Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 244 You Are Already In My Calculation

Chapter 244 You Are Already In My Calculation
The speed of the fire-breathing dragon was very fast, and at the moment of the end of the [belly drum], it rushed towards the Kirby.

The brown energy of [Wave Splitting] shines on the claws, combined with the red eyes after using [Belt Drum], it doesn't look like a good dragon no matter what.

"The super fire-breathing dragon is very fast, and it came to the front of the Snorlax in one go!"

Snorkel looked at the swooping super charizard with horror in its eyes.

But he couldn't help it. He didn't expect the fire-breathing dragon's combo to be so fast. He was using [Swallow] to restore his physical strength, and there was no way to counterattack at all.

Should I say it or not, the reason why the elves fight by themselves is that they put too much emphasis on themselves.

Including Tang Yunqin's Menus, Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon is the same.

Tang Yunqin's Menus has the highest priority for her own recovery and her own state.

Just like the last time she fought independently with Suiyan's Wind Speed ​​Dog, she could obviously use [Dragon Tail] to take him away.

However, because of a fake action of the wind speed dog, the [Mysterious Guardian] was directly activated, fearing that it would not look good after being [burned].

Although he still won in the end, it was not as clean as when the trainer commanded.

The same is true for the fire-breathing dragon. Every time he fights independently, he either uses [belly drum] at the beginning, or uses [dance of the dragon] when there is a need for it. Because of this, the opponent often finds an opportunity to defeat him.

Maybe the elves follow the owner. Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon likes to be greedy for strengthening, and Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon is similar to Suiyan.

The people in the arena are still not as clear as those outside the arena, and it's not that the elves are bad, it can only be said that a good trainer is really helpful to the elves.


Even the gigantic body of the Snorlax couldn't block the claws of the fire-breathing dragon with its full physical attack.

A direct blow knocked down the Kirby, which was much taller than the Charizard, to the ground.

"The Kirby loses its ability to fight, the super fire-breathing dragon wins, and the winner of this game is Lu Ze!"

After putting away the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Ze nodded to Wang Siyuan with a smile, and walked down the stage.

The commentator on the commentary stage was still regretting: "It's a pity that Snorby made a mistake in judgment, otherwise, in Snorkel's state, the two of them could fight each other."

"However, if you lose, you lose. I hope Snorlax and his trainers can continue their efforts. After all, life is more than just this one battle."

Listening to the commentator's chicken soup on stage, Lu Ze smiled and shook his head.

The Kirby beasts are really well bred, and from Lu Ze's point of view, they are all very good.

Although it is not as good as his Kirby, but in terms of hair, mental state, and muscle strength, it can be regarded as the upper-middle level of the same family.

It's a pity that the trainer is not very good, not to mention the normal command, the trainer is still a bit slow, which really makes Lu Ze a little confused.

Judging from the cultivation status of Wang Siyuan's two elves and his own command ability, no matter what, he should choose the cultivation system.

But everyone has their own ambitions, and Lu Ze didn't think too much about it, and walked directly to the medical room.

"Teacher, I am willing to admit defeat." Mo Qiancheng stretched out his hand to the old principal with a smile on his face and ticked off: "Don't say this is not worth it."

With a dark face, the old headmaster took out a royal blue star-shaped object from his pocket, and slapped it in Mo Qiancheng's hand.

"Here, isn't it just a small thing, I'll give it to you, and there's another one that I'll get from my room when it's over, but I didn't bring it with me."

After Mo Qiancheng glanced at it, he stuffed the things into his arms with a smile on his face, and then gave the old principal a thumbs up: "You really deserve to be my teacher, when it comes to doing this, I just learned from you OK."

"Go away!" The old headmaster laughed angrily, not to mention the benefits, but also to tease him, an old man.

Mo Qiancheng rubbed the shoulders of the old principal in a fawning manner: "Hey, didn't I praise you~"

"Get out," the old headmaster scolded with a smile: "You really belong to the dog. I didn't see you like this when you asked me to bet just now."

After Lu Ze returned from treating the elves, he went directly to the side of the auditorium, found a hidden corner, and then watched the game on the field.

It's the third game now, Whispering You is fighting against Zoroark's trainer.

The situation is already very clear. In a one-on-two situation, even though Geng Gui is very strong, he still fell into a disadvantage in the end when facing Zoroark who restrained him and the lampshade night mushroom with various restricted skills. It's a matter of time.

In the end, Geng Gui still didn't go against the sky, and fell helplessly on Zoroark's [Dark Blast].

In the fourth game, Zhong Likong played against another person, and in the end Zhong Likong won by a small margin.

Now, only Suiyan and Tang Yunqin are left.

Lucario's trainer also defeated his opponent in the second round and entered the next round.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

After Suiyan took a deep breath, he got up and walked towards the stage first, followed by Tang Yunqin.

"Please release the elves from both sides."

"Go, wind speed dog!"

"Go, Minas!"

When the elves from both sides appeared, Tang Yunqin was obviously taken aback.

In any case, it should be Super Charizard Y with the characteristic [Sunshine] that will appear first, and the first mover will directly have the weather advantage.

Tang Yunqin was stunned for a moment, but the corners of Suiyan's mouth rose slightly, he was not the kind of stunned young man.

Tang Yunqin shook her head unhappily, she suddenly felt that she didn't understand Suiyan anymore.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

"No matter, Menus, please rain!"

With a long groan, Menus fired a light egg into the air.

"Sure enough, Crazy Volt!"

Suiyan and Fengsugou grinned at the same time, and then decisively followed the pre-match discussion.

Wind Speed ​​Dog was covered with thunder and lightning, and rushed towards Menus who was "begging for rain" with firm eyes.

After bumping into the unsuspecting Menus, Menus quickly reacted.

[Praying for rain] It has been successful, and the iron tail subconsciously threw it directly at the wind speed dog.

According to the plan, the wind speed dog directly used the [high-speed movement] to back away from Menus when [Crazy Volt] hit Menus.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, sunny day!"

"Meinas, the water ring."

The moment the wind speed dog pulled away, Sui Yan directly directed the wind speed dog to change the weather.

Because of his understanding of Tang Yunqin, Tang Yunqin will definitely use recovery skills to restore Menus' physical strength at this time.

"Tang Yunqin, success is counted, and defeat is counted." After Sui Yan simulated the battle process again, he looked at Tang Yunqin and shook his head slightly.

Tang Yunqin is good at calculating, she must be able to figure it out, her Menus can't handle the second shot of [Crazy Volt].

So in this wave, she will definitely use recovery skills.

Of course, there will be several kinds of recovery skills Menus, such as the continuous recovery of [Water Flow Ring], the rapid recovery of [Life Drop] and the massive recovery of [Self-Regeneration].

(End of this chapter)

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