Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 246 Swap Evolution

Chapter 246 Swap Evolution
Tang Yunqin twitched her lips helplessly, and finally silently put the thorn shell, which had lost its fighting ability, into the elf ball.


Although she accepted this result, Tang Yunqin was still very upset when she walked to Suiyan's side.

She is not stupid, of course she can see that Suiyan chose to evolve the fire-breathing dragon into another form just to target her.


Sui Yan also shook his head arrogantly: "Humph, I won in a fair way!"

Of course, the latter sentence was only forced by Sui Yan in a low voice, but Tang Yunqin didn't dare to hear it.

The two separated at the end of the battle. Tang Yunqin walked off the court, while Sui Yan stayed on the court and waited for the next round of lottery.

The final lottery must not be done in secret, so the lottery is drawn by each player themselves.

There are five small balls in a box, two yellow ones, two blue ones, and one red one.

The yellow team battles, the blue team battles, and the red bye goes directly to the next round.

Soon, Lu Ze, Zhong Likong, Zoroark's trainer Zhang Xiaoqing, and Lucario's trainer Lu Zhengjie all stood on the stage.

"Prepare to draw lots."

In front of the professors and principals on the stage, Mo Tianwang, the referee brought up a box, shook it, and placed it in front of Lu Ze and the others.

"I'll come first."

Zhong Likong grinned, took a step forward, and took out a ball from the box.

"Ha, what a surprise!"

Everyone was stunned, and Zhong Likong was also stunned, but he quickly realized that he was the first to draw out the red ball representing the bye.


After Zhong Likong yelled, he took the red ball and retreated happily.

Seeing that the only red ball had been taken away, Zhang Xiaoqing smiled helplessly, and then took a step forward.

"I'll take the second one. Anyway, the grand prize has been taken away, and the rest is fine."

With that said, he took out a small yellow ball from the box.


Sui Yan tilted his head, and also stepped forward to take out a small blue ball.

"It's just the two of us." Lu Zhengjie looked at Lu Ze indifferently and said.

"No difference, you come first and I come first, it's the same."

"Then I'll come first."

As Lu Zhengjie said, he also took out a small ball from the box.

"Blue, it seems that my opponent is you." Lu Zhengjie looked at Suiyan, still with a paralyzed face.

Sui Yan smirked and nodded, he didn't say much, he didn't have the habit of putting a smile on a cold face.

"Then my opponent is you." Lu Ze didn't need to get the ball anymore, and now there was only a yellow ball left in the box, and the opponent was already clear.

Zhang Xiaoqing smiled and nodded to Lu Ze: "Please give me your advice."

This time, their respective opponents have also come out.

In the first match, Lu Ze played against Zhang Xiaoqing

In the second round, Sui Yan played against Lu Zhengjie

Zhong Likong has a bye.

After a short rest and lunch, the game started again soon.

Should it be said that the healing ability of elves in this world is much higher than that in animations?

Although it is not as good as in the game, as long as you put the poke ball on the machine, the pokemon will recover, but it is much better than the animation.

The physical strength consumed by this kind of competition, trauma, etc., only took about half an hour, and they had already fully recovered.

Although the mental exhaustion can't be recovered, it is not a big problem to support three or four games a day. After all, it is not a battle of life and death, so it also recovers quickly.

"Please release the elves from both players."

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Go, Lampshade Night Mushroom!"

"Ha, lampshade night mushroom?" Lu Ze smiled, and the elf's information instantly appeared in Lu Ze's eyes.

Genie: Lampshade Night Mushroom
gender: female

Attributes: Grass, Fairy
Feature: Spores (Elves exposed to this feature during battle will have a 30.00% chance of being paralyzed, poisoned or dormant.)
Qualification: Purple

Basic skills: Rooted, Strange Light, Drain, Fright, Super Drain, Hypnosis Powder, Moonlight, Drain Power, Ultimate Drain, Magic Shine, Seed Bomb, Energy Ball.

Genetic skills: paralysis powder, poison powder, growth.


The flag falls and the battle begins.

"Charizard! Super evolution!"


The Charizard was immediately enveloped by the milky white light of evolution.

And the opponent was not surprised, and did not make any moves.

Zhang Xiaoqing also studied Lu Ze, and knew that after Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon evolved, he was good at close combat, so he just started with the lampshade night mushroom first, and then waited for the fire-breathing dragon to get close.

However, waiting like this is obviously not that kind of thing, it seems a bit silly, so Zhang Xiaoqing directly directed at the lampshade Yegu

"Covered with paralyzing powder."

No way, the distance between the two sides cannot allow the [paralysis powder] of the lampshade night mushroom to cover the distance of the fire-breathing dragon, so we can only block the road first.

Just when [Paralyzing Powder] was sprinkled, the Charizard had already evolved.

[Sunshine] feature activates, and the weather on the field becomes sunny.

Everyone showed surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect that this fire-breathing dragon could also evolve into another form.

That's right, the evolution direction of Charizard in this game is Super Charizard Y.

When the grouping results came out, Lu Ze had already made a decision.

So Lu Ze directly replaced the super stone carried by the fire-breathing dragon with the fire-breathing dragon Y stone.

After all, the lampshade night mushroom with the [spore] characteristic of Y is very easy to fight, as long as the lampshade night mushroom is given to the opponent before he reacts, it will be fine, and he can't do anything with only one Zoroark left Big waves.

Thinking of it, when the fire-breathing dragon had just completed its evolution, it flapped its wings, and the orange-red storm visible to the naked eye rushed towards the lampshade night mushroom.

"Hot wind!!"

[Hot Wind] The moment it touched the lampshade night mushroom, the lampshade night mushroom couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground, turning its eyes in circles and losing its ability to fight.

"??? He's not afraid that I'm Zoroark?"

Seeing the moment when the lampshade night mushroom fell to the ground, Zhang Xiaoqing rubbed her hair frantically.

"Why? I don't understand?"

Of course, Zhang Xiaoqing couldn't know that Lu Ze could see the information of the elves.

Not to mention Zoroark's illusion, even the toucan who transformed from a dream did not hide from Lu Ze's eyes.

"The Lampshade Night Mushroom loses its ability to fight, please replace the next elf, and the timeout will result in a loss."

In the end, amidst the referee's words, Zhang Xiaoqing replaced the lampshade Yegu with confusion.

"Go, Zoroark!"

Zoroark appeared on the stage because the only elf in the team lost his fighting ability, so he appeared directly in the appearance of Zoroark.

(End of this chapter)

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