Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 265 Can I Covenant With You?

Chapter 265 Can I Covenant With You?

"Then, when are you going to see it?"

After looking at the energy barrier not far away, the steward asked Lu Ze tentatively.

Lu Ze smiled slightly: "If Hupa is willing, we should be able to go in now?"

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, before everyone had time to think about the meaning of Lu Ze's words, suddenly, a golden circle appeared in front of everyone.


"Let's go."

Lu Ze shook his head with a smile and said, and then walked in directly.

Compared to the cautiousness of the steward and the king of Mongolia, Sui Yan didn't know whether it was a big heart or something. After seeing Lu Ze go in, he followed him in.

The steward smiled and shook his head, and said to Lu Xingguo and Su Qianyan, "Let's go, let's go see Hupa together."


After speaking, several people walked towards the golden circle together, and soon, only the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who were cleaning up the church personnel were left outside.

After Lu Ze stepped into the golden circle in one step, he took another step out and entered the valley directly.

As soon as his eyes dazzled, Lu Ze felt something flying past him.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that it was a miniature dragon flying over, and behind the miniature dragon were two identical electric shock monsters chasing her.

Hoopa also excitedly wants to join this game, but he still has to keep the golden ring open, but you can tell from his excited eyes that after he doesn't need to control the golden ring, he will definitely be with the mini dragons. Play around.

On the other side of the tree branch, a Victini with a bulging belly was lying on the branch with squinted eyes, as if asleep.

In the pool below, Mana Fei carefully stared at Victini, afraid that Victini would accidentally fall, and looked at the mini dragons from time to time, obviously wanting to participate in their games.

After seeing this warm scene, Lu Ze smiled, and released the forked bats, squirrels, charizards, and iron-clawed lobsters that had just been put into the poke ball.

As soon as the forked bat came out, it was embraced by the rushing miniature dragon.

(Run, run, they are going to catch up~)

When the cross-word bat heard it, is it okay?Immediately, he began to accelerate with the mini dragon on his back.

When Meng Meng saw this, she immediately became unhappy. Isn't this cheating?

Saying that, Meng Meng transformed into a forked bat, and continued to chase the miniature dragon, leaving only the electric shock monster stunned in place. He didn't understand why his fellow clan suddenly turned into a big sister. look.

The people in the golden ring here came out one after another, and the cross-bat was chasing the miniature dragon on the back of the cross-bat. The squirrel walked to Lu Ze's backpack with a smile, and began to feast on the food. By the way He also waved to Darkley who was next to Hoopa, and motioned for Darkley to eat together.

Darkley saw Snorby's movements from the corner of his eye, but he pretended he didn't see them. Who can eat them so well!Can't afford to provoke.

The iron claw lobster slowly entered the pool, signaling to Manafei that it was time to play, and he was here to protect Victini from falling.

Manafei cheered, and then joined the team chasing the miniature dragon.

Seeing that Manafei had also joined, the mini-dragon exclaimed, which made the forked bat excitedly speed up, trying to beg the pursuers behind it.

"It's so lively."

The steward who came out first looked at the group of energetic elves and sighed: "That's great, if my elves weren't getting old, I guess I could play with them."

Lu Ze smiled: "There is no such thing as being old. Mengmeng and Manafei are also very old. They also had a lot of fun."

"Fantasy? Why didn't I see the dream?"

Sui Yan, who came in after Lu Ze, happened to miss the scene where Mengmeng turned into a forked bat, so after circling around, he realized that Mengmeng was missing.

Lu Ze pointed to the cross-bat who was chasing the cross-bat and said, "Hey, did you see that, it was transformed by a dream."

"Hey? It's recorded that a dream can turn into any elf, and it turns out to be true!"

"Don't get in the way, of course it's true, otherwise, where do you think that dreams are the source of elves?"

After Lu Xingguo pushed Mo Qiancheng who was expressing emotion in front, he gave him a popular science talk.

After Lu Xingguo came out, Liu Xiangjun also followed behind Lu Xingguo, followed by Su Qianyan and the Heavenly King of Mongolia at the end.

After seeing that everyone was here, Lu Ze introduced to Hupa

"Hoopa, these are my friends and family, they want to meet you."

Hoopa took back his golden ring and asked suspiciously, "They want to see Hoopa? Why?"

"Because I said Hoopa was cute."

When Hoopa heard this, he immediately nodded shyly: "Well, Hoopa is the cutest."


Everyone laughed together, but only the Heavenly King of Mongolia couldn't laugh. He took a step forward and asked Hupa
"Hoopa, can you be our covenant elf?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, secretly changing the concept?

"Hoopa, this man is not my friend."

Hearing Lu Ze's words, everyone's gloomy faces warmed up slightly.

This king of Mongolia is going too far. He wanted to pull Lu Ze's skin to coax Hupa into becoming their covenant beast. Fortunately, Lu Ze responded quickly, otherwise it would be another trouble if Hupa agreed directly.

Feeling the cold eyes of everyone, the King of Meng's face turned pale, but he had already done it, so he had no choice but to continue to do it.

"It's an alliance with our Mongolian country, Hoopa, are you willing?"

Hupa looked at Lu Ze with some doubts: "Covenant? What is it?"

Lu Ze smiled at Hupa and explained: "The covenant is an agreement between you and Mongolia. This agreement is maintained by Arceus' will. Both parties provide each other with what they need. For example, the covenant between Mongolia and you needs What matters is your force, and what are the conditions for you to choose Mongolia?"

Divine beasts and countries, or personal covenants, sometimes do not need what humans provide them.

For example, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, they have nothing to offer Zekrom and Lacey Ram, but there is no way, the two sides just saw each other, so they made a covenant.

At the same time, the beasts of the covenant countries will enjoy the blessing of the country's luck, and their strength will improve faster and stronger than the same kind of beasts in the countries without the covenant.

(Similar to the priesthood of mythical beasts in the Pokémon world, such as Kigard, who maintains ecology.)
After Hupa heard this, he looked curiously at the Heavenly King of Mongolia, and then at Lu Ze.

"Then, can I make a covenant with Ozawa?"

(End of this chapter)

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