Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 270 Covenant and Conquest

Chapter 270 Covenant and Conquest

After going downstairs to prepare food for the elves, the miniature dragon woke up leisurely.


Looking at the drowsy miniature dragon in his arms, Lu Ze couldn't help but smile and said, "Wake up, get up and eat soon."


The miniature dragon raised its head, licked Lu Ze's face, and then came out of Lu Ze's arms.

Lu Ze wiped his face helplessly: "I really don't know where you learned this kind of operation."


The miniature dragon let out a happy cry and narrowed its eyes.

"Okay, let's eat."

After Lu Ze touched the tail of the mini dragon with a smile, he put the food prepared for the mini dragon on another table where they ate.

At this moment, the forked bat also came back from the outside, and then the fire-breathing dragon flew in panting.

"Come back, let's eat."


After the fire-breathing dragon roared, it strode to the table and began to gorge on the elf food that Lu Ze prepared for them.

The cross-word bat was not in a hurry to eat, but flew to Lu Ze's side, and after rubbing Lu Ze affectionately, he happily squinted his eyes and went to eat.

"They are delicious."

After Shan Shoulong heard this sentence, he froze for a moment, then looked up and saw the envious eyes of his own trainer, then turned around silently, turning his butt towards him.

Su Tingxi had no choice but to say, "I'm just talking, and I won't really compete with you for food."

Everyone laughed, but indeed, they came in the morning, and they didn't eat anything except for some snacks in the middle. If the takeaway can't be delivered, it's really hard for Su Tingxi to say whether he will follow Shan Shoulong Grab food (laughs).

It was said that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, and as soon as the laughter of the crowd died down, the doorbell rang outside.

"Hello, what's your takeaway?"

"Hmm, yes, thank you."

"You're welcome, I wish you a pleasant meal~"

"Come on, let's eat~" Lu Ze came in with a big bag of takeout and shouted to the crowd, and everyone consciously emptied the dining table, then took the takeaway from Lu Ze's hand and put it on the table.

"Go go go."

"Hurry up, I'm starving to death."

After talking, Fugui and Suiyan took a portion of rice each, and began to eat it with the dishes.

Lu Ze and the others smiled and started to move.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly disappear yesterday?"

After eating quietly for a while, Su Tingxi couldn't help his curiosity, so he asked Lu Ze directly.

"Oh, Hoopa fished me over."


"Cough cough cough, water, water!"

Everyone was shocked, why did they get involved with Hoopa again.

But this is not important, what is important is that everyone knows that if Fugui is not handed a glass of water, Fugui may be about to choke to death.

"I'll go, Hupa, what's going on." Fugui asked curiously after taking a sip of water and smoothing down the rice grains.

Lu Ze spread his hands, and started talking while eating. Soon, Lu Ze managed to tell all the things he experienced yesterday before finishing his meal.

"So, you were dragged by Hupala yesterday because of Victini?" Fugui asked in shock.

Su Tingxi waved his hand at Fugui: "Victini is not important, what is important is why there were so many mythical beasts yesterday."

"Victini is not important? It's like you've seen it before." Fugui immediately became upset, Victini, mythical beast, isn't this important?
As soon as Fugui said this, the scene fell silent instantly.

After a while, everyone nodded in Fugui's astonished eyes: "Well, we've all seen Victini."

"I've seen them all!?"

Fu Gui opened his mouth wide: "No, when did you guys meet each other, why haven't I seen it?"

Lu Ze smiled, and said to Fugui, "During the summer vacation, we not only met Victini, but also met Manafei together."


Fugui was completely helpless, he had seen the divine beast behind his back, but he hadn't seen it yet.

Seeing Fugui who was in a daze, Sui Yan also came up and said, "That's right, not only have I seen Manafei, but Lu Ze has also put Manafei in a poke ball."

"Also, subdued the beast??"

Fugui continued to be in a daze, the news he received at this moment had already burned the CPU of his brain.

After hearing Suiyan's words, not only Fugui was stunned, but Lu Ze was also stunned.

That's right, I seemed to have put Mana Fei into the poke ball at the time, so what about the poke ball now.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ze took out his mobile phone and called Dad Lu.

"Hey, Dad, after Manafei sent it over, where was the elf ball that contained Manafei?"

"The elf ball? The elf ball is at home, what's the matter?"

"Not destroyed?"

"Destroy what? Why destroy it? By the way, you saw Hoopa and Darkley last night. Do you have any information about them?"

Lu Ze didn't respond to Dad Lu, but hung up the phone directly. He is also a little absent-minded now. Manafei's elf ball has not been destroyed, which means that Manafei is now an elf with a trainer, and that The trainer seems to be him.

"Well, let me ask you a question, has anyone ever subdued a divine beast? The kind that was put into a poke ball."

"What nonsense are you talking about, there is no elf ball that can withstand... divine beasts... shit!"

Su Tingxi refuted Lu Ze disdainfully at first, but as he talked, he felt something was wrong.

Lu Ze, it seems that he really put Manafei into the elf ball. Obviously, he also thought of a certain possibility now.

"You, the elf ball that subdued Manafei, was not destroyed by Manafei?"

As soon as Su Tingxi said this, everyone's attention was immediately focused on Lu Ze.

"Well, it is."

Lu Ze nodded dumbfoundingly. It can be said that they all fell into a misunderstanding.

In their impression, the elf ball cannot withstand the power of the beast, but this newly researched luxury ball can.

But they really didn't think about it, because they, including Lu Ze himself, had the same idea.

They all thought that after Dad Lu sent Mana Fei there, Mana Fei would destroy the Poké Ball.

But what they didn't expect was that because Lu's mother was curious about Manafei's appearance, and Lu's father wanted to covet Manafei's data, so when he received Manafei, Lu's father released Manafei. Then Lu's father and Lu's mother carried Mana Fei along the way.

In this way, after arriving at the place, Manafei was immersed in the joy of seeing his friends, and Lu's parents and mothers were also happy because they had received the information about the beast, so everyone forgot the existence of the elf ball.

(End of this chapter)

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