Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 256 Elf dishes, the addiction is still big

Chapter 256 Elf dishes, the addiction is still big

Lu Ze opened a bag, took out a donut and handed it to Hupa. He remembered that Hupa in the movie liked it very much, but he didn't know if Hupa liked it in real life.

As for the name of the mini dragon, Lu Ze turned his head to look at the mini dragon and didn't care. Although he didn't know why the mini dragon called him Ozawa, it didn't matter.

"Uh, uh, good time, Hoopa~"

After Hoopa took the donut, he took a bite, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Haha, eat more if it tastes good, there are a lot more." Lu Ze said, taking out all the snacks in his backpack.

Not only small round cakes, donuts, cookies, etc., but also tree fruit pies made of tree fruits, dried tree fruits made of tree fruits, etc., all spread out on the floor.


Darkley was already moved when he saw Victini eating donuts, but he didn't expect Lu Ze to come up with so many delicious ones.

"Darkley, come and eat."


Darkley twitched a bit, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food and came to Lu Ze's side. After looking at Victini and the others, he reached out and took a bite of a sand scale fruit pie.

"Anthracene, anthracene~"

"Darkley said, sweet and sour is delicious, thank you Hoopa~"

"No thanks, no thanks."

Lu Ze squinted his eyes and waved to Darkley, then said, and then took out a few cups of Mrs. Hua Jie's scented tea from his backpack.

"Come take a sip and see how hot you are."

Lu Ze hastily opened a cup of sweet tea, and then called Victini over.

Victini just took a bite of the lychee pie, which tastes sweet and spicy. Although Lu Ze has tried his best to control the spiciness, Victini still can't bear it.


After Victini spewed out a mouthful of flames, he hurriedly flew towards Lu Ze in a hurry, holding the bottle in his arms, "ton, ton, ton."

"Ha, Tilly~"

"Victini said he came alive Hoopa~"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded Victini's forehead: "Really, I can't eat spicy food and I like spicy food."


Victini hugged Lu Ze's fingers with a smiling face, rubbed them against each other, and flew over again, ready to eat the lychee pie that he just took a bite of.

Of course, he went over with sweet tea this time.

"Say hello, why are you still shy?" Lu Ze patted the electric shock monster who had been holding his leg tightly and said.


"The electric shock monster said he doesn't want Hoopa~"

"Okay, the electric shock monster, do you want to hold my leg all the time? Do you want to eat something?" After hearing Hupa's translation, Lu Ze smiled and touched the electric shock monster's head.

The electric shock monster poked its head out, and after cautiously glanced at some unknown elves on the opposite side, it resolutely came to the side of the big brother Kirby.


Meng Meng seemed to be very curious about this shy electric shock monster, and as soon as he thought about it, he immediately turned into an electric shock monster.


The electric shock monster looked suspiciously at this fellow who appeared suddenly, and then seemed not afraid of life, directly picked up a piece of mousse cake and handed it to Meng Meng.



"The electric monster said it was delicious, and the dream said thank you Hoopa~"

"Haha, eat well, don't need to translate for now, I'll go around here." Lu Ze smiled and patted Hupa's head.

I have to say that the head of the divine beast seems to be more comfortable to touch than the head of the electric shock monster, and I don't know if it is a psychological effect.

"Yeah, go Hoopa~"

Lu Ze looked at the elves who were happily eating food, then stood up and walked outside gently.

He first had to find out what this place was, and then try to find a way to send a message to his family.

He has checked it just now, and the mobile phone has no signal here. Now he wants to try to see if there will be a signal, or wireless network, etc. after walking out of a certain range.

After all, having a wireless network means that there are people, and following the wireless network can report to the family that they are safe.

"Why did you answer the phone so late!?"

Faced with Liu Xiangjun's roar coming from the phone, Lu Xingguo subconsciously put the phone away from his ears: "Well, we were looking for something just now, so we didn't pay attention to the phone."

"Looking for something? You can't even find your grandson. What are you still looking for?" Liu Xiangjun laughed angrily. What is more important than his only grandson?

Lu Xingguo waved his hands disapprovingly, and said to the phone with a smile: "Don't make trouble, isn't Ozawa competing in school? Can you lose it under the watchful eyes of everyone?"

"Well, it was lost in full view." Liu Xiangjun said quietly: "So, if you can't come to school now, you have to believe that I won't let you go home either."

"Beep beep..."

Liu Xiangjun's words froze both Lu Xingguo and Lu Wu.

"Ozawa, can't you really disappear?" Lu Wu still asked in disbelief.

"How do I know, go to school!"

Along the way, Lu Xingguo directly threw the Typhoon's elf ball, and then nimbly jumped onto the Tyrannosaurus' back.

"Stormosaurus, supernatant!"


The Tyrannosaurus was still very fast, and after Lu Xingguo gave the order, it took off with a flick of its wings.

"Eh?" Lu Wu stayed where he was, with a blank expression on his face, looking at the Tyrannosaurus and the old man who flew away, a little confused.

"Dad, wait! I haven't gone up yet!"

By the time Lu Wu realized it was too late, the old man had already flown into the sky and swooped towards Shangqing University.

"Hiss, why can't I remember it? It looks familiar?" At this moment, Mo Qiancheng was still sitting on the stool, thinking hard.

Soon, Lu Xingguo had already arrived at the school, and this time he directly landed on the school's rostrum without any concealment.

The terrifying aura of the Violent Dragon directly overwhelmed those who wanted to reprimand Lu Xingguo.

"Where's Ozawa?"

Lu Xingguo didn't pay any attention to those ignorant guys, and asked Liu Xiangjun directly.

After Liu Xiangjun saw Lu Xingguo coming, he was slightly wronged, and then shook his head: "I don't know, Ozawa disappeared suddenly. Watching the replay, a circle appeared under his feet, and then he fell into it."

Lu Xingguo was taken aback, circle around? : "Could it be a super spirit?"

"No, there is a protective shield of evil-type energy on the field, which super-power elves can't do."


A gust of wind blew by, and Su Qianyan jumped off Bi Diao directly: "Uncle Mo, Aunt Liu, what's wrong with Ozawa?"

"Suddenly disappeared. What I know now is that through a circle that suddenly appeared on the ground, the possibility of super spirits has been ruled out."

Su Qianyan's cold face relaxed slightly, he thought that someone had kidnapped Lu Ze.

"Any other clues?"

Lu Xingguo shook his head, and then looked at Liu Xiangjun. He also just arrived and didn't know much about the situation.

"That's all." Liu Xiangjun also shook his head with an ugly expression, and there really wasn't much information left.

(End of this chapter)

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