Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 245 Intrigue

Chapter 245 Intrigue
And after Tang Yunqin chose the [Water Flow Ring] that continued to recover, Sui Yan understood what Tang Yunqin wanted to fight, and it was nothing more than the continuous battle she was good at.

"Unfortunately, when [Charming Body] is not triggered, you have gone far in this game. And [Water Flow Ring] haha"

Sui Yan chuckled, and then directed the wind speed dog to attack again.

"Wind Dog, Mad Volt!"

Another [Crazy Volt], but different from the last time, this time, both Menus and Tang Yunqin were very focused, waiting for the arrival of the wind speed dog.

[High-speed movement] After the blessing, the wind speed dog is very fast, and it has come to Menus in just a blink of an eye.

"Dragon Tail!"

Tang Yunqin also felt ruthless. The reason she didn't use [Self-Regeneration] directly was because she wanted to give Suiyan a chance.

Give Suiyan a chance to pounce again, so that he can directly use [Dragon Tail] to withstand the attack of the wind speed dog, and use the characteristics of [Dragon Tail] to force Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon to play.


The two collided, [Dragon Tail] did not completely block the charge of the wind speed dog, and Menus also left some scars after the thunder and lightning raged.

But fortunately, the strategic goal has been completed, relying on the characteristics of [Dragon Tail], the current wind speed dog has been photographed into the poke ball.

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Minas, water cannon!"

At the same time that Suiyan threw the elf ball, Tang Yunqin had already commanded Menus to attack.

"Fire-breathing dragon, super evolution!"



The fire-breathing dragon was evolving, and Menus' charged [water cannon] also hit the fire-breathing dragon that had just landed.


Sui Yan shook his head, all of Tang Yunqin's responses had been simulated in Sui Yan's mind.

Including when Tang Yunqin deliberately used [Water Flow Ring] to lure Sui Yan to attack, Sui Yan also followed Tang Yunqin's ideas and launched an attack.

According to Suiyan's idea, if Tang Yunqin used [Self-Regeneration] directly, he would directly take back the wind speed dog that had used up [Sunny Sky] and changed the weather, and replace it with a fire-breathing dragon.

If Tang Yunqin asked Menus to use [Water Flow Ring], then what Tang Yunqin wanted was to use [Dragon Tail] to forcibly pull the fire-breathing dragon into the field, so Suiyan will do whatever he can, and cooperate with you, which will save me from taking the initiative to replace the spirit.

Originally, Tang Yunqin's idea was correct. If Menus chose directly between Charizard and Wind Speed ​​Dog, Charizard is indeed better.

Wind Speed ​​Dog has electric skills to restrain him, but Charizard doesn't. Wind Speed ​​Dog has already released [Sunny Day] to change the weather, and the [Sunshine] after Charizard comes out is useless, which means that Charizard directly loses a characteristic.

It was originally a good idea, the thinking was very clear, and it was achieved in actual combat, but what he didn't expect was...

"Super Charizard X?!"

Tang Yunqin exclaimed, at this moment, she no longer had the idea of ​​pretending to be a lady.

"how come?"

Tang Yunqin was in a panic now. Although she heard Lu Ze mention the difference between the two fire-breathing dragons and knew the names of the two fire-breathing dragons, she didn't know the different abilities of the two fire-breathing dragons. Attributes, Lu Ze didn't say anything.

That's right, what Sui Yan carried in this sentence was not the original Charizard Y stone, but the Charizard X stone.

Compared with the super fire-breathing dragon Y of the fire-plus-flying system, the super fire-breathing dragon X of the fire-plus-dragon system is more dominant in attributes.

Similarly, the characteristics of Super Charizard X [hard claws] and the characteristics of dual knives make him more suitable than Super Charizard Y for fighting against elves with super special defenses like Menus.

Sui Yan laughed unabashedly after Super Charizard X appeared on the stage.

"Charizard! Thunder Fist!"

[Water Cannon] hit Super Charizard X, because Super Charizard X has water-type skill resistance of dragon attributes, so this [Water Cannon] did not cause any damage to Charizard.

Super Charizard X shook its wings and rushed towards Menus quickly.

"Meinas, the tail of the water!"



The two collided, and although most of the strength of the [Thunder Fist] was cut off, the lightning attribute attack still hit Menus' body.

"Dragon Claw!"

Seeing the timing, at the moment when Menus was slightly paralyzed by the power of lightning, Super Charizard X raised his hand and hit Menus with a [Dragon Claw].

At the same time, the shape of a heart appeared in the eyes of Super Charizard X, but it disappeared soon after.

Because of the [fascinated] state, Menus had lost his ability to fight, turned around and fell to the ground.

"Meinas loses his ability to fight, please ask the opposing player to change the spirit, and the timeout will result in a loss."

Tang Yunqin gritted her teeth lightly, and retracted Menus with a little irritability. The matter had exceeded her expectations, and it was already developing to a place she could not have imagined.

"Go, thorn clam!"

When the armored shell appeared, Super Charizard X had already completed a [Dance of the Dragon] enhancement.

No way, the two fire-breathing dragons are biological brothers, so Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon can do it, and basically Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon can too.

In the same way, Suiyan's fire-breathing dragon can do it, so can Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon, and Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon can also evolve into a super fire-breathing dragon Y.

After all, the private evolution training of the two of them didn't just evolve into the same type.

"Rock Crit!"

The thorn clam that had just appeared on the stage quickly condensed a hard rock, and quickly hit the fire-breathing dragon.

Super Charizard X was only burning with flames in its fist. It first shattered a rock with one punch, then dexterously avoided the following rocks, and quickly rushed towards the thorn shell.

"Thorn shell, shrink into the shell!"

The thorn clam shrinks its shell quickly, and the entire carapace is completely closed, leaving only the sharp spines shining coldly in the sun exposed outside.


Although the fire-breathing dragon temporarily changed its moves, [Flame Fist] became [Thunder Fist], and after avoiding the spikes on the thorn shell, it punched the thorn shell.

But the damage of this blow was only to make the thorn shell shake, and there was not much movement at all.

"Prickly shell, iron wall!"

Tang Yunqin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the thorn shell blocked the attack of the fire-breathing dragon, and then directed the thorn shell to strengthen the defense again.


Sui Yan on the field and Lu Ze off the field shook their heads at the same time. Unfortunately, if Tang Yunqin just broke the shell and fought, she might not be able to defeat the fire-breathing dragon.

After all, the double damage of [Rock Crit], under the characteristics of [Continuous Attack], the Super Charizard X couldn't last a few times at all.

And blindly strengthen the defense?Super Charizard Y's special attack is stronger than physical attack, but this does not mean that Super Charizard X's physical attack is stronger than physical attack.

"Fire-breathing dragon, shoot flames!"

Sure enough, Sui Yan directly chose to use [Jet Flame].

Water and ice-type elves face fire-type attacks, but they are not restrained or resisted normal damage.

So even when the weather of [Sunny Day] has disappeared, Super Charizard X's [Jet Flame] will burn out the thorn clam in one go.

"The thorn shell loses the ability to fight, the super fire-breathing dragon wins, the winner of this game, Sui Yan!"

(End of this chapter)

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