Chapter 249

Lu Zhengjie still couldn't make up his mind, but when he saw Lucario on the field still trying to avoid the flaming fist of the super fire-breathing dragon, he regained his composure and shouted at Lucario.


When Lucario heard it, his body shook, and he quickly parried the attack of Super Charizard X, and then a [wave missile] forced him back, then turned his head and nodded to Lu Zhengjie.

From the time Lu Zhengjie called him, he already understood what Lu Zhengjie meant, and he also meant the same thing. Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, he might as well give it a try.

Lu Zhengjie finally made up his mind after seeing Lucario nodding his head.

After this time, if he lost, he was eliminated, and if he won, he couldn't recover from the next game, so he was also eliminated. However, he wanted to win this time, and he didn't want to lose.

If you fight hard, you may win, if you don't fight hard, you will definitely not win.

After seeing the opponent's movement, Sui Yan directly directed the fire-breathing dragon to attack Lucario.

Although I don't know what their plans are, what plans they have, and even though I don't know anything, as an opponent, you only need to make what your opponent wants to do impossible, and then do what you want to do.


"Lu Li!"

At this moment, one person and one elf had blue light in their eyes at the same time, staring closely at the fire-breathing dragon that had rushed towards them.

Lu Zhengjie closed his eyes tightly, stretched out his right fist and placed it on his heart, while Lucario pointed to the sky with one hand, and the [Wave Missile] slowly formed at the fingertips, and it became bigger and bigger.

"Birdguide, keep it in my heart!"

The sound was not very loud, but with the spread of the sound and the power of the waveguide, the [wave missile] in Lucario's hand smashed directly at the fire-breathing dragon.

After the blessing of Lu Zhengjie's waveguide, the current [wave missile] is not so much a bomb as a [waveguide ball].

Now the blue [wave missile] on the field is more than enough to stuff at least three fire-breathing dragons into it.

"Quickly activate the second layer of protection!"


At this time, the staff on the sidelines also became nervous after seeing this scene, and quickly opened the second layer of protective devices.

Soon, a transparent film passed through the field, not only forming a semicircular barrier over the entire battlefield, but also protecting the ground from the aftermath of energy without disturbing anything on the field. destruction.


The opponent's movements were too fast, and Sui Yan had no time to react, so he could only watch helplessly as the fire-breathing dragon was hit by the [wave missile].


After the violent explosion sounded, the field fell into silence.

Slowly, when the smoke and dust cleared, everyone realized that the fire-breathing dragon had exited the super form, rolled its eyes and fell to the ground, losing its fighting ability.

And Lucario, who made the attack, was also half-kneeling on the ground, as if he couldn't raise his head to see the effect of his attack.

"Super Charizard is down!"

The commentator shouted hoarsely on the commentary stage, and the audience off the court also became excited, but this did not affect the two people on the court at all.

Sui Yan was silent for a while, then took out the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball and took the fire-breathing dragon back.

"Sorry, I was careless this time."

Sui Yan took the fire-breathing dragon poke ball and apologized to the unconscious fire-breathing dragon in the poke ball, then looked indifferently at the kneeling Lucario and Lu Zhengjie who had no strength left.

Although the opponent's tactic would still be like this even if Sui Yan was serious about it, but if he was careless, he was careless, and Sui Yan couldn't hide this from himself.

At the moment when the fire-breathing dragon was taken back to the poke ball, Lucario couldn't hold on any longer, he tilted his body and fell down.

At the same time, Lu Zhengjie also sat slumped on the ground, all the strength in his body seemed to be exhausted.

"The super fire-breathing dragon lost the ability to fight, and Lucario lost the ability to fight. The winner of this game is Suiyan."

The referee's verdict was long overdue, and as a referee, he had already neglected his duty.

But anyone who sees such a big [wave missile] exploding in front of his eyes will be as stupefied as he was.

In this way, the final result came out. Because Suiyan still had a wind speed dog that did not lose his fighting ability, Suiyan advanced and Lu Zhengjie was eliminated.

After the two nodded to each other, they walked off the field at the same time. Although Sui Yan was very unhappy with each other, in a game that must be lost, the opponent who was still trying to come back had the minimum respect.

Of course, if the person who was overturned was not him, he might respect the other party more.

After Suiyan's game, that is, after the five-in-three game, there will be a period of rest.

The rest period is long enough for the player's elves to return to normal.

However, after Lu Ze felt the power of the waveguide, his face became a little dignified.

At this time, he was still waiting for Sui Yan's arrival in the treatment room. He had already sent a message to Sui Yan, saying that he was in treatment room No. [-].

He had to wait for Suiyan to tell him about the situation at that time. Lu Ze already regretted that he didn't watch the game.

Soon, Sui Yan had come over, but Lu Ze didn't rush to ask, but waited until Sui Yan handed the elf ball to Qiai Doll, and then asked

"Just now, what happened on the field?"

Sui Yan sat down next to Lu Ze, unceremoniously took a cup of sweet tea from Lu Ze's backpack, and then said

"Birdguide, um, it should be. After all, it is similar to yours, and Lucario's boost should be the power of Birdguide."

"and then?"

Lu Ze nodded. From the beginning, he felt that this was the power of the waveguide, and even felt some kindness in that waveguide.

"Huh? There's no more. He suddenly used the waveguide to amplify Lucario's [Wave Missile], and then forcibly replaced my Charizard." Sui Yan froze for a moment, and said with a somewhat unhappy expression.

Anyone who is caught by the opponent's sudden counterattack when the winning ticket is in his hands will have an ugly face.

What's more, Sui Yan was indeed a little careless.

On the way here, Sui Yan replayed the game. Obviously, only one [Dragon Breath] in the whole process can destroy the opponent's plan. Why did he choose to rush over and use [Flame Fist]?
Lu Ze nodded. Suiyan said it was the same as he didn't say it. In the end, he still needs to find clues by himself, and find out why he can feel kindness in this waveguide.

After merging with the owner of the waveguide, Lu Ze already had a clue in his mind, but he was still a little uncertain.

There was no other way, so Lu Ze had to take out his mobile phone and make a call.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

"Hello? Dad, do you have an illegitimate child outside? The one as old as me?"

(End of this chapter)

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