Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 257 The Cruel Hoopa

Chapter 257 The Cruel Hoopa

"Where's the person who fought against him? Did you hear anything?" Su Qianyan was taken aback, then changed his focus and asked.

"Voice, yes, voice." Liu Xiangjun suddenly realized: "Hu Di, go and bring Sui Yan."


After Hu nodded, he left with a [Teleportation].

Afterwards, another 【Teleportation】 came back, but this time he came back with Sui Yan who was in a daze.

"Suiyan, did you hear anything when Lu Ze disappeared?" Su Qianyan didn't have time to ask why Lu Ze had a match with Sui Yan in the end, the main thing is to find clues about Lu Ze first.

"Sound?" Sui Yan was still a little dazed, but soon came to his senses: "I seem to have heard a sound, Lao Lao?"



When Mo Qiancheng heard it, he jumped up from his chair and rushed to Sui Yan.

"Lao Lao? Are you sure?"

Su Qianyan and Liu Xiangjun froze for a moment, but Lu Xingguo also reacted.

Sui Yan nodded: "Well, indeed."


Seeing Sui Yan's affirmative gaze, Mo Qiancheng and Lu Xingguo called out Hu Pa's name in unison.



Two hoopas, two meanings.

Liu Xiangjun knew about Hupa, but he didn't understand why Hupa wanted to take Lu Ze away.

And Sui Yan's voice was purely because he didn't know what happened to Hupa, just pure doubt.

Sui Yan scratched his head: "Hoopa? What is it?"

Lu Xingguo explained: "Hupa is also a divine beast, with six magical golden rings, which can be used to teleport through space."

Sui Yan was taken aback: "You mean, Lu Ze was captured by a divine beast?"

Chief Lu Xingguo sighed and nodded: "Well, it should be."

"It is rumored that Hupa has a cruel temperament, so, Lu Ze..."

Su Qianyan shook her head slightly, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"how is this possible!"

Sui Yan had an unbelievable expression on his face: "Lu Ze is so popular with elves, how could he be captured by the vicious Hoopa?"

"Where's Hoopa?"

Liu Xiangjun's words stunned everyone, and they didn't care about arguing about why Lu Ze was taken away by Hupa.

"I said, where's Hoopa!"

"Um, Hupa, Hupa is in Mongolia, near Hulunbei."

Su Qianyan was startled by Liu Xiangjun who was in full swing, and said to Liu Xiangjun in a low voice.

"According to the records, this is the place where Hoopa disappeared last. According to legend, he was banned there by Arceus."

Lu Xingguo nodded, then smiled at Liu Xiangjun: "Let's go, I'll walk with you!"

Liu Xiangjun put his hand in Lu Xingguo's outstretched hand: "Go, go now."


Saying that, the two of them didn't care about Sui Yue, Su Qianyan, and Mo Qiancheng, who had already been suppressed, and jumped directly onto the back of Tyrannosaurus.

"set off!"


The roar of the tyrannosaurus woke the two of them up at once.

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus had already flown away, Su Qianyan complained helplessly before jumping onto Bi Diao's back.

"Bi Diao, follow them!"


"Steel Armored Crow, let's go!"

"Fuck, big brothers take me!" Sui Yan realized after watching Su Qianyan also fly away.

"Why is it like this, why don't you take me with you!" Sui Yan complained, and then directly threw the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball.

"Charizard, go, follow them!"


Fortunately, Sui Yan took the fire-breathing dragon to treat him just after he left the field, otherwise he would still be turning around now.

Just like that, five people and four elves flew towards the border of the three eastern provinces together.

"It's a bit desolate, and there's really no signal at all?"

At this time, Lu Ze has already circled around, and the place where they stayed before should be in a valley.

After Lu Ze walked out of the only cave leading to the outside world in the valley, he walked around the cave and looked around.

"Well, it's about the same time, but it's almost dark in Shangjing, and the sun hasn't set yet here, so you won't come from abroad? Are you still in Asia? You won't go to Europe or America, right?"

Looking around while making complaints, this place, not to mention people, has not even seen a few elves, and even the most common three gophers, Lada and the like, there is no trace.

"Oh, forget it, let's go back first, let Hoopa take me back at that time, just don't report that I'm safe, I'm afraid they will worry."

Lu Ze shook his head, and then returned the same way.

But when he didn't know, his family members were not only worried, but had already flown over here.

According to the records they read, Hupa was a ferocious and violent beast, so they were very worried about Lu Ze's state.

Even, the reason they came here was to avenge Lu Ze. Of course, they were also praying that Lu Ze would be lucky and alive.

If Lu Ze knew their thoughts, he would definitely be very helpless, because the records in the books they read, [-]% of the records are to liberate Hupa.

Liberating Hoopa is indeed cruel and powerful, but as far as Liberating Hoopa's ability to summon divine beasts is concerned, a few more are also a gift.

Moreover, the Hoopa who brought Lu Ze now is a sealed Hoopa. His personality is exactly like that of a child who has not grown up. Not only is he not cruel, but he even feels a little silly.

"Did you find what you were looking for, Hupa?" Hupa flew to Lu Ze's side when he saw Lu Ze coming in, and asked with his head tilted.

"Hoopa is very powerful. Whatever you want, Hoopa can bring it for you."

Seeing Hupa's proud expression, Lu Ze couldn't help rubbing Hupa's head: "I know, Hupa is the most powerful, but even if Hupa is very powerful, he can't just take other people's things, so It will cause trouble for others."

Hoopa's face collapsed: "Then Hoopa brought you here, do you think Hoopa is troublesome?"

Lu Ze poked Hupa's forehead with a smile: "It's a little troublesome, but Hupa is not troublesome."

"Really? Is Hoopa really troublesome?" Hoopa happily flew in the air twice, then said to Lu Ze with a smile
"Oh really."


"Victini said he enjoyed eating, thank you, Ozawa, Hoopa~"

As he said that, seeing Victini lying in Lu Ze's arms, with his bulging belly being rubbed by Lu Ze's hands, Hupa pouted and squeezed into Lu Ze's arms.

"Ozawa, rub Hupa too."

"Haha, ok, give Hoopa a rub too."

Lu Ze laughed happily, and rubbed their stomachs with one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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