam, evil wave .

Inherited Skills: Passing Gifts, Eye of the Heart, Playing with Mud, Playing with Water, Enhanced Punch.

"Bond transformation?"

Lu Ze was taken aback when he saw the opponent's information, and the fetters transformed. Isn't this the animation team's trick for Xiaozhi?
Could it be?Opposite is a little mentally handicapped?
"The main character."

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes and stared at his opponent, as if he wanted to see if there was anything different about Wang Siyuan.

"Protagonist? So what about the protagonist? The one without Pikachu is still the protagonist?"


The flag falls and the battle begins!
"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"

Lu Ze didn't hold back at all. The moment the flag fell, he let the fire-breathing dragon undergo a super evolution.

What can the protagonist do? My brother also has trouble. Although he is not strong, he still wants to get down on you!

Super Charizard X roared, staring at the opponent's Koga Ninja, the wings on the back could not help flapping slightly, ready to rush towards the opponent at any time.

"Charizard, Air Blade!"

"Koga Ninja Frog, Waves of Water!"

(End of this chapter)

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