Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 242 Unqualified Trainer

Chapter 242 Unqualified Trainer

When the battle on the field started, the principal on the rostrum showed off to Mo Qiancheng beside him.

"Let me tell you, the student on the field was specially recruited by me."

"Which one?"

The old principal looked proud: "The trainer of the Koga Ninja Frog."

When Mo Qiancheng heard this, his eyes rolled, and he said to the old principal, "Then, teacher, who do you think will win this competition?"

That's right, the old principal was Mo Qiancheng's class tutor at the time. When he was a student, Mo Qiancheng got along very well with this class tutor.

The old principal looked at Mo Qiancheng suspiciously, always feeling that this kid was a little uneasy and kind.

But he had already shown it off just now, and now let him swallow it back, his old face still wants it.

"That, I think, the student I specially recruited will win."

Mo Qiancheng looked at the two people on the field with a smile, pretending not to care, and said: "I think the opponent will win, after all, he is super evolved. It seems that his Koga Ninja Frog is not very good."

Although the super evolution has not been announced yet, it is no longer a secret to people at their level.


Now the old principal can't take it anymore, if you say his Jiahe Ninja Frog is not good, isn't that just slapping me in the face!
"His Koga Ninja Frog is..."

"Huh? But what?" The old principal only said half of what he said, which confused Mo Qiancheng. Is there anything special about this Jiaga ninja frog?

The old headmaster rolled his eyes, and immediately thought about it.

"Well, let's make a bet, I bet my man wins, you bet your opponent wins, how about it?"

"Well... okay."

After Mo Qiancheng pretended to think about it for a while, he agreed.

Just when Mo Qiancheng agreed, both of them were overjoyed at the same time.


But although he was happy in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

"Then, what about the bet?"

"The bet, the bet is..."

"make a deal!"

When the bets off the field were established, the battle on the field did not stop.

After the [Air Blade] cut through the [Water Wave], it continued to fly towards the Koga Ninja Frog.

But the Koga Ninja Frog just jumped lightly, and dodged the [Air Blade] that had no follow-up power.

"Don't change shape? It seems that he is a little different from Xiaozhi."

Lu Ze looked at the opponent's Jiahe Ninja Frog, and when he moved his eyes, he understood what was going on.

In this situation, when Koga Ninja can transform, the best situation is to transform directly.

But now the Koga Ninja is still the same, which shows that his Koga Ninja is different from Xiao Zhi's, and it is not the same mind, and then it can transform at any time.

On the contrary, it is a bit similar to a game where you need to defeat an opponent to trigger this feature.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he can transform directly, but he did not choose to transform and wanted to wait for the right opportunity.

"In that case, fire-breathing dragon, thunderbolt fist!"

Super Charizard X's wings trembled, and his eyes rushed towards the Koga Ninja Frog eagerly, his fists flashing with lightning.

"Frozen beam!"

Koga Ninja jumped two steps back, looked solemnly at the super charizard rushing in the air, and spit out a thick [frozen beam] from his mouth in an attempt to stop the charizard's advance.

But the fire-breathing dragon is not so easy to be hit. It has an advantage in air-to-ground. Recently, the fire-breathing dragon has been learning aerial skills from the forked bat.

Although the Koga Ninja's [Frozen Beam] is fast, the fire-breathing dragon is not slow either. The dexterous figure rotates in the air, bends down, or rushes upwards to avoid the impact of the Koga Ninja's ice beam.

Jiahe Ninwa had no choice but to see that the [Frozen Beam] could not stop the fire-breathing dragon from approaching, so he quickly changed his move, and at the same time quickly pulled back the distance, the evil energy was silently condensed in his hands.

In the end, the retreating speed of the Koga Ninja Frog was still not as fast as the flying speed of the Charizard.

When Koga Ninja Frog had no way to retreat, he had no choice but to stabilize his figure and hard-press the fire-breathing dragon's [Thunder Fist].


The two elves collided with each other, and under the collision of [Thunder Fist] and [Surprise Strike], Koga Ninja took advantage of a backflip to open the distance of the fire-breathing dragon again.

"Nice job!"

Wang Siyuan waved his fist excitedly. In fact, to be honest, he is not strong in command. He is not bad in ordinary universities, but in places like Shangqing, his command is always a bit slow for opponents. .

So he can get to this point, Koga Ninja's own performance is very important.

After Koga Ninja opened the distance, he straightened his body and stood quietly on the spot. His expression remained unchanged, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

But in a place that Wang Siyuan couldn't see, Jiahe Ninja's right hand trembled slightly, and there was a scorched black area on the forearm burned by the thunder.

The Koga Ninja Frog stood there quietly, but the Charizard was not idle.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him" Lu Ze was not just talking about it. In their usual training and battles, Lu Ze had always played this way.

"Strengthen the fist, block it!"

Seeing the thunder light in the super fire-breathing dragon's hand, Wang Siyuan couldn't help shouting.

But with the feature of [Hard Claw], and the double damage bonus of electricity to water, what can you do with a [Enhanced Fist]?
The moment Super Charizard X came into contact with Koga Ninja Frog, Koga Ninja Frog was sent flying by the Charizard.

[Enhanced Fist] can't stop the fire-breathing dragon's attack at all, it's not as good as the [Surprise Strike] that Koga Ninja Frog used spontaneously just now.

At the very least, the characteristic of being sure to hit and the bonus of the Koga Ninja Frog's attributes are consistent, even if it suffers, it can't suffer too much.

But this time, the [Enhanced Fist] of the Koga Ninja Frog was directly dodged by the fire-breathing dragon, and then the [Thunder Fist] blatantly attacked, hitting the body of the Koga Ninja Frog, knocking the Koga Ninja Frog to the ground. It flew out.

"Koga Ninja Frog!"

After the Koga Ninja Frog flew upside down, it fell heavily to the ground.

Then, after hearing the anxious shouts of his own trainer, he wobbled and supported himself to stand up.

After standing up, Koga Ninja gasped heavily, nodded to his trainer, and after expressing that he was fine, he continued to stare at his opponent.

Lu Ze was slightly dissatisfied when he saw Jiahe's Ninja Frog and Wang Siyuan's surprised expression.

In fact, Koga Ninja Frog doesn't have much physical strength, so little that he will lose his fighting ability if the fire-breathing dragon touches him now.

But Wang Siyuan still put the Koga Ninja Frog on the field and did not change the next elf.

Although Lu Ze vaguely guessed the reason why he did this, it didn't prevent Lu Ze from looking at him.

I can't even see the state of my elves, but I still have to force the elves to be on the field. This is a completely unqualified trainer.

"Air Blade"

Lu Ze shook his head and didn't think too much about it anymore. Others are other people's business. What he has to do is to lead the fire-breathing dragon and the others to win this game.

(End of this chapter)

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