Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 269 The Coming Deoxys

Chapter 269 The Coming Deoxys
Soon, several people gathered together, sat on the sofa on the first floor, and began to wait for Lu Ze and Sui Yan to wake up.

They were really curious about how Lu Ze suddenly disappeared, and where did Lu Ze go after he disappeared, which caused him to come back this morning.

Several people waited and waited, and finally at almost noon, Lu Ze came out of the room yawning.

"Well, it's early."

After Lu Ze saw the people in the living room on the second floor, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted and greeted everyone.

"It's getting late, it's already noon. By the way, where did you go yesterday and you came back so late?" Su Tingxi couldn't help asking after seeing Lu Ze, he was really curious.

"Well, it's a long story, I'll talk about it later, let's eat first, and talk while eating." Seeing everyone's curiosity, Lu Ze rubbed his stomach helplessly before walking downstairs.

"What about Suiyan?"

"Still sleeping, do you want to wake him up?"

"Call it up, go to bed after dinner, is it a holiday?" Lu Ze scratched his head and asked Su Tingxi. He heard that there would be three days off after the freshman competition, but he was not sure.

"Well, three days off, and then a week of classes, it's the National Day." Su Tingxi nodded, and then saw Fugui rushing into the downstairs room directly, and then in Suiyan's exclamation, Fugui Then he walked out with a smile on his face.

"Hey, he's already up."

Lu Ze smiled. Although he didn't know what Fugui had done, but the decibels of Suiyan's screams suggested that he was not very friendly to Suiyan.

"Order takeaway, I don't want to do it."

"Okay, I want to eat charcoal grilled ribs."

Lu Ze nodded: "Okay, let's eat rice, and a big plate of chicken?"

"Okay, how about two green vegetables? How about hot and sour cabbage and braised eggplant?"

"Master, I want to eat preserved vegetables and braised pork!"

Lu Ze glanced at Fugui's belly with a smile: "Okay, I added it for you, what else?"

Tang Yunqin nodded her finger, basically one dish per person: "Then let's have some soup, how about hot and sour tripe soup."


"I'm OK."

"Lu Ze! I want to eat fish head with chopped pepper!"

"Okay! I added it to you! Come out!"

Sui Yan's roar came from the room, and Lu Ze also roared back, urging Sui Yan to get up quickly and stop staying in bed.

"Okay, the order is complete, and when the takeaway arrives, you take it first, I will go upstairs to wake them up, and then prepare their lunch."

"Okay, let's go."

After everyone waved their hands, they also started to prepare lunch for their elves. Their elves were released when they came in the morning. Fortunately, the student apartment in Shangqing University is big, otherwise it really can't fit So many elves.

"Wake up everyone, ready for lunch~" After entering the room, Lu Ze called out to the elves in the room.

Soon the fire-breathing dragon and the iron-clawed lobster got up, and then the electric shock monster also woke up, and walked to the pool of the iron-clawed lobster in a daze. After being sprayed with water by the iron-clawed lobster, it woke up. By the way, I washed my face with this little water.

After the three elves woke up, there are only two people who have trouble getting up, Snorkel and Mini Dragon.

Needless to say, the crossbat usually wakes up earlier than Lu Ze. Even if he went to bed late yesterday, he woke up when Lu Ze got up today, so now only the Kirby and the mini dragon are still sleeping caught.

"Snorbeast, there are delicious things."


When Kabimon heard that there was something delicious, he raised his head slightly and looked at Lu Ze beside the bed.

"Really, get up and get ready for lunch."


After watching the Snorlax get up, Lu Ze looked fondly at the miniature dragon who was sleeping soundly on the medium containing the energy core of Deoxys.

"Mini Dragon ~ Get up and have lunch first, how about we go to bed after eating ~"


The mini dragon slightly opened his eyes and glanced at Lu Ze, then shook his head slightly, and then closed his eyes again.

Lu Ze looked at the mini dragon helplessly: "That's not okay, you have to eat well."

With that said, Lu Ze hugged the miniature dragon off the culture medium.

"Deoxys, after you are born, you can eat."

After taking the mini dragon away, Lu Ze touched the medium again, and said to the Deoxys core in the medium.

Deoxys' energy core shook slightly in the culture medium, and then flashed twice at Lu Ze, as if responding to Lu Ze.

Some time ago, on the third day of the freshman competition, Lu Ze woke up in the morning and saw Deoxys' energy core light up slightly, and then realized that Deoxys seemed to be conscious.

So these days, he has been talking to Deoxys' energy core one after another, and Deoxys' energy core has indeed responded to him.

Now Lu Ze is very happy. If this phenomenon occurs, is Deoxys about to be born?

So Lu Ze began to insist on talking to Deoxys' energy core every day, and the nutrient solution in the culture medium was changed every three days from the original, to the current one more than once a day. This made Lu Ze even more convinced that Deoxys was about to be born.

But what Lu Ze didn't know was that the nutrient solution was not that important to Deoxys.

His real important energy sources are the three Arceus slabs under him and the waveguide energy carried by Lu Ze.

Only when Deoxys has the possibility of being born after absorbing these two kinds of energy, can he obtain energy from the nutrient solution again.

Otherwise, without the slate energy of Arceus and the waveguide energy of Lu Ze, just keep soaking him in the culture medium, no matter how long the soaking time is, Deoxys will not be able to convert the nutrients in the nutrient solution into the nutrients he was born with. energy required.

After watching Deoxys' energy core shake for a while, Lu Ze went downstairs with satisfaction holding the sleeping miniature dragon.

The Snorby was put into the elf ball by Lu Ze. After all, the stairs couldn't bear the weight of the Snorkel.

As for the others, the fire-breathing dragon went out and asked the big sister of the forked bat to come back for dinner, and the electric shock monster and the iron claw lobster followed Lu Ze downstairs.

In fact, as long as Lu Ze disperses the waveguide, the cross-bat will come back when he feels it, but every time the fire-breathing dragon insists on finding the cross-bat by himself, Lu Ze will no longer use the waveguide to summon the cross-bat .

Speaking of which, the reason why the fire-breathing dragon looks for the cross-bat every time is that after finding the cross-bat, on the way back together, the fire-breathing dragon will try to catch up with the cross-bat.

As a result, Lu Ze's fire-breathing dragon is now slightly faster than Sui Yan's fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon also discovered this, so every time he would happily call the forked bat to come back for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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