Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 250 Using Genealogy to Prove

Chapter 250 Using Genealogy to Prove

Sui Yan couldn't hold it back, and immediately spit out the sweet tea that he just drank into his mouth. What kind of magical development is this?

Because Lu Ze didn't feel that he needed to carry Suiyan behind his back, he just gave Suiyan a blank look, and then said to Lu's father on the other end of the phone
"Well, as old as me, it can't really be your illegitimate child?"

Sui Yan couldn't help but moved closer to his ear, but only heard the helpless voice of Lu's father coming from the earphone

"Where am I going to find an illegitimate child who is as old as you? If you say it is older than you, it is possible for you to be younger than you."

"So, you have an illegitimate child outside? Does my grandfather know?" Lu Ze narrowed his eyes, and instantly understood the point of Lu's father's words.

Sui Yan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, ah.

"Have you figured out the key points, are you talking nonsense? If your mother hears it, it will be the end of us both!" Immediately afterwards, Father Lu's distraught voice came from the phone again.

The corner of Lu Ze's mouth twitched slightly: "Don't take me with you, if my mother knows, it's obvious that you are finished."

"Little bastard, you wait!"

After saying that, Father Lu hung up the phone.

"Uh, what should we do now?" Sui Yan looked at Lu Ze in a daze, and it was not exciting to watch now, what a pity.

"It's okay, I'll send him a location, and he'll be there soon." Lu Ze said, sending his location to Dad Lu's phone.

"Is your dad coming?" Sui Yan's eyes lit up again, the excitement is not over, it seems to be more interesting, looking forward to it!


Sure enough, after a while, Father Lu rushed in aggressively. After seeing the three of Lu Ze, he walked towards Lu Ze and the others with big strides and grinning.

"Little brat, what did you just say? Say it again?"

Lu Ze didn't feel any fear at all, he just patted Lu Zhengjie's shoulder beside him coldly.

Although Shangqing University is not very far from the research institute, it will take some time for Father Lu to come here.

During this time, Lu Ze and Sui Yan were not idle, and began to look for Lu Zhengjie.

There are only five treatment rooms in total, so Lu Ze and the others were able to find them quickly.

After finding Lu Zhengjie, Lu Ze asked about Lu Zhengjie's family.

Then, under Lu Zhengjie's vigilant eyes, he released his waveguide.

It's amazing, after Lu Ze's waveguide was released, he consciously brought out Lu Zhengjie's little waveguide power left.

In this way, after Lu Zhengjie felt Lu Ze's intimacy through Bird, he knew everything.

Lu Zhengjie was an orphan, but not the kind who had been an orphan since he was a child. He became an orphan when his parents went to the fairy secret realm and never came back when he was 16 years old.

It is worth mentioning that his waveguide was also awakened at that time, because of the extreme fluctuation of mood.

Later, when the elves could be obtained, and because of Bird's perception, he obtained Leolu's elf eggs, and then he was admitted to Shangqing University by virtue of Lucario.

Although after learning about his family's situation from Lu Zhengjie, Lu Ze understood that there was a high probability that Lu Zhengjie would not be his father's illegitimate child.

But according to the intimacy that Bird conveyed, Lu Zhengjie should have some kind of relationship with Lu Ze.

Lu Zhengjie was also a little excited. After all, he had never heard from his parents that he had relatives, so after Lu Ze patted him, he quickly released his waveguide power.

Dad Lu:! ! ! !

The power of waveguide in Papa Lu's body also moved slightly, but Papa Lu, like Lu Ze, just suppressed the aroused waveguide in an instant.


Father Lu's wave guide also sensed the intimacy coming from Lu Zhengjie's wave guide, and couldn't help looking at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze spread his hands helplessly: "I don't understand either, but I guess he should have some relationship with us, otherwise we wouldn't be able to feel close at the same time."

Father Lu nodded in understanding, and then made the same thing as Lu Ze did back then.

"Hello? Dad, do you have a son or daughter outside?"

In the research institute, Lu Xingguo, who was writing a thesis, had a dark face. He quickly turned his head to look, and found that his wife was not by his side, so he scolded Lu's father with a dark face.
"I'm just your son. Where can I find another son or daughter? Are you sick?"

Lu Xingguo said cursingly, fortunately Liu Xiangjun is not here now, if she was here, I would have to be skinned today.

"Oh, well, then Dad, come here now, or my mother may know." There was no fluctuation in Dad Lu's words, and after saying a word, he hung up the phone.

"Send your grandfather a location."

"Well, alright."

Neither the father nor the son had any weird expressions, as if this was normal.

But now it's not just the two of them, there are two standing beside them.

Lu's father's operation distorted the faces of Lu Zhengjie and Suiyan beside him.

Lu Zhengjie was wondering whether these two people were reliable or not, why did they feel that something was wrong.

As for Sui Yan, he was simply holding back, he had to try his best to hold back his laughter, it would be embarrassing if he laughed out loud at this time.

Compared to Lu's father, Lu Xingguo is much faster. After all, he can fly over directly without being intercepted by the anti-aircraft system.

"What do you mean, little bastard? Are you threatening me with your mother? Let me tell you, I never did that kind of thing, and I'm not afraid of your mother. You can't threaten me."

Lu Xingguo's upright words didn't make everyone present show any expressions, everyone understands it, okay, if you're not afraid, why did you come here, and you came so fast.

Father Lu also patted Lu Zhengjie with a cold face.

And Lu Zhengjie also naturally released the waveguide power that he didn't have much left.

Lu Xingguo:! ! ! !
"what's the situation?!"

After Lu Xingguo suppressed the waveguide that was drawn out of his body, he asked with a look of surprise just like Father Lu just now.

"Hey, did you feel it? The power of waveguide from the same source as ours, that's why I asked you if you have any other sons or daughters besides me."

"No, from me to Ozawa, we have been single-handed for three generations." After instinctively denying it, Lu Xingguo frowned and searched carefully in his mind.

"By the way, I seem to remember that in your grandfather's generation, um, that is, in my father's generation, I should have an uncle, but I was too young to remember it clearly, but it should be recorded in the family tree."

"Well, my family also has a family tree. Although it didn't exist originally, my dad remembered the names of the last few generations, and later restored a copy, but the farthest is the generation of my dad's great-grandfather."

After seeing Lu Xingguo explain the method of verification, Lu Zhengjie poked his head out weakly and said.


Lu Xingguo was overjoyed, now he had something to prove.

(End of this chapter)

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