Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 247 Water Gun!

Chapter 247 Water Gun!

Elf: Zoroark
gender: female

attribute: evil

Features: Illusion (transforms into the appearance of the last elf with combat ability among elves of the same sex when it appears on the field, and returns to its original form after being damaged by an attack move.)
Qualification: Red

Basic skills: sneak attack, dark blast, rapid return, grabbing, staring, making trouble for no reason, grinding claws, grabbing randomly, scary faces, provocation, shooting down, fake crying, high-speed movement, jetting flames, sludge bombs, tricks.

Inherited Skills: Emulate, See Through, Supernatural Powers, Raid.

"Spray flames!"

The moment Zoroark just appeared on the stage, he shot [Jet Flame] at the fire-breathing dragon

The fire-breathing dragon smiled slightly, took a deep breath as well, and responded with [Jet Flame].


Two orange-red flames collided in the air and became deadlocked

When the fire-breathing dragon saw that his flames did not overwhelm the opponent, he became competitive at that time.

The fire-breathing dragon exerted a little force on its feet, and its abdomen agitated, slowly increasing the strength of the flame.

Gradually, the fire-breathing dragon began to slowly gain the upper hand, and the flames also pressed towards Zoroark.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Zoroak was defeated, Zhang Xiaoqing quickly signaled Zoroark to avoid it, otherwise he must be the one who was injured in the end.

Zoroark suddenly withdrew his strength and rolled aside to hide.

The next moment, a thick pillar of fire washed the ground directly beside Zoroak.

"Zoroark, Diablo Blast!"

After rolling, Zoroark gathered his hands together, and the black shock wave quickly hit the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon didn't panic at all, and flew into the sky with a shake of its wings, followed by another [Jet Flame].

Zoroark had no choice but to use the increased speed of [High-speed Movement] to avoid the attack of the fire pillar. From time to time, the fire-breathing dragon predicted his own route, so he could only dodge by rolling on the ground in embarrassment.

Zhang Xiaoqing looked anxiously at Zoroak who kept dodging on the field, but he finally forced himself to calm down.

"The teacher said that the most taboo thing in the battle is to be anxious and anxious. You must calm down. No matter how unfavorable the situation is, only by calming down can you find a way to break the game."

Zhang Xiaoqing narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully watching the movements of the super fire-breathing dragon in the air.

Finally, at the moment when the fire-breathing dragon's [Jet Flame] ended, Zhang Xiaoqing yelled at Zoroark

"Scary face!"

(Scary Face: Reduces the opponent's Speed ​​by two stages.)
Zoroark immediately stood firm and made a face at the super fire-breathing dragon in the sky.


"Charizard, scary face!"


The fire-breathing dragon also roared at Zoroark, and also used the [Scary Face] move.

I slow down, and you slow down, which means neither of us slows down, um, that's it.

"Hot air!"

Taking advantage of the sunny weather in the last round, Lu Ze immediately commanded Super Charizard Y to use the skill [Hot Wind].

The super fire-breathing dragon Y's special attack race value plus the [-] times bonus of the fire-type skills in a clear sky, plus the blessing of this type of skills, this [hot wind] is enough to directly take Zoroark away.

"see through!"

At the last moment when [Hot Wind] came, Zoroark successfully used the skill [See Through] to put himself in a defensive state, resisting a [Hot Wind] forcefully.

Lu Ze smashed his mouth and shook his head: "Unfortunately, I still reacted, come back, fire-breathing dragon."

As he said that, Lu Ze took the Charizard back into his poke ball. After the sunny day, although the Charizard could still fight, but in this case, the iron-clawed lobster's fighting moves were actually better than the Charizard.

Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon did not learn the skill [Sunny Day], so even if the iron-clawed lobster is defeated, if it is replaced with Super Charizard Y, the weather will still become [Sunny Day].

"Go, ironclaw lobster!"

As soon as the iron claw lobster came out, it was wrapped in water and rushed towards Zoroark.

"It can be seen that when the super fire-breathing dragon disappeared in sunny weather, player Lu Ze took the super fire-breathing dragon back into the elf ball. Is this going to replace the elf and reopen the weather? This is not a wise choice... "

"It can be seen that the moment the iron claw lobster appeared, the iron claw lobster used [water jet] to rush towards Zoroark who was using the [trick] enhancement, and the speed was very fast. Can Zoroark How come in time?"

When Lu Ze changed the elves, Zhang Xiaoqing was of course not idle. Although he didn't know what Lu Ze was thinking, but it was obviously impossible to stop it now, so why not take advantage of this time to strengthen yourself.

However, reducing the speed level in the elf world not only reduces the speed of movement, but also reduces the speed of shots and skills.

It can be said that if the speed level is reduced to level [-], the speed will be much lower than before, and it will even make people feel that the movements of the elves are one by one, dropping frames.


In the end, Zoroark managed to strengthen himself before the claws of the iron-clawed lobster touched his body.

But just after he finished strengthening, he was hit by the iron claw lobster.

There is no way, the combo of the iron claw lobster is too smooth, rushing forward and receiving [Splitting tiles], the moment it rushes to your side, the pincers have already landed on you with the power of the skill.

"Dark Blast!"

After a successful blow, he instinctively prepared another pliers to hit Zoroark's body, but was knocked back by Zoroark's sudden dark shock wave.

However, because Zoroark's speed was reduced by two levels, Zoroark was a little slow when he shot.

And with this slightly dull effort, it was enough for the second pincer of the iron claw lobster to land on Zoroark.

Although it was pushed away by Zoroark with [Dark Blast], the power was not fully hit, but just this little power, coupled with the [Water Jet] and [Shooting] just now, has already knocked it out. Zoroark was panting and exhausted.

"Why did this iron-clawed lobster become stronger again? It's too perverted. How did you train it?"

Zhang Xiaoqing looked at the iron-clawed lobster in the field solemnly, but couldn't help complaining in her heart.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqing's battle field was next to Lu Ze's. After Zhang Xiaoqing won the game, he happened to see Lu Ze's game.

Although the iron-clawed lobsters were on the field at that time, Zhang Xiaoqing simulated it silently in his heart, and found that the iron-clawed lobsters could not pose too much threat to his Zoroark, so he didn't care.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, the Iron Claw Lobster almost beat his Zoroark to death?

Although there must be elements of his carelessness in it, but isn't this attack power and speed a bit too buggy?
"Zoroark! Diablo Blast!"

Zhang Xiaoqing was ruthless. After Zoroark was strengthened, the second [Dark Blast] could definitely take the iron claw lobster away, if he didn't dodge.

"Iron claw lobster, water gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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