Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 266 3rd Feather of the Sun and the Moon

Chapter 266 The Feather of the Three Suns and the Moon

Lu Ze:! ! !
King of Mongolia:! ! !
Crowd:! ! !
Steward of the Dragon Kingdom: (°°)

Although it was already dark, it still couldn't hide the smile on the steward's face.

Lu Ze also smiled at Hupa: "Of course, after all, the covenant can also be covenant with individuals."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, the Heavenly King of Meng couldn't help but explode. Just as he was about to reach out for the Poke Ball, he suddenly saw the eyes of Lu Xingguo and the others and glanced over coldly.

"The king of Mongolia, right? If you act irrationally at this time, I don't think Mongolia will mind that they lose a king."

The steward still looked at Hupa with a smile on his face, but the low-pitched threatening words clearly reached the ears of the Heavenly King of Mongolia.

The Heavenly King of Mongolia thought for a moment, if the people of Long Kingdom really killed him here, would the people of Mongolia take revenge for him?

Thinking of this, the Heavenly King of Mongolia shook his head bitterly. There is a high probability that it will not. Even if the Dragon Kingdom came to the border of Mongolia, but its form is stronger than people, how could it be possible to provoke an immeasurably powerful country for him?
What's more, although this powerful country is reluctant to admit it, the Dragon Kingdom is indeed one of the biggest umbrellas of the Mongolian Kingdom.

Avenging him would not only result in a beating, but also the loss of this protective umbrella. In this case, how to choose?Everyone knows how to choose.

The Heavenly King of Meng took a few steps back silently, and sat down on the ground. Why pursue something meaningless.

After seeing the interesting movements of the King of Mongolia, Lu Xingguo and the others nodded in satisfaction, and then turned their attention to Hupa.

"Really, then Hupa will make a covenant with Ozawa, but it will take a while. He said that I cannot covenant while I am grounded."

Hoopa's eyes lit up, and then as if he had thought of something, he shuddered all over, and told Lu Ze that he still needs to wait until the end of his confinement before making the covenant.

Lu Ze smiled and touched Hupa's head: "Then wait, I'm not in a hurry."

Hoopa squinted happily: "Is Ozawa's snack Hoopa still available?"

"Of course, we're friends, aren't we?"

"Hee hee, Ozawa is so nice~"

Hupa hugged Lu Ze's face and danced happily up and down.

Darkley on the side also showed a happy smile. He and Hoopa have known each other for a long time, and during the period when Hoopa was grounded, Darkley would visit him from time to time and lived with him for a long time. For a while, Darkrai could be said to be Hoopa's best friend.

Hoopa seldom showed this kind of smile because of being grounded. It was only occasionally when Darkley came back after going out for a while that Hoopa would show such a happy smile.

As Hupa's only good friend, Darkley couldn't help but mention Hupa's happiness when he saw Hupa made new friends.


"Darkley said, as a friend, you need something that you can contact him at any time, and this is for you. You can use this to contact me at any time, Hoopa~"

In a daze, Lu Ze took a black feather that Darkley handed him, and at the same time subconsciously checked the feather's information.

Item: Crescent Moon Feather
Function: After using, Darkrai can sense the user's position, and quickly reach the user's side through the shadow.

After seeing Lu Ze's subordinates accepting the gift he sent, Darkley smiled happily, but soon returned to his original aloof appearance.

"Uh, this, is this for me?" Lu Ze stammered a bit when he saw the three-sun moon feather that could be used to summon Darkrai.

Darkley didn't even look at Lu Ze, but nodded coldly, saying that's the way it is, please put it away.

Seeing Darkley like this, Lu Ze was not being polite, he just put away the feather of the three suns and the moon, and then smiled at Darkley: "Then I put it away, and I will treat you to delicious food next time." .”

As soon as Lu Ze said it was delicious, Darkley couldn't help but think of so much food in his dark hole, and his saliva almost couldn't help it.

After the matter of Hoopa and Darkley was resolved, Lu Xingguo and the others observed the beasts for a while, and then suggested that it was getting late and they had to go back.

In fact, Lu Xingguo didn't want to leave, after all, divine beasts don't just come and go.

But Lu Xingguo is not the kind of person who has no emotional intelligence. He also understands what is too much, so he also echoed the steward's words, saying that he still had something to do when he went back, so he left first.

After the two biggest ones said this, Su Qianyan, Mo Qiancheng and the others could not say anything more, so they followed Lu Xingguo and the others and walked out through the passage.


Just when Lu Ze greeted Hupa, Darkley, Mengmeng and Manafei, and were about to go out, the sleepy Victini woke up a little bit, so he wobbled towards Lu Ze flew over.


After Victini staggered into Lu Ze's arms, he let out a baby cry.

"Victini asked, can you leave Hoopa~"

The Hoopa translator is still very reliable, and it directly translated the meaning of Victini.

Lu Ze touched Victini's ear with a smile and said softly, "No, I'm going back too, otherwise someone will worry."


"Victini asked, when can I see you again, Hoopa~"

"Soon, how about this, when you finish traveling with Mengmeng and the others, how about you come to see me?"


Victini raised his head, looked at Lu Ze with teary eyes and yelled, the crying voice almost melted Lu Ze's heart.

"Victini said, you said last time that we would meet again, but you have never been found."

When Lu Ze heard this, he quickly comforted Victini: "The last time I went to the Guanyin Temple to look for you, you are no longer here, and I can't contact you."

"But it's fine now, if you're looking for me, you can come to Hoopa first, and let Hoopa bring me here."

When Hoopa heard this, he exclaimed excitedly: "Oh! It's totally okay, Hoopa~"

"Well, actually, I have a location tracker here, which can display the location and distance of both parties. Do you need it?"

At this time, a steward who was eating melons stood up, took out two ring-like things and said to Lu Ze and Victini.

Everyone was stunned, and turned their heads to look at the steward at the same time. Why do people carry such things with them when they go out?

Seeing that he had attracted the attention of Lu Ze and Victini, the steward directly stretched out the two small rings in his hands in front of them.

"It's very easy to operate. Do you see the button above? Press it and the screen will appear."

As the steward said, he pressed the small button on the ring, and suddenly, a light curtain appeared in the air, and two light spots were clearly visible on the map.

"Also, you can zoom in and zoom out."

As the steward said, he twisted the small button on the ring, and the map on the light curtain also began to zoom in and out.

(End of this chapter)

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