Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 248 Waveguide?what?

Chapter 248 Waveguide?what?

If the iron claw lobster has the highest proficiency in that skill other than the three-axe axe, it must be [water gun].

Even before Lu Ze specified the target for the iron claw lobster, the proficiency of the [water gun] of the lobster soldier was the highest.

Who told the lobster soldier at that time to catch small fish in the sea, he would only use the [water gun] trick.

His iron-clawed lobster is very stubborn, which Lu Ze had already seen when he insisted on learning [Flame Fist].

This has advantages and disadvantages, but under the correct guidance of Lu Ze, the iron claw lobster is very stubborn, but the effect is very good (except for the flame fist.)
Keep practicing the same skill, practice the same routine, and practice the same combo all the time, which made him, who was not very outstanding in the team, become a Ling Lu Ze, Ling Lu Ze A striker trusted by the elves.

The skills of both sides shot at the same time, but because of the speed, Zoroark was still a little slower.

And the slowness has widened the gap.

When [Dark Blast] shot, Zoroark wanted to avoid the water gun, and the iron claw lobster had the same idea.

But just this little difference in speed has already been revealed at this time.

The iron claw lobster relied on the acceleration of [Water Jet] to avoid the shock wave of [Dark Blast].

But Zoroark couldn't do it. With his speed weakened, he moved sideways a step, but he didn't escape the attack range of [Water Gun].

Just this last [water gun] was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Zoroark lost the ability to fight, and the iron claw lobster wins. The winner of this game is Lu Ze!"

Following the referee's voice, Zhang Xiaoqing shook his head with a wry smile, and helplessly retracted Zoroark, who had lost the ability to fight, into the elf ball.

"I hope you can get the first place."

When the game was over, Zhang Xiaoqing said to Lu Ze seriously.

Lu Ze was taken aback, then nodded: "I will."


Only then did Zhang Xiaoqing smile at Lu Ze with satisfaction, and then walked to the auditorium outside.

"When he gets the first place, if anyone asks at that time, I will say that I am unlucky and I have the first place, so even if I don't make the top three, it is still very good."

Zhang Xiaoqing smiled like a chicken thief, this wave, this wave is top understanding.

"come on!"

"come on!"

Lu Ze, who was leaving the field, faced Sui Yan, who was entering the field. When the two passed by, they raised their hands and gave a high five at the same time.

"Wait for me in the final."

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth hooked: "Okay, let's work hard to reach the final."


Listening to the short conversation between the two, Lu Zhengjie, who was two steps ahead of Lu Ze, turned dark. "Are you treating me like a persimmon? You can squeeze it as you say, and you don't care about me at all?"

"Crush you!"

Soon, the battle between the two has already begun, but Lu Ze will not be able to see this match. He is now in the treatment room, preparing to restore the strength of the two elves.

Lu Ze won and entered the top three, but there are still top three competitions for the top three, so we need to rest first, a good state is the most important thing.

So Lu Ze didn't watch the situation on the field, just sat quietly on the stool outside the treatment room and played with the mini dragon.




"Haha, you are too cute."

Lu Ze looked at the miniature dragon and couldn't help kissing it again. That hunk can stand up to such a pink elf.

"Oh, that's right."

Lu Ze suddenly slapped his forehead, and then released the electric shock monster.


"Come on, try this for the electric shock monster." Lu Ze took out a can of things and said to the electric shock monster with a smile.


"Come, come, don't be afraid, this is just a cream, it can maintain the armor, and it can also increase your power flow speed, um, it will make you more handsome."


The electric shock monster's eyes lit up immediately, the speed of electricity flow is not important, the important thing is that it can be more handsome.

"Haha, okay, I'll use this for you. This is one of my important researches during this time."

Lu Ze laughed happily, as long as the electric shock monster is willing to use it, Lu Ze is afraid that he won't, so wouldn't this be a waste of his hard work of so many nights?

And this can only be used on the electric shock monster. After all, after the electric shock monster evolves into an electric shock monster, it is not an armor, but a skin. If it evolves again, the outer part will become a layer of fur.

Speaking of which, besides this, Lu Ze also made a lot of delicious snacks with tree fruits, and now they are packed in the bag that Lu Ze usually carries.

I have to say that the person who can point out the technology tree from the space backpack is really a great man, and the person who points out the air conditioner and wifi should accept the worship of human beings together.

"Come on, come on, brother will check you up."

Lu Ze grabbed the electric shock monster with a smile, put the electric shock monster on his lap, and began to apply ointment on him.

"Is it cool? Is it cool?"

Lu Ze looked at the comfortable squinting electric shock monster and asked excitedly.


The Electric Shock Monster felt very wonderful, like smearing peppermint on his body, his whole body cooled down, as if he had entered a cold pool, but it didn't feel like a bone-piercing feeling.

"Hey, let me tell you Ang, when I learn how to massage, I will definitely make you feel good."


The electric shock monster was taken aback, and suddenly didn't want to evolve. At least he had a hard shell now, so he didn't have to be afraid of Lu Ze's uncanny tricks.

The miniature dragon who was stealing snacks on the side was also stunned, and then ate it with peace of mind. I am so cute, he will definitely not attack me.


Just when Lu Ze was about to take the Pokeballs of the Iron Claw Lobster and Charizard from Qiqiwawa's hands, his body shook suddenly and he couldn't help but look towards the direction of the field.


Back in time a little bit, Suiyan was fighting Lu Zhengjie on the field, and now Suyan's fire-breathing dragon and Lu Zhengjie's Lucario were on the field.

Up until now, Suiyan's Fengsugou's physical strength had been reduced a little, but he successfully replaced Lu Zhengjie's strange strength with most of his physical strength.

So the current battle on the field can be said to directly determine who can advance again in the end and who will be eliminated helplessly.

"Charizard! Flame Fist!"

Because Sui Yan chose to play the fire-breathing dragon second, so in this game, his fire-breathing dragon evolved into a super fire-breathing dragon X.

After finding the right opportunity to fire [Flame Fist], Lucario's physical strength is not much left.

Looking at the still alive Super Charizard and the scarred Lucario, Lu Zhengjie gritted his teeth involuntarily.

"Really, do you still want to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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