Elf, but I'm a nurturer

Chapter 277 Slaughter!

Chapter 277 Slaughter!

"No problem. First of all, the electric dragon is different from other dragon spirits. The evolution cycle of the electric dragon is very short. Then, after the super evolution of the electric dragon, the resistance of the dragon attribute is acquired. It can face water, fire, and grass. The system is all resistance, although there is an extra weak fairy, but it is not a loss at all."

When Su Tingxi heard it, he immediately looked at Lu Ze with bright eyes: "Tell me carefully, let me understand more."

Among other things, the short evolutionary period alone has completely touched Su Tingxi's heart. After all, his Hakron has not yet evolved into a fast dragon.

"Okay." When Lu Ze saw Su Tingxi's state, he knew that he was moved by the evolutionary cycle.

However, Lu Ze didn't tell him that another condition for super evolution is intimacy, but if Su Tingxi really wants to choose Dianlong, he will definitely make it clear to Su Tingxi.

"Then, the super evolution will greatly increase the special attack, and will increase some physical attack, physical defense, etc., but the price is that the speed of the electric dragon will be slightly slower."

Su Tingxi waved his hand: "Small problem, Dianlong's speed is not fast, it doesn't matter if it is slower, what else?"

Lu Ze smiled. I'm afraid the young man can crush a large group of elves to death if he doesn't know the speed line a little more.

"There is also the super-evolved [Breakthrough] feature, which can effectively prevent the opponent's [Lightning Rod] feature."

"Similarly, the resistance of the electric dragon added by the super evolution to the electric dragon is not bad. The electric system plus the dragon system also have double resistance of flight, steel, water, fire, grass, etc., and the four types of electric system Double the resistance, which makes the super electric dragon even more resistant."

"In terms of attack, the electric type can also slightly interfere with the ice elves who are restraining the dragon type on the opposite side. After all, ice and water have not been separated since ancient times. It is also possible to get an electric dragon with two knives. You can also bring a [Flame Fist] Attack pure ice elves."

"However, the disadvantage is that it is the biggest nemesis to the dragon type. There is not much to do with the fairy type, but you have poisonous algae dragon, which can avoid this disadvantage to a certain extent."

"Similarly, if electric dragons are added to the team, there will be an additional option for super evolution. After all, super evolution has a CD. After the entire team battles, basically only one elf can super evolve, so you just choose There are more options."

After hearing this, Su Tingxi thought about it carefully, then raised his head and looked at Lu Ze.

"Okay, then I'll choose an electric dragon."

Lu Ze looked at Su Tingxi with a smile: "Don't think about it any more, Dianlong is not the best choice."

Su Tingxi looked at Lu Ze with some resentment: "You did the same thing last time, but as soon as I hesitated, the coconut egg tree disappeared."

"Okay, okay, if you want to choose, choose quickly, don't look at me like this, it's a pervert."

Lu Ze waved his hands in disgust, and quickly moved away from Su Tingxi.

"Hey, okay."

Su Tingxi was happy, and then happily hugged the elf egg of the Mali sheep that Lu Ze was optimistic about.

Elf: Mali Sheep

gender: female

Attribute: Electric

Feature: Static electricity (When the elf touches, there is a 30.00% chance to paralyze the opponent.)
Qualification: Orange

Basic Skills: Impact, Scream

Genetic Skills: Electric Grid, Healing Bell, Iron Tail, Signal Beam.

"Hey, my team is almost complete, and now there is only one left."

Seeing Su Tingxi's silly look, Lu Ze asked with some doubts: "Are you planning to get your team together today?"

"Of course." Su Tingxi replied decisively, but immediately lost his confidence: "It depends on luck, it's best if you can, and forget it if you can't."

"Okay." Lu Ze nodded, and then looked at the others: "Do you think so too?"

Fugui smiled cheerfully: "If it is possible, of course it will be fine."

Lu Ze nodded, and then looked at Tang Yunqin.

"For me, I still want that beautiful elf you mentioned."

"Okay, let's take a look later, if it doesn't work, go to my mother's, she has a few more."

When Tang Yunqin heard it, she didn't know what to think, and she blushed on the spot: "Ah? And go to Auntie's?"

However, Lu Ze was not looking at him, but turned to You Yuyou and Yin Hanling.

Seeing that Lu Ze ignored him, Tang Yunqin rolled her eyes in displeasure, and cursed inwardly, "Hmph, sure enough my sister is right, you are a straight man!"

Lu Ze didn't know Tang Yunqin's careful thoughts, and he didn't even understand what Tang Yunqin said just now.
"what about you?"

Yin Hanling looked at You Yuyou, and after You Yuyou nodded, Yin Hanling said
"It depends on the situation. Ghost-type elves are quite rare, and we have no plans to gather a team today."

After looking around, Lu Ze nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, I'll try to find some suitable ones for you, but if I really can't find them, I can't help it."

"But the worst thing is to get one for each person. After all, the next semester will be full of battles. Time waits for no one."

"OK, no problem."



"Hey, I've already completed the minimum goal, and it's up to you, Lu Ze, next."

Lu Ze gave Su Tingxi a cold look: "Okay, but whether I can find the second elf or not, I'm going to eat Yandi Sichuan cuisine today."

"Hiss~" Su Tingxi took a breath: "Brother? Are you so ruthless?"

Lu Ze smiled: "Hmph, you're just a local tyrant, of course I'm going to kill you, don't you think so?"

"I agree!"

"I have no opinion."

"Hey, I'll call Sui Yan later."

Su Tingxi glared at Fu Gui who spoke at the end. Damn it, Sichuan cuisine, which is already expensive, now needs one more person.

Yandi Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most high-end Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Longguo, and the consumption is also very expensive, especially here in Shangjing. It is said that the chefs there are often invited to cook state banquets, so it is very delicious.

"Okay! No problem, isn't it just a meal for Emperor Yan, I treat you!"

In the end, Su Tingxi gritted his teeth and accepted, it was no big deal, it was nothing more than a month's pocket money.

"Haha, okay, once you say that, my motivation will immediately rise, let's continue to look down."

After Lu Ze patted Su Tingxi's shoulder with a smile, he swaggered and looked down.

Sui Yan was usually standing by to block the gun, but now that Sui Yan is gone, how could Lu Ze let go of the opportunity to kill Su Tingxi.

"Hey? Wait, this elf egg?"

Suddenly, Lu Ze stopped and carefully looked at the elf eggs with brown cloud patterns on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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